In looking back over my life and all of it's over a half-century of experience. I do not believe black racism is something people are born with. I spent my younger years in the 1960's and 1970's. I went to First Grade in a small town in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia in 1965. The height of the Civil Rights movement in America. But, as a child, I truly saw no division drawn by racism in my own personal life.
The first kid I met and became friends with in my life introduction to the public school system. Was a black boy named Andy. I never remember thinking he was black. I just remember we liked the same things, same toys, same jokes, same everything. A person is not defined by the color of their skin, even a young child recognizes that. We connect with fellow humans through the person we recognize through their eyes. The windows to their souls.
I remember housekeepers who sometimes brought their young child or children with them to play with us. As they worked on cleaning our or our neighbor's homes. We played together, laughed together, shared secrets together, shared thoughts of what our futures, "when I grow up," were as we saw them. When Andy said he wanted to be a fireman when he grew up. He wasn't being an "Uncle Tom," "Oreo," "not black enough" or looking at life "whitey's way." He was just a young American kid, like every other young American kid. Thinking about what adult career he thought would be fun, rewarding and something he wanted to be.
I remember being excited at my Grandmother's house, when her black housekeeper was going to bring over her grandchildren to play with us. While she did her work.
I remember riding my bike through Shantytown where most of the black community lived. On my way to buy two used tractor trailer truck inner-tubes. That I could take home and patch so they didn't leak. Then drill holes in a piece of plywood around the circumference of the inner tubes laid below the plywood. To run rope through and around the inner tubes, tie off the attached inner tubes for a river raft. To float down the South river. That was probably a three mile bike ride, I had to be between 6 and 8 years old, because I was 8 when I moved to Virginia Beach.
I wasn't scared riding my bike through the black neighborhood. I didn't see angry black people wanting to beat me up. I saw black kids playing, smiling, waving, stopping me to talk. I saw black mothers hanging clothes on their clothes lines, waving, smiling at me, as I did so in return. I got an occasional, "Now boys, you be careful now. There are a lot of big trucks down that road." Black mothers smiling and waving, looking out for my own safety. I never remember thinking they were poor. They didn't reflect an attitude that they were poor or anything less than I was. It was just all people, colorless, exhibiting good people qualities and common shared values.
I was raised singing, "Jesus loves the little children. All the children of the world red, brown, yellow, black and white. They are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world." I'm sure those black children were raised singing the same thing. What positive valued parent would promote racial division to their own children, instill "you are not as good as them," in their own children? I never remember hearing racially divisive rhetoric in my young years of life. I never remember feeling any fear of black people nor looking down on them. We were just all people. I believe our common faith in Christianity for the most part, as a society served unity. Because, we shared those common values which defined our lives and how we lived as people, regardless of color.
While I was living in that colorblind world, the same as I saw other black people interacting with me. Reflecting a colorblind world overall. A world away in Washington, the Democrat party was filibustering in Congress against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, to deny black people Civil Rights in America.
In THAT time in American history the black community leadership was Martin Luther King, Jr. Who was an all positive energy black community leader. He didn't promote violence. He didn't promote harsh racial rhetoric. He didn't promote hatred towards others. He didn't promote, "you can never get ahead." He didn't promote government handouts for his people to make them weaker, instead of stronger. He promoted racial equality, NOT racial division! Like we see black community leaders of today do.
It's truly unfortunate that Martin Luther King was murdered. Because, were he alive today? I truly believe there would be no racial division in America. Because, he would be the supreme black community leader and his message was never, "you can't because you are black," but, "you can, because you are just like everybody else." Martin Luther King would have never supported people like Al Sharpton or the Black Panthers or even the modern day N.A.A.C.P.. Because, they are on the exact opposite side of his own displayed personal values, beliefs, speeches, writings and perspectives of America and what being black in America is all about. He would have spoken against those in the black community who choose to loot, riot and burn down things. Rather than justify those actions like so many black community leaders of today.
I remember after moving to Virginia Beach. Shifting my public school education to Virginia Beach starting in the Fourth grade. I had many black kids in my class. Again, we all were friends. We liked the same things, same jokes, same toys, same sports. We laughed together, smiled together, got in trouble together, played together. I still saw nothing but unity between the black and white kids in school.
In Junior High School, the same thing. I was involved in the school sports programs, Football, Wrestling and Track. We were all just one big group of colorless kids, working together, talking about life together, talking about girls together. Enjoying, appreciating and respecting each other in true sincere friendship of depth. Some of my best friends in school that I appreciated the most there were black kids I did sports with. We didn't hang out after school. But, I think we just all saw that as we lived in different communities. So, we weren't in close proximity to hang out.
But, when I got to High School. When Jesse Jackson was at the helm of black community leadership. Is when I remember the first sting of racism. That's when my black friends got all wrapped up on "black power," etc.. I remember probably my closest black friend just crushing my heart one day in high school. When I went up to him smiling and patted him on his back to talk to him. He looked at me and said, "I can't hang out with you because you are white and I am black." Then he totally dissed me. That really, really hurt me deeply. Life had forever changed in how I would see things. Not by white on black racism, but black on white racism. I had never rejected any of those black kids as my friends, because they were black. They were rejecting me, because I was white.
Music was the only place I saw true sincerity of friendship across the color lines during my high school years. Which in my life and own personal experience were lines that had been drawn by blacks against whites, not whites against blacks. Whereas, looking back to my younger childhood days. I can recognize that the prevailing prevalence of the Christian religion on American society. Created a bond of common system of personal values and appreciations that seemed to have bridged the color gap. In how myself and my black friends saw no defining differences between ourselves. Because, in our souls we shared the same personal values, understanding of moral character, etc.. Music, as it's own religion did the same thing. Music, in my opinion, is a religion. A common ground sharing of values, appreciations, mutual respect.
During my high school years. The only time I felt a presence of complete racial unity and harmony, as opposed to racial division, was when sharing music with black friends. It was odd. Because, with those black friends I played music with? During the actual times we were playing music together? We were operating in a sincere, heartfelt, appreciative, respectful colorblind friendship through our shared "religion" of music. But, when we encountered each other outside of those music moments, like in school? Things went right back to "you are white and I am black," not from me, but, from them. Even those who tried to carry one a publicly visible friendship outside of the shared music experience realm. It seemed they were trying to share a sincere friendship, but were uncomfortable doing so openly. For fear their other black friends might see them smiling, laughing enjoying my "white" company, as a friend.
In everyday life throughout my public education system experience. I never personally, saw or experienced, white on black rejection, because of skin color. But, only black on white rejection, because of skin color.
In college, life seemed more segregated. There wasn't a huge black community at my college. The only time I remember feeling any sense of prevalence of racism during my college years. Was when I was waiting to talk to my college counselor about scheduling my next year of classes. As I was sitting waiting for my turn to see the counselor. There was a black kid, gloating about how he had qualified, because of his skin color, for and been given $2,000 more in financial aid grants than he actually needed to pay for his classes. More money than he actually needed to pay for his tuition and he was going to use the extra $2,000 to buy a good car. Which at that time would have bought a pretty decent car. While I was sitting there with no car and feeling, "there is something terribly wrong with this situation." He did look at me and make some snide remark like, "Don't you wish you could get this?" I did feel a sense of resentment.
Then once I was out of college and on my own. Supporting myself, working for myself, creating my own self-employed career. Things seemed to come back to a color blind world in my every day life. The black kids who hung out at places I played, mostly college bars at that time. Were in college, trying to get ahead just like the white kids. Blacks could crack innocent white people jokes, and whites could crack innocent black people jokes and both sides laughed. Nobody got offended. I felt no sense of racial division in my everyday life. I had good friends I developed whom were black and I believe they saw me in the same light, even though I was white. We were all just people, colorless, out in the world trying to make our name, careers, futures. To be able to buy homes, cars, raise families, etc..
Today? I still see my life in that place I found after college once entering the real world. Trying to make my way, raise and educate my family, just like everybody else, regardless of color.
It really hasn't been until Obama came along, elected by an obvious color blind American society. In the fact that he got elected in the first place. That I've felt a strong sense of racial division prevalent around me in my life. ALL of it driven by Obama, Holder, Liberals, Democrats. I truly was blown away the first time I was called a racist, by a Liberal/Democrat. For simply disagreeing with an Obama policy. Which I would have felt the exact same way about if Obama were white. I don't even think about Obama as being black. The only people who seem to focus on Obama's color are Liberals/Democrats themselves. As a tool to try to make people feel like if they disagree with Obama or Holder's political policies. Then they are some horrid moral character person, because Obama and Holder are black.
The Liberals/Democrats have been using race for six years. To try and force people to accept things being forced upon their own lives, freedoms, liberties, rights. Which they fundamentally disagree with on principles of those things. Yet, are accused of disagreeing on those things, based on pure skin color. To try and force people to accept things against their own will, that they see as hurtful to their own lives.
In the last six years, after having lived a half century in America in the black and white experience? The racism imposed by Liberal/Democrats in our society as tool of division, "divide and conquer" upon our society? Is the greatest period of time in my life of having to experience, black and white, division in American society.
Liberalism and the Democratic party are the most prevalent purveyors of racism. I have experienced in my whole life. When you use someone's skin color as a tool to try and further your own agenda, place of power through pitting races against each other? You are the most demonic racists that could ever possibly exist.
I truly hope the black community one day wakes up and sees. How those who claim to care about them the most, Liberals/Democrats, are their own greatest enemy holding them back in their own personal successes and achievements in our America of today.
It's the same Democrats who owned the plantations of the Old South. Who refused to allow blacks to get a good education, to think they ever had a chance of making it on their own. To keep them compliant as slaves under the thumb of their Democrat masters, plantation owners. It's the same Democrats that formed and perpetuated black hatred through the Ku Klux Klan. It's the same Democrats that filibustered to keep blacks from being allowed Civil Rights by law. Its the same Democrats that today try to deny blacks better education to provide them self-empowerment. Through trying to keep out of black communities, charter schools and school voucher programs. Which allow blacks better quality education programs to allow their children to self-empower, self-elevation out of poverty and ghetto communities.
It's the same Democrats, who once owned the slave plantations of the south. Who today, try to keep America's blacks from feeling they have a chance to make it on their own. By creating government entitlement programs to support the blacks, so they will feel they cannot make it on their own. Nothing has changed and nothing ever will change in America as far as blacks getting ahead as a whole race. As long as they adhere to and believe. Those who keep them from self-empowerment are truly not looking out for them, or advancing them as a race.
Those same Democrats that 150 years ago, did everything they could. To keep blacks from leaving the Democrat owned plantations of the old south, by denying them quality education, hope, self-empowerment. For the exact same reasons we see those Democrats doing the same today! Because, if the blacks figured out they didn't have to depend on the Plantations of the old south for food, clothing and a roof over their head? The same as if the blacks of TODAY figure out they don't have to depend on the Democrat government entitlement "Plantations" of today for food, clothing and a roof over their heads? Then the Democrat party will cease to exist, be destroyed as a powerful force of power and control over the black community. The exact same way the old Plantations of the south did.
Once blacks are encouraged to be independent, become well-educated, believe in themselves, feel hope, know personal opportunity is out there daily available to them too? Build their own individual better places in life? They will no longer see the need for the Democrat party and recognize the true demoralizing impact of the Democrat party, on their race and it's advancement, throughout the Democrat party's existence in America.
By them taking advantage of the American Dream which has been achieved by so many black Americans of today. The same black American Dream achievers in today's society. That today's black community leaders, Liberals, Democrats call "Uncle Toms," "Oreos," "not black enough." For simply refusing to stay on the Democrat plantations. Whether in the days of Democrat oppression of blacks 150 years ago, purposely kept "in their places" through no sense of ability in self-empowerment... for the odds were stacked against them... BY DEMOCRATS! Or TODAY'S Democrat oppression of blacks purposely kept "in their places" through no sense of hope in ability for self-empowerment... for the odds are stacked against them... BY DEMOCRATS!!
That's a half century of watching it all and taking it all in, through a lifetime of experience, and living a life in America.
The Democrat party has been the most racially oppressive entity in American history towards the black community, in the whole history of our nation. Until the black community finally recognizes the sins of the Democrat party's whole history upon their race as a whole? Nothing will ever change for them in positive, individual, self-empowerment ways as members of a race in America. They will continue to remain with the odds stacked against them, in their own mentality. Purposely, imposed upon them, by their own leaders. It's a down right shame. It's a down right crime of humanity.
The blacks who were brought to America as slaves. Were sold into slavery to be sent to America by other powerful and greedy blacks in Africa, their original homeland. Other's of their own race, who saw the money they could make and the power they could acquire. By selling out their own race of people into slavery. The black community leaders of today are no different.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Monday, November 17, 2014
Will the American Democratic Party continue to run down the road to ruin. Or will they see the light and redeem themselves?
The Democratic party needs to do some serious soul searching, fairly fast. If it wants to continue forward with any visible level of integrity and credibility as a viable political party in the majority of American's eyes. Allowing itself to once again be seen as a "party of the people." As opposed to "the party of Obama."
It's undeniable fact that the Democrat party's history of being the "party of Obama" has cost them everything in power, integrity and credibility. To know this all you have to do is look at the midterm elections. When they are running as a party without Obama on the ticket. Let's look back over the last six years with the Democrat party taking on the role of "the party of Obama." They started, as a party with total control of Congress. They controlled both the House of Representatives and the Senate, called a Super Majority. Now after six years of their support of Obama's policies, actions, proven dishonesty, deceit, etc.? The Democrat party has lost all control of power in Washington politics, outside of Obama.
Obama is not the Democrat party and it appears the majority of Americans recognize this. Because, when Obama is not on the ticket, Democrats are voted out in droves. They have been reduced in power in the House of Representatives to a level not seen in almost 100 years, a century... since 1928.
Why? What is their sin in the eyes of the majority of the American people? Well considering in the two midterm elections where they got slaughtered in both 2010 and 2014? Their sin in the eyes of the majority of American voters is their 95% plus allegiance in supporting Obama's policies, actions, regulations and defending his dishonesty, lies and deceit.
There is a unique political dynamic in this current chapter of our country. Which in fact IS Obama's race, to his advantage and Democrats disadvantage. As crazy as it seems. I know people who have voted FOR Obama in two elections, yet voted AGAINST Democrats when Obama was not on the ballot.
What could possibly explain such an oxymoronic voting mentality? When they are voting in elections where Obama as a person is on the ballot? They don't want to vote against a black man, because they don't want to feel racist. BUT, in the midterms elections when Obama is not on the ballot? They vote AGAINST Democrats because they support Obama's policies 95% plus, of the time they vote in Congress. Look at the history here. In 2008 the majority votes for the man, black man, Obama; in 2010 the majority vote against Democrats... Obama's policies; in 2012 the majority votes for the man, black man, Obama; in 2014 the majority votes against Democrats... Obama's policies. See what I'm talking about?
I'm a person who believes that we do need two viable credible political parties to keep a healthy balance in government. Which allows push back to some degree against either party on their respective bills. Because, this forces them to find a way together to squeeze out something positive for the American people. That which they squeeze out between the two of them. Is ultimately going to be policy that positively effects ALL Americans. Which is the whole purpose for the Federal government in the first place.
I've heard people talk about the need for three political parties. I've thought a lot about it myself. However, the problem is? In almost every election that would occur? The winner of the election would have a majority of the American people whom voted against the winner. Which will not make for a good healthy situation for the American people. Because, we would always be forced to live in a strong political discourse environment. Because, the winner of a three party election would rarely if ever, have been voted into office by a majority of the American people as a whole. So, we really have no choice to but operate within a two party system. Which will always ultimately end in an election determined by the majority of the American people as a whole.
People whom have chosen to vote for third party candidates in recent elections? Although, I understand their frustrations driving that vote. Their vote ultimately went to the worst of the two evils they saw running in the two party system. In essence they voted against themselves. Which ultimately helped no one, including themselves.
The only hope the Democratic party has in rehabilitating itself and redeeming it's destroyed image by Obama and Obama's policies. Is to once again show themselves and prove themselves to be a "party of the people," not "a party of Obama." The only way they can do that is to vote against Obama's agendas when necessary for the good of the American people as a whole. As it stands, it appears that the Democratic party has been sucked into something self-destructive they do not know how to work their way out of. But, they can. They have to show the American people that they listen to the voices of the American people, as a whole. Not that they listen to the voice of Obama at the costs of the voices of their own constituents.
If the Republican leadership, completely handed over to the Republican party, by the Democrats. Passes a bill that Democrats in their own silence inside of them actually can support. Then puts that bill on Obama's desk, which he vetoes? That's when the Democrats can show they are a "party of the people," not just a "party of Obama." By joining with the Republicans to create a presidential veto override majority to pass that bill into law, against Obama's wishes.
The Republicans really did not win total power over Congress. The Democrats gave total power over Congress to the Republicans. The Republicans did not win that place of power because the majority of the American people wanted the Republicans to win based on great ideas and merit. The truth is that the Democrats lost their own place of power. Due to their continual 95% plus Congressional support of Obama's policies, and approaches.
The majority of Democrat voters DO believe we are a nation of laws. They DO NOT support Obama's lawless un-Constitutional abuse of his Executive Branch authority through his Executive Orders to make law. The American people do not want American laws made by Executive Order, against our Constitutional government structure and process. But, laws created by votes cast by those they elected to represent their voices in the only body of government authorized to make law, Congress. A president is not guaranteed to get everything he wants passed into law. That's why we have a government structure as we do, of power checks and balances. So, no one sole person can make law to impose on all citizens. Plenty of democrats understand that and respect that.
The Democrat party needs to recognize the obvious that is going on here. Voiced through these midterm elections. Where they are voted out in droves, because of their consistent and continual allegiance and support of Obama's policies. Which ultimately shows, they are not voting against Democrats, but they are voting against Obama's policies.
There was a time when both political parties had ethics, morals, values... lines they would not cross in defying some common ground line of human decency. But, I believe Obama's political style of divisive politics and "moral relevancy." Has completely destroyed the ultimate low line of personal integrity both parties once understood you don't cross. A line that had existed for the overall good of the American people and visible integrity and health of either and both parties and the whole American political landscape.
Lies, deceit, moral corruption, purposeful fraud all served against the American people should never be adopted wholesale by any political party. As we have seen the Democrat party do for the sake of a President that does not possess the value to serve positive enough for them selling out their integrity and credibility to support him. At the cost the Democrat party has paid to embrace Obama's political style, tools, ethics and lawlessness. Which I and am sure many, many Americans, including Democrats, see as below the line of acceptability.
It's undeniable fact that the Democrat party's history of being the "party of Obama" has cost them everything in power, integrity and credibility. To know this all you have to do is look at the midterm elections. When they are running as a party without Obama on the ticket. Let's look back over the last six years with the Democrat party taking on the role of "the party of Obama." They started, as a party with total control of Congress. They controlled both the House of Representatives and the Senate, called a Super Majority. Now after six years of their support of Obama's policies, actions, proven dishonesty, deceit, etc.? The Democrat party has lost all control of power in Washington politics, outside of Obama.
Obama is not the Democrat party and it appears the majority of Americans recognize this. Because, when Obama is not on the ticket, Democrats are voted out in droves. They have been reduced in power in the House of Representatives to a level not seen in almost 100 years, a century... since 1928.
Why? What is their sin in the eyes of the majority of the American people? Well considering in the two midterm elections where they got slaughtered in both 2010 and 2014? Their sin in the eyes of the majority of American voters is their 95% plus allegiance in supporting Obama's policies, actions, regulations and defending his dishonesty, lies and deceit.
There is a unique political dynamic in this current chapter of our country. Which in fact IS Obama's race, to his advantage and Democrats disadvantage. As crazy as it seems. I know people who have voted FOR Obama in two elections, yet voted AGAINST Democrats when Obama was not on the ballot.
What could possibly explain such an oxymoronic voting mentality? When they are voting in elections where Obama as a person is on the ballot? They don't want to vote against a black man, because they don't want to feel racist. BUT, in the midterms elections when Obama is not on the ballot? They vote AGAINST Democrats because they support Obama's policies 95% plus, of the time they vote in Congress. Look at the history here. In 2008 the majority votes for the man, black man, Obama; in 2010 the majority vote against Democrats... Obama's policies; in 2012 the majority votes for the man, black man, Obama; in 2014 the majority votes against Democrats... Obama's policies. See what I'm talking about?
I'm a person who believes that we do need two viable credible political parties to keep a healthy balance in government. Which allows push back to some degree against either party on their respective bills. Because, this forces them to find a way together to squeeze out something positive for the American people. That which they squeeze out between the two of them. Is ultimately going to be policy that positively effects ALL Americans. Which is the whole purpose for the Federal government in the first place.
I've heard people talk about the need for three political parties. I've thought a lot about it myself. However, the problem is? In almost every election that would occur? The winner of the election would have a majority of the American people whom voted against the winner. Which will not make for a good healthy situation for the American people. Because, we would always be forced to live in a strong political discourse environment. Because, the winner of a three party election would rarely if ever, have been voted into office by a majority of the American people as a whole. So, we really have no choice to but operate within a two party system. Which will always ultimately end in an election determined by the majority of the American people as a whole.
People whom have chosen to vote for third party candidates in recent elections? Although, I understand their frustrations driving that vote. Their vote ultimately went to the worst of the two evils they saw running in the two party system. In essence they voted against themselves. Which ultimately helped no one, including themselves.
The only hope the Democratic party has in rehabilitating itself and redeeming it's destroyed image by Obama and Obama's policies. Is to once again show themselves and prove themselves to be a "party of the people," not "a party of Obama." The only way they can do that is to vote against Obama's agendas when necessary for the good of the American people as a whole. As it stands, it appears that the Democratic party has been sucked into something self-destructive they do not know how to work their way out of. But, they can. They have to show the American people that they listen to the voices of the American people, as a whole. Not that they listen to the voice of Obama at the costs of the voices of their own constituents.
If the Republican leadership, completely handed over to the Republican party, by the Democrats. Passes a bill that Democrats in their own silence inside of them actually can support. Then puts that bill on Obama's desk, which he vetoes? That's when the Democrats can show they are a "party of the people," not just a "party of Obama." By joining with the Republicans to create a presidential veto override majority to pass that bill into law, against Obama's wishes.
The Republicans really did not win total power over Congress. The Democrats gave total power over Congress to the Republicans. The Republicans did not win that place of power because the majority of the American people wanted the Republicans to win based on great ideas and merit. The truth is that the Democrats lost their own place of power. Due to their continual 95% plus Congressional support of Obama's policies, and approaches.
The majority of Democrat voters DO believe we are a nation of laws. They DO NOT support Obama's lawless un-Constitutional abuse of his Executive Branch authority through his Executive Orders to make law. The American people do not want American laws made by Executive Order, against our Constitutional government structure and process. But, laws created by votes cast by those they elected to represent their voices in the only body of government authorized to make law, Congress. A president is not guaranteed to get everything he wants passed into law. That's why we have a government structure as we do, of power checks and balances. So, no one sole person can make law to impose on all citizens. Plenty of democrats understand that and respect that.
The Democrat party needs to recognize the obvious that is going on here. Voiced through these midterm elections. Where they are voted out in droves, because of their consistent and continual allegiance and support of Obama's policies. Which ultimately shows, they are not voting against Democrats, but they are voting against Obama's policies.
There was a time when both political parties had ethics, morals, values... lines they would not cross in defying some common ground line of human decency. But, I believe Obama's political style of divisive politics and "moral relevancy." Has completely destroyed the ultimate low line of personal integrity both parties once understood you don't cross. A line that had existed for the overall good of the American people and visible integrity and health of either and both parties and the whole American political landscape.
Lies, deceit, moral corruption, purposeful fraud all served against the American people should never be adopted wholesale by any political party. As we have seen the Democrat party do for the sake of a President that does not possess the value to serve positive enough for them selling out their integrity and credibility to support him. At the cost the Democrat party has paid to embrace Obama's political style, tools, ethics and lawlessness. Which I and am sure many, many Americans, including Democrats, see as below the line of acceptability.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Liberals, Democrats, laugh and balk at the idea of the Islamic State's promise to one day raise their flag over America's Capital. YET, if not for the brave every day Americans, NOT the government, on flight 93, over Pennsylvania, who took that jet down? Our Capital would have been reduced to rubble and ash!!!
Liberalism, Democrats, in NOT including sealing our southern border their "strategy" announced by Obama last night to fight and protect us from Radical Islam... which THEIR Secretary of Defense defined as our greatest homeland vulnerability, National Security risk, in being attacked by Radical Islam!!! Seem to be handing Radical Islam the KEY to our Capital!!
It only took NINETEEN Radical Islamic Terrorists to take down our Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, our Pentagon and if not for brave every day Americans... our Capital!!!
NOVEMBER!!! NOVEMBER!!! NOVEMBER!!! We MUST vote out the Democrats from Congress (House & Senate) to be able to create an overwhelming majority of NON-Democrats. To be able to override a Presidential veto of any effort Congress (House & Senate) tries to make in new laws to protect our country against Radical Islam!!!
It only took NINETEEN Radical Islamic Terrorists to take down our Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, our Pentagon and if not for brave every day Americans... our Capital!!!
NOVEMBER!!! NOVEMBER!!! NOVEMBER!!! We MUST vote out the Democrats from Congress (House & Senate) to be able to create an overwhelming majority of NON-Democrats. To be able to override a Presidential veto of any effort Congress (House & Senate) tries to make in new laws to protect our country against Radical Islam!!!
Unfortunately, I have to say what a waste of time watching Obama's speech was last night (September 10 2014). This president terrifies me more every time he makes a speech. Especially, considering he gave THIS speech on the eve of 9/11. A day when America has been attacked and Americans have been murdered by Radical Islam, TWICE. Killing 3,000 Americans in the 2001 Radical Islam attack and 4 Americans in the 2012 Radical Islam attack! The Obama Administration did not INCREASE security on the 9/11 attack killing Americans in Benghazi, but DECREASED security on the anniversary of the most significant attack ever on Innocent Americans by an enemy. I was hoping I would not feel that way. But, until our president can admit to us, what we already know ourselves, that he actually understands our enemy and what makes them so incredibly dangerous? I don't see how this speech could make anyone feel safe.
Is it not glaringly that 70% of Americans polled want to be protected from Islamic Terrorism HERE at HOME, in AMERICA?? That they want to hear about the NEW measures being instituted HERE IN AMERICA to make sure we have done everything POSSIBLE to protect OUR OWN domestic citizens from glaring National Security risks to Islamic Terrorism?? Like the OBVIOUS protecting our southern border with Mexico. Which Obama's OWN Secretary of Defense states is our greatest domestic National Security threat in attacks from the Islamic State, Islamic Terrorists.
When the President defies the OBVIOUS understanding of who our enemy is? Obama, "They are NOT Islamic!" This enemy IS Islamic Obama, they are dangerous religious fanatics who willingly and wantingly will die for their cause! It's their greatest place of honor to die for their cause! They will never surrender! They brutally murder or they die trying to brutally murder, in the name of their God, Allah. Their God who told them that once they converted the whole world to Islam, and murdered those who refused to convert? He would return to them and they would live a 1,000 years of peace. THAT'S NOT A RELIGIOUS WAR??
Obama, just SHOW the American People that you actually KNOW who our enemy IS! What makes them so fanatically dangerous! You don't have to slam Islam! We'd be happy if you just said, "These are religious fanatics who hijacked a religion. They are extremely dangerous, there is no brutality they won't participate in, there goal is to destroy us as a nation and people, they are relentless and will never stop trying. So WE have to stop them."
They are NOT Islamic, Obama? Do you hear Putin saying he's invading Ukraine to form a Caliphate?? Do you hear Putin saying, "I'm waging Jihad on Ukraine?? You don't have to slam Islam Obama. You can just say, "These are religious fanatics who hijacked a religion they are willing to die for."
The Islamic State is only ONE division of the Military of our enemy, which IS Radical Islam! Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeda, etc. are just different divisions of the Military of our ONE single enemy! Radical Islam! The Muslim Brotherhood, Obama's buddies, is the political division of our ONE single enemy! Radical Islam! Are you getting this Obama? Because, I think your nation's citizens are!
Is it not glaringly that 70% of Americans polled want to be protected from Islamic Terrorism HERE at HOME, in AMERICA?? That they want to hear about the NEW measures being instituted HERE IN AMERICA to make sure we have done everything POSSIBLE to protect OUR OWN domestic citizens from glaring National Security risks to Islamic Terrorism?? Like the OBVIOUS protecting our southern border with Mexico. Which Obama's OWN Secretary of Defense states is our greatest domestic National Security threat in attacks from the Islamic State, Islamic Terrorists.
When the President defies the OBVIOUS understanding of who our enemy is? Obama, "They are NOT Islamic!" This enemy IS Islamic Obama, they are dangerous religious fanatics who willingly and wantingly will die for their cause! It's their greatest place of honor to die for their cause! They will never surrender! They brutally murder or they die trying to brutally murder, in the name of their God, Allah. Their God who told them that once they converted the whole world to Islam, and murdered those who refused to convert? He would return to them and they would live a 1,000 years of peace. THAT'S NOT A RELIGIOUS WAR??
Obama, just SHOW the American People that you actually KNOW who our enemy IS! What makes them so fanatically dangerous! You don't have to slam Islam! We'd be happy if you just said, "These are religious fanatics who hijacked a religion. They are extremely dangerous, there is no brutality they won't participate in, there goal is to destroy us as a nation and people, they are relentless and will never stop trying. So WE have to stop them."
They are NOT Islamic, Obama? Do you hear Putin saying he's invading Ukraine to form a Caliphate?? Do you hear Putin saying, "I'm waging Jihad on Ukraine?? You don't have to slam Islam Obama. You can just say, "These are religious fanatics who hijacked a religion they are willing to die for."
The Islamic State is only ONE division of the Military of our enemy, which IS Radical Islam! Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeda, etc. are just different divisions of the Military of our ONE single enemy! Radical Islam! The Muslim Brotherhood, Obama's buddies, is the political division of our ONE single enemy! Radical Islam! Are you getting this Obama? Because, I think your nation's citizens are!
When a president comes out and says the Islamic State which states... along with all the other Military divisions of our enemy, Radical Islam, sworn to destroy Western Civilization... it fights, Jihad, in the name of Allah is not driven by Islam and religion?? Meaning he doesn't even understand our enemy??!! It seems like a futile effort in how the attempt to exterminate them as a threat can ever truly be effectively accomplished.
Obama's FIRST priority in his strategy to protect US, America, from Radical Islam, should be here at home!! STARTING with protecting our border. Keeping us protected by eliminating ALL POSSIBLE National Security threats from Radical Islam here in America... LIKE PROTECTING OUR SOUTHERN BORDER. THEN, you go after them over there! AFTER you know you've done EVERYTHING possible to protect your "family" here in America!!
I ask YOU people! IF you had an enemy of proven strength, power, funding, relentless, determined to kill you and your family to the point of willing to die to accomplish that? Wouldn't the FIRST thing you did be? To secure your home with your family in it and LOCK THE DOOR? Before you grabbed your gun to go out and fight them???!!
I feel less optimistic and less safe about this effort than I did before his speech. He just doesn't "get" the reality it seems 70% of the American people do get.
I knew I shouldn't have watched the speech. I feel more concerned about the threat of Islamic terrorism now than I did before the speech.
To me for the president to deny these religious Islamic terrorists are religiously driven, by Islam, by THEIR own charters, admissions and words and following religious scripture in how they kill and attack people?? Trying to tell THEM they ARE NOT what they KNOW THEY ARE??!! Is only taunting them to prove they are who they say they are. In ways to reconfirm their claims like more beheadings, amputations etc... Shariah law.
People do yourselves a favor, buy a pistol or two and a couple rifles. Because, there's a good chance it may ultimately come down to YOU protecting YOURSELF and your own families from Radical Islam here, home, in America. When out of nowhere it knocks on your door, you'll be ready. We The People are obviously on our own on this one.
I'll give you a hint. When they show up somewhere you are? They won't be wearing military uniforms rolling in on tanks transported to America on military ships after conquering the Middle East and Europe... as Obama's suggested approach to dealing with them seems to reflect his understanding of our enemy. They'll be dressed like every day Americans, just like you and me. Just like the 19 Islamic Terrorist 9/11 attackers who killed 3,000 Americans were and the two Islamic Terrorists who killed three Americans and injured 140 more at the Boston Marathon were. They'll probably still have mud on their shoes from crossing the Rio Grande into America on our "wide open" (Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel) Southern border with Mexico.
Monday, September 8, 2014
I truly love intellectual challenge and stimulation that comes with situations that would generally seem not possible to achieve. I think I've been that way my whole life, even as a young child. The second someone tells me, "That's simply not possible." It becomes my new intellectual challenge, that which feeds my constant need for intellectual stimulation. Once I dive into that "finding the right answer, to an impossible situation" process. I can go days without eating or sleeping. The brain is a powerful thing, if you truly know how to use it to your advantage.
All things on this Earth and in life itself. Is based on a deep core logic of correlation relevance relationships, which begin at the core of whatever it is in existence and then spins out to it's ultimate visible "appearance" through chain reaction logic correlation relevant relationships. It doesn't matter what you are dealing with, animate, inanimate, human, non-human it's always the core element of whatever it is that ultimately spins out in chain reactions of logical correlation relevance relationships. Once you develop this type of understanding in intellectual logic, you find that what most people find as an impossible situation? Is not impossible at all.
You just have to know how to break it down to where you see how all dots that create it connect in correlation relevance. To work your way back to the place of correlation relevance relationship that ultimately makes it seem impossible. Once you are able to learn to do this, you can identify the one element of the logical correlation relevance, equation of the situation. You have identified where you make an adjustment in the place within the chain reaction correlation relevance relationship to allow the ultimate outcome to be as is necessary to make it no longer an impossible situation.
I have accomplished things, that even I have found myself later looking at in finished state amazed and thinking, "I can't believe I built or accomplished that. How in the hell did I do that?" On the surface level it even baffles me. BUT, if you learn to use your brain as the gift it is and all the tools buried within it to understand the logic that ultimately defines all things of existence, all behaviors of life and life forms, what makes things tick, not through guessing, but learning the direct correlation relevance of each link of the chain of a chain reaction of logical interaction that ultimately produce what we visibly see, experience in objects and people? It's a pretty easy world to figure out and you will always find the way to end up with the result desired, necessary.... defeat "the impossible." :)
I wish more people, particularly Americans, still had the capacity to use their brains the same way. As I believe was once the intellectual logic based intellectual approach that drove one of the youngest nations in the world. To become the most powerful and advanced society of the world in offering greater sophistication in social, technical, human created effectiveness in creation to make all people's lives a better place on Earth. That which created the recognized unique nature of Americans leading to the coining of the phrase, "American Ingenuity."
I think the last high level person we saw this in and the impact of this same ability to apply deep rooted intellectual concept core element understanding of logical relationship correlation of relevance. Was Steve Jobs. Yet, Steve Jobs was attacked by the social side of American mentality for being so demanding of his employees in their intellectual output, working long hours relentlessly to solve the necessary understanding of logical correlation relationship of relevance. To ultimately understand all the necessary steps and elements. To take an impossible concept to a reality human experience we all could benefit from, enhancing the quality of all people on Earth's available quality of human experience.
Jobs understood the depth of the intellectual process required to reach the core place of origination the single "molecule" at the core of existence necessary to build upon to create the ultimate product to ultimately benefit us all on Earth. That started as nothing but an impossible idea, concept, to fulfill into reality.
These days most human life improvement in quality of experience. Is based on an intellectual approach of building upon a previous existing concept. Recognizing it's existing deficiencies and tweaking them to make it more efficient. "Building a better mouse trap."
BUT, when you develop, practice and apply the intellectual understanding of correlation relevance relationships? You are not one who "builds a better mouse trap." You are the one who creates the whole concept out of thin air, "You build the original mouse trap." You create something that never existed before you chose to develop an non-existing concept, to meet a human experience need to change the world in how they approach that problem, circumstance or situation.
Unfortunately, it just seems that people have become completely intellectually lazy. Or have simply lost the ability to find that God given capacity to use a powerful brain given us upon birth. To understand all things, how they work, why they work, how they improve our lives and the lives of all of mankind on Earth. It's like people in general no longer want to figure things out on their own, but have someone else tell them what to think. Which greatly regresses us as a nation and society.
It is possible that this is the result of a political ideology driven public education system. That no longer teaches children HOW to think. How to harness their own intellectual capacity to recognize their own intellectual tools to find the right answers to all situations, circumstances and problems they may face. BUT, instead teaches our children WHAT to think, totally bypassing their own intellectual capacity in understanding how to harness it and apply it. Basically, conditioning generations of American children to naturally expect to be told WHAT to think. Which is a totally Societal regression in intellectual application created to serve a self-serving political ideology in it's ability to have greater opportunity to obtain and maintain greater and possibly unchangeable power over America and all American lives, laws, policies, regulations. Through purposely socially engineering the "dumbing down" of America in generations of American students, future voters, who came the through public education system that Liberal ideology controls.
All things on this Earth and in life itself. Is based on a deep core logic of correlation relevance relationships, which begin at the core of whatever it is in existence and then spins out to it's ultimate visible "appearance" through chain reaction logic correlation relevant relationships. It doesn't matter what you are dealing with, animate, inanimate, human, non-human it's always the core element of whatever it is that ultimately spins out in chain reactions of logical correlation relevance relationships. Once you develop this type of understanding in intellectual logic, you find that what most people find as an impossible situation? Is not impossible at all.
You just have to know how to break it down to where you see how all dots that create it connect in correlation relevance. To work your way back to the place of correlation relevance relationship that ultimately makes it seem impossible. Once you are able to learn to do this, you can identify the one element of the logical correlation relevance, equation of the situation. You have identified where you make an adjustment in the place within the chain reaction correlation relevance relationship to allow the ultimate outcome to be as is necessary to make it no longer an impossible situation.
I have accomplished things, that even I have found myself later looking at in finished state amazed and thinking, "I can't believe I built or accomplished that. How in the hell did I do that?" On the surface level it even baffles me. BUT, if you learn to use your brain as the gift it is and all the tools buried within it to understand the logic that ultimately defines all things of existence, all behaviors of life and life forms, what makes things tick, not through guessing, but learning the direct correlation relevance of each link of the chain of a chain reaction of logical interaction that ultimately produce what we visibly see, experience in objects and people? It's a pretty easy world to figure out and you will always find the way to end up with the result desired, necessary.... defeat "the impossible." :)
I wish more people, particularly Americans, still had the capacity to use their brains the same way. As I believe was once the intellectual logic based intellectual approach that drove one of the youngest nations in the world. To become the most powerful and advanced society of the world in offering greater sophistication in social, technical, human created effectiveness in creation to make all people's lives a better place on Earth. That which created the recognized unique nature of Americans leading to the coining of the phrase, "American Ingenuity."
I think the last high level person we saw this in and the impact of this same ability to apply deep rooted intellectual concept core element understanding of logical relationship correlation of relevance. Was Steve Jobs. Yet, Steve Jobs was attacked by the social side of American mentality for being so demanding of his employees in their intellectual output, working long hours relentlessly to solve the necessary understanding of logical correlation relationship of relevance. To ultimately understand all the necessary steps and elements. To take an impossible concept to a reality human experience we all could benefit from, enhancing the quality of all people on Earth's available quality of human experience.
Jobs understood the depth of the intellectual process required to reach the core place of origination the single "molecule" at the core of existence necessary to build upon to create the ultimate product to ultimately benefit us all on Earth. That started as nothing but an impossible idea, concept, to fulfill into reality.
These days most human life improvement in quality of experience. Is based on an intellectual approach of building upon a previous existing concept. Recognizing it's existing deficiencies and tweaking them to make it more efficient. "Building a better mouse trap."
BUT, when you develop, practice and apply the intellectual understanding of correlation relevance relationships? You are not one who "builds a better mouse trap." You are the one who creates the whole concept out of thin air, "You build the original mouse trap." You create something that never existed before you chose to develop an non-existing concept, to meet a human experience need to change the world in how they approach that problem, circumstance or situation.
Unfortunately, it just seems that people have become completely intellectually lazy. Or have simply lost the ability to find that God given capacity to use a powerful brain given us upon birth. To understand all things, how they work, why they work, how they improve our lives and the lives of all of mankind on Earth. It's like people in general no longer want to figure things out on their own, but have someone else tell them what to think. Which greatly regresses us as a nation and society.
It is possible that this is the result of a political ideology driven public education system. That no longer teaches children HOW to think. How to harness their own intellectual capacity to recognize their own intellectual tools to find the right answers to all situations, circumstances and problems they may face. BUT, instead teaches our children WHAT to think, totally bypassing their own intellectual capacity in understanding how to harness it and apply it. Basically, conditioning generations of American children to naturally expect to be told WHAT to think. Which is a totally Societal regression in intellectual application created to serve a self-serving political ideology in it's ability to have greater opportunity to obtain and maintain greater and possibly unchangeable power over America and all American lives, laws, policies, regulations. Through purposely socially engineering the "dumbing down" of America in generations of American students, future voters, who came the through public education system that Liberal ideology controls.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
I haven't commented on the Bob and Maureen McDonnell prosecution, or should I say persecution, yet. Because, frankly I've been overwhelmed and terrified by the full implication of the whole situation. Pertaining to the Federal government power over all government forms, Federal, State, County, City, Town... in America.
More amazingly? Exactly what Obama and Holder prosecuted and persecuted McDonnell of in only the "appearance", with not a shred of actual government position influence on government laws, regulations or policies?? Is what goes on DAILY in EVERY government office in Washington, not simply in "appearance," but in completed crime of abuse of government position of power. What do you think LOBBYIST DO??!!
Every single Senator, Representative, Executive Branch Agency, Holder and Obama themselves. Go WAY beyond the "APPEARANCE" in a situation where someone is TRYING to get them to use their government position to influence laws, policies and regulations... to serve self interests. They don't just appear to be using their government position of power to pass laws, policies and regulations that others are giving them gifts, trips, etc. to motivate them to do. They actually PASS INTO LAW those policies, regulations and laws!!!
How else do people elected into office in Washington get paid an annual salary of $174,000 and come out several years later as multi-millionaires???!! IF the exact same standard of "appearance" of corruption were applied to every single person in ANY government office on ANY level of government... as was applied to Governor McDonnell by the Obama Administration?? EVERY SINGLE government official on ALL levels would be in prison on a Federal Felony conviction. Think about that!! It's REALITY!!
Yet, why is that not what actually has happened across America?? Because, this particular statute which Governor McDonnell was prosecuted under, which only requires the "appearance" of corruption from one side of a two sided equation for corruption to occur? Is NOT a tool of justice! But, a tool of "selective" government persecution!! How could it NOT be? When every single American in a government position could be convicted of the same Federal Felony? Simply from someone ELSE trying to forge a relationship of political favor, even if the politician does not oblige that relationship and take any action that reflects political favor to the one seeking it? When those in Washington who write these laws actually DO... WAY exceeding simple "appearance" of corruption... give political favor in laws, policy, regulations they create, pass, support to people who give them gifts, trips, money??
What I came to realize in this whole Governor McDonnell situation? Is that the Federal government has complete and total power over all state, county, city, town governments in America. Anyone who steps out of line on any of those government levels, who does something whoever the current White House Administration in power is and doesn't like? Can be tried and convicted of a felony and imprisoned, NOT for an actual crime, but simply what could be the "appearance" of a crime as the statute under which Bob McDonnell was prosecuted is written. The statute itself defies the concept of "reasonable doubt" to define innocence or guilt, which our whole American Justice System is built upon.
Legal Expert on this particular Federal statute:
"The federal law underlying the charges against Bob McDonnell is so broad that if I were a betting person, I'd bet against ANY defendant who's charged with this," Gershowitz said.
The statute itself, IS reasonable doubt, because an actual crime does not have to be committed, to be convicted of a felony by the Federal Government. The full implication of such a statute is terrifying, particularly in the hands of a White House Administration and Department of Justice, so deeply rooted in proven corruption as those of Obama and Holder.
A lot of people don't realize the Federal Statute that Bob McDonnell and his wife were prosecuted, persecuted by Obama and Holder, under. Doesn't require that an actual crime occur. Only that the circumstances are presented as such, that a crime COULD have occurred as a result of the circumstances. Meaning, you can be convicted of a felony and sent to prison, for a crime that NEVER occurred, but COULD have been the outcome of such circumstances. Think about that!!
If someone gives you gifts out of hope that they can influence you in your place of power? That's their deal and probably stupidity. But, that in itself, does not make you guilty of violating a law, IF you never give them what they are trying to get from you. In you using your position of power to influence government decisions, policy, regulations, under your authority to give that person anything in return.
It's the equivalent of someone saying to you "I'll give you a ride home if you steal that apple." You got the ride home anyway, even though you refused to steal the apple. Under the Federal Statute Bob McDonnell was prosecuted under?? That would be a felony. The person gave you something of value, a ride home. Asked you to steal the apple, but you chose not to based on your own values. However, you can be prosecuted and imprisoned on a Federal Felony charge, just based on the APPEARANCE of the situation that COULD HAVE occurred, yet never occurred. That's terrifying!! In it's ultimate Castro, Stalinist government control over every element of a country. It only requires one side of a two sided equation to be in place. To be prosecuted and imprisoned on a Federal Felony conviction. Terrifying!!
Think about the total ramifications of such a Federal law, that serves NO AMERICAN LEGAL JUSTICE PURPOSE, which actually and factually completely DEFIES the requirement of REASONABLE DOUBT in the American Justice System to define guilt or innocence of a crime. A law that totally ERASES REASONABLE DOUBT, for American court proceedings as a requirement to convict innocent people!!
You could be the mayor of a small town, where everybody knows everybody. You have a friend that wants the city government to buy a piece of his land. But, outside of your careers, he's just a personal friend. You and your wife go out to dinner with him and his wife, just like you would if you were not a Mayor of the small town and he offers to pay for dinner, at the end of dinner. You are friends so you allow him that cordial jest of friendship. The third factor is that Obama wants to dump 400 Illegal Immigrants in your town and you reject, fight and deny his ability to do that.
Obama and Eric Holder could persecute you for defying their wishes there. Holder could charge you under the exact same statute, prosecute, persecute, and get you convicted of a Federal Felony. When you yourself, never did anything wrong other than go to dinner with a friend whom had an interest in the town buying his land. You never took any action under your government authority to push for the town to buy this person who bought you dinner's land. You never even mentioned it to anyone within your Mayor and town government political structure. YET, you can be prosecuted, persecuted, under a Federal Law that convicts you of a Federal Felony and imprisons you???!!! Because, a friend bought you dinner???
What was McDonnell's sin in the eyes of President Obama and Eric Holder, who are mired in and in control of an utter cesspool of government corruption? Bob McDonnell completely and totally rejected Obamacare for the State of Virginia.
So, Obama sends his executioner after McDonnell for defying Obama's wishes for the State of Virginia to accept and participate in Obamacare on the State government level. They cut a deal with McDonnell's friend who "took him out to dinner and paid for the dinner" to where he won't be charged with a Federal Crime. If he agrees to testify against his friend Bob McDonnell, to say they had a "corrupt" business arrangement.
YET, there is absolutely NO PLACE the Federal Government can point to where McDonnell exerted any governmental influence through his position of power in government. To give the friend who may have been trying to get him to push laws, policies, regulations whatever to serve his friend's personal interest. But, simply based on the "appearance" of one side of a two side required participation to constitute corruption. That the other side never participated in, in actually creating an actual act of corruption, or conspiracy to corruption.
Basically, the way the law McDonnell was prosecuted, persecuted, under. Only requires that somebody be TRYING to get you to do something corrupt in you personally exercising abuse of authority and power of your government position. Whether or not you actually participate in that act, hold up your end of the "supposed" bargain, IS IRRELEVANT!!! Even though you actually committed no crime, by ANYONE'S definition of crime as well as every other definition of crime in our American Justice System.
Yet, you can be convicted of the crime, a Federal Felony and imprisoned, because someone else WANTED you to commit the crime. Frankly, I find that terrifying in the Federal Government's ability to totally control every aspect of every form of government in our country. Through the threat of being persecuted, prosecuted, convicted of a felony, because someone else wanted you to commit a crime you refused to commit, participate in. Should you piss off the current Federal Government White House Administration.
The political persecution of Governor McDonnell for refusing to have Virginia participate in Obamacare is even more OBVIOUS. When you consider this is the same White House Administration's Department of Justice. That REFUSED to prosecute a Black Panther for violating Federal Voting laws, in standing in front of a voting station in Philadelphia slapping a baton bat in his hand making threatening statements to voters on their way in to vote. Scaring many of them away from voting. Complete, total, utter, OBVIOUS, voter intimidation, a Federal Crime. That every single one of us can witness ourselves, by simply pulling up a youTube video and watching it.
THERE IS OBVIOUS CORRUPTION in what has occurred in the Governor McDonnell Federal prosecution, PERSECUTION!! BUT, it's not on Governor McDonnell's side. It's on the Obama Administration's and Eric Holder's side of the equation. Which at this point should be of NO SURPRISE to anyone!! It's truly scary to watch the complete, total, blatant, obvious political persecution of all those who do not agree to do what Obama wants them to do in the political realm of America.
When you have a Federal Law that provides a tool of political persecution to occur?? NOT, for simply committing a crime, but someone ELSE TRYING TO GET YOU TO COMMIT A CRIME?? You are not living in a free will, democratic nation. You are living in a corrupt communist nation. When your leader uses such a tool, in a statute that can't possibly pass Constitutional muster, to persecute someone to be found guilty of a Federal Felony and be sent to prison? You are living in a corrupt communist nation.
This particular Federal Law needs to be eliminated immediately for the sake of us ALL, regardless of your own personal political ideology, because NOW it favors one side... however in the future it could be equally used and abused to persecute the other side, either side, depending on which side is in power!! A Federal statute that basically states, "Well, this guy asked this other guy to break the law, but the other guy never broke the law, he was just asked to. BUT, because he was asked to break the law? He's guilty of that which he actually did not do, but was asked to do!" Is dangerous to ALL corners of political ideology. Can you think of any greater tool for political execution of political foes?? We've just been allowed to see the abuse and use of this particular Federal government tool of political persecution that wrongly and unjustly destroys lives and political opposition, in action.
Particularly when in the hands of a Democrat Administration that has proven it's own deeply rooted level of government corruption throughout it's complete tenure.
THAT'S scary!!! Obama, Holder and the modern day Democrat party have proven their thuggish, organized crime mentality exercised again and again, "Don't get mad!! Get even!!"
We've seen it with Obama's I.R.S. persecuting American citizens, political foes, in a way to keep them from being able to fund raise. To try and defeat the Democrat party. Then claiming the Federal government, which is required BY FEDERAL LAW to keep copies of ALL government employee communications.... as magically LOST all of those documents REQUIRED BY FEDERAL LAW TO BE PROTECTED.
We saw them do it with Dinesh D'Souza of the movie 2016: Obama's America, the #2 Political Documentary of all time. Showing us who Obama truly is, and has proven himself to be in the two years since that movie came out. Obama totally following everything we were told he was, revealing the truth himself.
We see the corrupt Democrat Party doing it now with the most popular presidential opposition against them in the upcoming 2016 Presidential election, Rick Perry.
We've seen the exact same thing in the Bob McDonnell prosecution, persecution of recent. Bob McDonnell was considered a fast rising star in Democrat opposition politics based on his incredible success in financially managing the state of Virginia.
We've seen it 13 times stated by the United States Supreme Court that Obama operates OUTSIDE OF THE LAW, his legal authority, violates the law, in their decisions.
The Obama Administration has done the same thing in the medical field. Now doctors who receive anything, even as simple as a brochure, from a pharmaceutical rep. They must record and report it for the Federal government, or face Federal charges themselves. A policy to try and end influence on doctors to write certain drug prescriptions.
"The Affordable Care Act authorized Sunshine Act rules to make the public aware of any financial transactions taking place among certain members of the health care industry. The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) is overseeing this "Open Payments" reporting system.
Any gifts, payments or other transfers of value made to physicians (including ODs) and teaching hospitals by the manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and medical supplies now require public reporting."
BUT, what's the reality created by that policy?? Doctors refuse to see pharmaceutical and medical device reps for fear of being prosecuted or persecuted by the Federal government. They don't even allow them to be put in a position of having somehow, innocently, violated the Obamacare Sunshine Act.
Which means doctors are not being educated, kept up to date on the new advanced medical devices and pharmaceuticals available which could make a life or death difference in their patient's lives. Doctors don't have time to go out and search and research every knew pharmaceutical advancement and medical device advancement, as they come along.
Which means to us as health patients we are not going to have access nor advantage of new advancements in the medical field that might really make a positive difference in our quality of life. Because, our doctors will not be aware of them. Meaning, progress becomes stagnation. Because, the medical professionals will only be aware of medical advancement progress if they run across it on their own. As opposed to the traditional historical process of the medical device and pharmaceutical reps educating the medical professionals on the new medical advancements available, as they become available.
It also dovetails into Obamacare. Where Obamacare ultimately "chooses" what medications and medical devices medical patients will be allowed to have access to. By the medical professionals having been forced into ignorance of developing new medical technology and medications, under the Obamacare "Sunshine Act." Even if they are not the best or most effective medications for the unique nature's of different patient's illnesses or medical needs. As I have always stated. Every single Liberal policy, not matter where it is applied, ALWAYS ultimately serves to undermine it's own intended purpose. This Sunshine Act under Obamacare is not exception.
If this Obamacare, Sunshine Act law had been passed two hundred years ago?? Our doctors would still be drilling holes through our skulls to relieve headaches. Because, they would not be allowed to know about new medical advancements which had occurred since their days in medical school decades earlier. We would be living in a total archaic medical system in general. With the exception of those doctors whom could actually find the time to do the immense amount of research, requiring an immense amount of their time... necessary to keep up with all constantly new medical advancements occurring on a daily basis.
I doubt, or at least hope, we, America, will NEVER see the likes again of such a thuggish, openly dishonest, blatantly corrupt White House Administration again. For our own sake!!
If Obama's place in American history is recorded and reflected upon by actual facts on record of all that has occurred under his leadership and of his own actions? There is no doubt, he will go down as the most corrupt and dishonest President this nation has ever known.
More amazingly? Exactly what Obama and Holder prosecuted and persecuted McDonnell of in only the "appearance", with not a shred of actual government position influence on government laws, regulations or policies?? Is what goes on DAILY in EVERY government office in Washington, not simply in "appearance," but in completed crime of abuse of government position of power. What do you think LOBBYIST DO??!!
Every single Senator, Representative, Executive Branch Agency, Holder and Obama themselves. Go WAY beyond the "APPEARANCE" in a situation where someone is TRYING to get them to use their government position to influence laws, policies and regulations... to serve self interests. They don't just appear to be using their government position of power to pass laws, policies and regulations that others are giving them gifts, trips, etc. to motivate them to do. They actually PASS INTO LAW those policies, regulations and laws!!!
How else do people elected into office in Washington get paid an annual salary of $174,000 and come out several years later as multi-millionaires???!! IF the exact same standard of "appearance" of corruption were applied to every single person in ANY government office on ANY level of government... as was applied to Governor McDonnell by the Obama Administration?? EVERY SINGLE government official on ALL levels would be in prison on a Federal Felony conviction. Think about that!! It's REALITY!!
Yet, why is that not what actually has happened across America?? Because, this particular statute which Governor McDonnell was prosecuted under, which only requires the "appearance" of corruption from one side of a two sided equation for corruption to occur? Is NOT a tool of justice! But, a tool of "selective" government persecution!! How could it NOT be? When every single American in a government position could be convicted of the same Federal Felony? Simply from someone ELSE trying to forge a relationship of political favor, even if the politician does not oblige that relationship and take any action that reflects political favor to the one seeking it? When those in Washington who write these laws actually DO... WAY exceeding simple "appearance" of corruption... give political favor in laws, policy, regulations they create, pass, support to people who give them gifts, trips, money??
What I came to realize in this whole Governor McDonnell situation? Is that the Federal government has complete and total power over all state, county, city, town governments in America. Anyone who steps out of line on any of those government levels, who does something whoever the current White House Administration in power is and doesn't like? Can be tried and convicted of a felony and imprisoned, NOT for an actual crime, but simply what could be the "appearance" of a crime as the statute under which Bob McDonnell was prosecuted is written. The statute itself defies the concept of "reasonable doubt" to define innocence or guilt, which our whole American Justice System is built upon.
Legal Expert on this particular Federal statute:
"The federal law underlying the charges against Bob McDonnell is so broad that if I were a betting person, I'd bet against ANY defendant who's charged with this," Gershowitz said.
The statute itself, IS reasonable doubt, because an actual crime does not have to be committed, to be convicted of a felony by the Federal Government. The full implication of such a statute is terrifying, particularly in the hands of a White House Administration and Department of Justice, so deeply rooted in proven corruption as those of Obama and Holder.
A lot of people don't realize the Federal Statute that Bob McDonnell and his wife were prosecuted, persecuted by Obama and Holder, under. Doesn't require that an actual crime occur. Only that the circumstances are presented as such, that a crime COULD have occurred as a result of the circumstances. Meaning, you can be convicted of a felony and sent to prison, for a crime that NEVER occurred, but COULD have been the outcome of such circumstances. Think about that!!
If someone gives you gifts out of hope that they can influence you in your place of power? That's their deal and probably stupidity. But, that in itself, does not make you guilty of violating a law, IF you never give them what they are trying to get from you. In you using your position of power to influence government decisions, policy, regulations, under your authority to give that person anything in return.
It's the equivalent of someone saying to you "I'll give you a ride home if you steal that apple." You got the ride home anyway, even though you refused to steal the apple. Under the Federal Statute Bob McDonnell was prosecuted under?? That would be a felony. The person gave you something of value, a ride home. Asked you to steal the apple, but you chose not to based on your own values. However, you can be prosecuted and imprisoned on a Federal Felony charge, just based on the APPEARANCE of the situation that COULD HAVE occurred, yet never occurred. That's terrifying!! In it's ultimate Castro, Stalinist government control over every element of a country. It only requires one side of a two sided equation to be in place. To be prosecuted and imprisoned on a Federal Felony conviction. Terrifying!!
Think about the total ramifications of such a Federal law, that serves NO AMERICAN LEGAL JUSTICE PURPOSE, which actually and factually completely DEFIES the requirement of REASONABLE DOUBT in the American Justice System to define guilt or innocence of a crime. A law that totally ERASES REASONABLE DOUBT, for American court proceedings as a requirement to convict innocent people!!
You could be the mayor of a small town, where everybody knows everybody. You have a friend that wants the city government to buy a piece of his land. But, outside of your careers, he's just a personal friend. You and your wife go out to dinner with him and his wife, just like you would if you were not a Mayor of the small town and he offers to pay for dinner, at the end of dinner. You are friends so you allow him that cordial jest of friendship. The third factor is that Obama wants to dump 400 Illegal Immigrants in your town and you reject, fight and deny his ability to do that.
Obama and Eric Holder could persecute you for defying their wishes there. Holder could charge you under the exact same statute, prosecute, persecute, and get you convicted of a Federal Felony. When you yourself, never did anything wrong other than go to dinner with a friend whom had an interest in the town buying his land. You never took any action under your government authority to push for the town to buy this person who bought you dinner's land. You never even mentioned it to anyone within your Mayor and town government political structure. YET, you can be prosecuted, persecuted, under a Federal Law that convicts you of a Federal Felony and imprisons you???!!! Because, a friend bought you dinner???
What was McDonnell's sin in the eyes of President Obama and Eric Holder, who are mired in and in control of an utter cesspool of government corruption? Bob McDonnell completely and totally rejected Obamacare for the State of Virginia.
So, Obama sends his executioner after McDonnell for defying Obama's wishes for the State of Virginia to accept and participate in Obamacare on the State government level. They cut a deal with McDonnell's friend who "took him out to dinner and paid for the dinner" to where he won't be charged with a Federal Crime. If he agrees to testify against his friend Bob McDonnell, to say they had a "corrupt" business arrangement.
YET, there is absolutely NO PLACE the Federal Government can point to where McDonnell exerted any governmental influence through his position of power in government. To give the friend who may have been trying to get him to push laws, policies, regulations whatever to serve his friend's personal interest. But, simply based on the "appearance" of one side of a two side required participation to constitute corruption. That the other side never participated in, in actually creating an actual act of corruption, or conspiracy to corruption.
Basically, the way the law McDonnell was prosecuted, persecuted, under. Only requires that somebody be TRYING to get you to do something corrupt in you personally exercising abuse of authority and power of your government position. Whether or not you actually participate in that act, hold up your end of the "supposed" bargain, IS IRRELEVANT!!! Even though you actually committed no crime, by ANYONE'S definition of crime as well as every other definition of crime in our American Justice System.
Yet, you can be convicted of the crime, a Federal Felony and imprisoned, because someone else WANTED you to commit the crime. Frankly, I find that terrifying in the Federal Government's ability to totally control every aspect of every form of government in our country. Through the threat of being persecuted, prosecuted, convicted of a felony, because someone else wanted you to commit a crime you refused to commit, participate in. Should you piss off the current Federal Government White House Administration.
The political persecution of Governor McDonnell for refusing to have Virginia participate in Obamacare is even more OBVIOUS. When you consider this is the same White House Administration's Department of Justice. That REFUSED to prosecute a Black Panther for violating Federal Voting laws, in standing in front of a voting station in Philadelphia slapping a baton bat in his hand making threatening statements to voters on their way in to vote. Scaring many of them away from voting. Complete, total, utter, OBVIOUS, voter intimidation, a Federal Crime. That every single one of us can witness ourselves, by simply pulling up a youTube video and watching it.
THERE IS OBVIOUS CORRUPTION in what has occurred in the Governor McDonnell Federal prosecution, PERSECUTION!! BUT, it's not on Governor McDonnell's side. It's on the Obama Administration's and Eric Holder's side of the equation. Which at this point should be of NO SURPRISE to anyone!! It's truly scary to watch the complete, total, blatant, obvious political persecution of all those who do not agree to do what Obama wants them to do in the political realm of America.
When you have a Federal Law that provides a tool of political persecution to occur?? NOT, for simply committing a crime, but someone ELSE TRYING TO GET YOU TO COMMIT A CRIME?? You are not living in a free will, democratic nation. You are living in a corrupt communist nation. When your leader uses such a tool, in a statute that can't possibly pass Constitutional muster, to persecute someone to be found guilty of a Federal Felony and be sent to prison? You are living in a corrupt communist nation.
This particular Federal Law needs to be eliminated immediately for the sake of us ALL, regardless of your own personal political ideology, because NOW it favors one side... however in the future it could be equally used and abused to persecute the other side, either side, depending on which side is in power!! A Federal statute that basically states, "Well, this guy asked this other guy to break the law, but the other guy never broke the law, he was just asked to. BUT, because he was asked to break the law? He's guilty of that which he actually did not do, but was asked to do!" Is dangerous to ALL corners of political ideology. Can you think of any greater tool for political execution of political foes?? We've just been allowed to see the abuse and use of this particular Federal government tool of political persecution that wrongly and unjustly destroys lives and political opposition, in action.
Particularly when in the hands of a Democrat Administration that has proven it's own deeply rooted level of government corruption throughout it's complete tenure.
THAT'S scary!!! Obama, Holder and the modern day Democrat party have proven their thuggish, organized crime mentality exercised again and again, "Don't get mad!! Get even!!"
We've seen it with Obama's I.R.S. persecuting American citizens, political foes, in a way to keep them from being able to fund raise. To try and defeat the Democrat party. Then claiming the Federal government, which is required BY FEDERAL LAW to keep copies of ALL government employee communications.... as magically LOST all of those documents REQUIRED BY FEDERAL LAW TO BE PROTECTED.
We saw them do it with Dinesh D'Souza of the movie 2016: Obama's America, the #2 Political Documentary of all time. Showing us who Obama truly is, and has proven himself to be in the two years since that movie came out. Obama totally following everything we were told he was, revealing the truth himself.
We see the corrupt Democrat Party doing it now with the most popular presidential opposition against them in the upcoming 2016 Presidential election, Rick Perry.
We've seen the exact same thing in the Bob McDonnell prosecution, persecution of recent. Bob McDonnell was considered a fast rising star in Democrat opposition politics based on his incredible success in financially managing the state of Virginia.
We've seen it 13 times stated by the United States Supreme Court that Obama operates OUTSIDE OF THE LAW, his legal authority, violates the law, in their decisions.
The Obama Administration has done the same thing in the medical field. Now doctors who receive anything, even as simple as a brochure, from a pharmaceutical rep. They must record and report it for the Federal government, or face Federal charges themselves. A policy to try and end influence on doctors to write certain drug prescriptions.
"The Affordable Care Act authorized Sunshine Act rules to make the public aware of any financial transactions taking place among certain members of the health care industry. The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) is overseeing this "Open Payments" reporting system.
Any gifts, payments or other transfers of value made to physicians (including ODs) and teaching hospitals by the manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and medical supplies now require public reporting."
BUT, what's the reality created by that policy?? Doctors refuse to see pharmaceutical and medical device reps for fear of being prosecuted or persecuted by the Federal government. They don't even allow them to be put in a position of having somehow, innocently, violated the Obamacare Sunshine Act.
Which means doctors are not being educated, kept up to date on the new advanced medical devices and pharmaceuticals available which could make a life or death difference in their patient's lives. Doctors don't have time to go out and search and research every knew pharmaceutical advancement and medical device advancement, as they come along.
Which means to us as health patients we are not going to have access nor advantage of new advancements in the medical field that might really make a positive difference in our quality of life. Because, our doctors will not be aware of them. Meaning, progress becomes stagnation. Because, the medical professionals will only be aware of medical advancement progress if they run across it on their own. As opposed to the traditional historical process of the medical device and pharmaceutical reps educating the medical professionals on the new medical advancements available, as they become available.
It also dovetails into Obamacare. Where Obamacare ultimately "chooses" what medications and medical devices medical patients will be allowed to have access to. By the medical professionals having been forced into ignorance of developing new medical technology and medications, under the Obamacare "Sunshine Act." Even if they are not the best or most effective medications for the unique nature's of different patient's illnesses or medical needs. As I have always stated. Every single Liberal policy, not matter where it is applied, ALWAYS ultimately serves to undermine it's own intended purpose. This Sunshine Act under Obamacare is not exception.
If this Obamacare, Sunshine Act law had been passed two hundred years ago?? Our doctors would still be drilling holes through our skulls to relieve headaches. Because, they would not be allowed to know about new medical advancements which had occurred since their days in medical school decades earlier. We would be living in a total archaic medical system in general. With the exception of those doctors whom could actually find the time to do the immense amount of research, requiring an immense amount of their time... necessary to keep up with all constantly new medical advancements occurring on a daily basis.
I doubt, or at least hope, we, America, will NEVER see the likes again of such a thuggish, openly dishonest, blatantly corrupt White House Administration again. For our own sake!!
If Obama's place in American history is recorded and reflected upon by actual facts on record of all that has occurred under his leadership and of his own actions? There is no doubt, he will go down as the most corrupt and dishonest President this nation has ever known.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
How do you know who's the best person to run against the corrupt modern day Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party in Presidential elections?? THEY TELL YOU!!
Through their corrupt behind the scenes efforts to destroy that person before theycan ever reach the point of total national recognition by all of the American people. WHICH TELLS US? Right now, the number one threat to the corrupt Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party IS Rick Perry!! They see him as their number one threat in 2016! He's doing everything right for Americans... and every thing wrong for them to win!
He in his state has created 40% of all new jobs in America during Obama's Presidency!
He proves he's committed to National Security, by ignoring and defying the wishes of the corrupt Liberal/Progressive current Federal Government and securing the southern border in his state. Which benefits the National Security of ALL Americans.
He runs a state that has no State Income Taxes, yet has a balanced budget.
Unlike Obama or Hillary Clinton. He's actually served in the American Military as an Air Force Pilot. He understands the Military, it's purpose for existence, it's needs, it's need for support and winning strategies. Bringing much needed National Security experience we desperately need, NOW, due to six years of horribly failed and dangerous Liberal/Progressive Democrat National Security polices. Domestic Social Issues are irrelevant if you don't have a strong effective National Security system and decision making in place to protect the "Social" aspects of your country.
He believes in the necessity of Integrity in positions of power. In his effort to remove the drunk District Attorney in Texas whom showed her true colors and total disrespect for the law, those who enforce the law and attacking nature to the point the police had to strap her into a restraining chair. Him knowing that a person remaining in public office of District Attorney. Whom has personally publicly shown their disdain for the American Legal System and those who serve to enforce laws... along side her... in her seen by the world D.W.I. arrest video. Strips complete integrity from the judicial system in which she operates.
He's been getting greater American political exposure for his successes in doing everything right as an American politician, for Americans. How did the corrupt Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party respond? By getting him indicted on some trumped up paper thing charges. Personally financed by the top money man behind the corrupt Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party, George Soros! Whom personally donated $500,000 to the group behind the Perry political attack through Democrat government corruption. This is how the corruption of the modern day American Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party operates. They KNOW a threat to their power when they see it coming and act quickly to try and destroy it as a threat through whatever corruption necessary to be carried out. By it's politicians already in positions of Government power.
We've seen them do it through the legal system, as in this indictment against Rick Perry. We've seen them do it through their I.R.S. targeting and persecuting political foes. We've seen them do it through their I.R.S. in illegally leaking personal information on political foes during past elections, etc., etc., etc.
This is nothing new. Remember when Herman Caine was leading the Republican stable of 2012 Republican candidates by double digits. A Black man, equaling Obama on the race political "angle," and saying all the right things? A SELF-MADE black man who worked his way from the bottom to the top in his own American dream as a black man in America? Obama has never done, nor accomplished any level of personal success anywhere in his lifetime to show. Other than talking his way into a Presidency.
They came out and assassinated Herman Caine politically. With accusations that frankly were unbelievable, Accusations made by a woman whom "just happened" to live in the same apartments as Obama's Campaign Manager at the time, David Axelrod. But, the corruption of the modern day Liberal/Progressive Democrat party has no boundaries. It operates in total confidence, knowing it's Marketing and Damage Control wing of its corrupt Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party... the Liberal Media will always have their backs covered.
They know, once the charges have been made against a political foe and run through the corrupt Liberal Democrat Media through a couple weeks of National news cycles? It doesn't matter if anyone later is proven innocent of any of those charge in reality and fact. Because, the political damage is already done. The corrupt Liberal Democrat Media probably won't even mention that the person they destroyed was actually cleared of those accusations or charges.
I bet if we checked up on that lady who claimed Herman Caine sexually assaulted her today? She's probably driving a real nice car and living a much, much better life than she had built for herself on her own. Before she went out publicly and made those charges against Herman Caine's character.
Where were the Liberal Black Community leaders claiming to always seek justice for the wrongly accused or treated Black man?? You know Sharpton, Jackson, etc. the same ones we see in Ferguson, Missouri attempting to railroad a white cop into prison, regardless of what the true facts in the situation may actually be?
The were silent. Because, they are part of the corrupt Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party.
America? Right now according to the corrupt Liberal/Progressive American Democrat Party? Your best answer to defeat them and take our country back? Is Rick Perry.
Go ahead and "Like" his Facebook Page...
Through their corrupt behind the scenes efforts to destroy that person before theycan ever reach the point of total national recognition by all of the American people. WHICH TELLS US? Right now, the number one threat to the corrupt Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party IS Rick Perry!! They see him as their number one threat in 2016! He's doing everything right for Americans... and every thing wrong for them to win!
He in his state has created 40% of all new jobs in America during Obama's Presidency!
He proves he's committed to National Security, by ignoring and defying the wishes of the corrupt Liberal/Progressive current Federal Government and securing the southern border in his state. Which benefits the National Security of ALL Americans.
He runs a state that has no State Income Taxes, yet has a balanced budget.
Unlike Obama or Hillary Clinton. He's actually served in the American Military as an Air Force Pilot. He understands the Military, it's purpose for existence, it's needs, it's need for support and winning strategies. Bringing much needed National Security experience we desperately need, NOW, due to six years of horribly failed and dangerous Liberal/Progressive Democrat National Security polices. Domestic Social Issues are irrelevant if you don't have a strong effective National Security system and decision making in place to protect the "Social" aspects of your country.
He believes in the necessity of Integrity in positions of power. In his effort to remove the drunk District Attorney in Texas whom showed her true colors and total disrespect for the law, those who enforce the law and attacking nature to the point the police had to strap her into a restraining chair. Him knowing that a person remaining in public office of District Attorney. Whom has personally publicly shown their disdain for the American Legal System and those who serve to enforce laws... along side her... in her seen by the world D.W.I. arrest video. Strips complete integrity from the judicial system in which she operates.
He's been getting greater American political exposure for his successes in doing everything right as an American politician, for Americans. How did the corrupt Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party respond? By getting him indicted on some trumped up paper thing charges. Personally financed by the top money man behind the corrupt Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party, George Soros! Whom personally donated $500,000 to the group behind the Perry political attack through Democrat government corruption. This is how the corruption of the modern day American Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party operates. They KNOW a threat to their power when they see it coming and act quickly to try and destroy it as a threat through whatever corruption necessary to be carried out. By it's politicians already in positions of Government power.
We've seen them do it through the legal system, as in this indictment against Rick Perry. We've seen them do it through their I.R.S. targeting and persecuting political foes. We've seen them do it through their I.R.S. in illegally leaking personal information on political foes during past elections, etc., etc., etc.
This is nothing new. Remember when Herman Caine was leading the Republican stable of 2012 Republican candidates by double digits. A Black man, equaling Obama on the race political "angle," and saying all the right things? A SELF-MADE black man who worked his way from the bottom to the top in his own American dream as a black man in America? Obama has never done, nor accomplished any level of personal success anywhere in his lifetime to show. Other than talking his way into a Presidency.
They came out and assassinated Herman Caine politically. With accusations that frankly were unbelievable, Accusations made by a woman whom "just happened" to live in the same apartments as Obama's Campaign Manager at the time, David Axelrod. But, the corruption of the modern day Liberal/Progressive Democrat party has no boundaries. It operates in total confidence, knowing it's Marketing and Damage Control wing of its corrupt Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party... the Liberal Media will always have their backs covered.
They know, once the charges have been made against a political foe and run through the corrupt Liberal Democrat Media through a couple weeks of National news cycles? It doesn't matter if anyone later is proven innocent of any of those charge in reality and fact. Because, the political damage is already done. The corrupt Liberal Democrat Media probably won't even mention that the person they destroyed was actually cleared of those accusations or charges.
I bet if we checked up on that lady who claimed Herman Caine sexually assaulted her today? She's probably driving a real nice car and living a much, much better life than she had built for herself on her own. Before she went out publicly and made those charges against Herman Caine's character.
Where were the Liberal Black Community leaders claiming to always seek justice for the wrongly accused or treated Black man?? You know Sharpton, Jackson, etc. the same ones we see in Ferguson, Missouri attempting to railroad a white cop into prison, regardless of what the true facts in the situation may actually be?
The were silent. Because, they are part of the corrupt Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party.
America? Right now according to the corrupt Liberal/Progressive American Democrat Party? Your best answer to defeat them and take our country back? Is Rick Perry.
Go ahead and "Like" his Facebook Page...
An explanatory comment I posted in a different thread to what my friends see from me on Facebook and why they see it.. Something, people might find value in...
Thank you for noticing the authenticity of my songwriting Harry. I know others do as well. But, it's nice to hear not only that someone likes a song or my songwriting style, but WHY they like the songs and my writing.
Nothing I ever write is contrived, it always come straight from within my heart, or soul, or spirit... it's always true blue. I have written TV/Radio jingles, some heard across the country, that are contrived, but that's the whole nature of a jingle. You are told the message and feel to convey and you nail it. Which I am very good at.
But, my true love is just my natural songwriting, not for a reason other than it's an idea, thought or concept that needs to be shared. Which is why it tells me to write it, coming from the inside out. If I recognize I feel it or am experiencing it? Then I know most others in mankind can identify with it, because we all share the same common human experience. Ultimately, I do not believe a song should be something you hear, but something you feel. Something that reaches a point in you beyond your eardrum. :)
As far as keeping them coming. I have to admit it's been terribly difficult to write over the last six years. Because, I am a positive energy, positive perspective person. In every one of my songs, with few exceptions the core thought or concept is the positive message of personal redemption or expressed appreciation. My core is a positive energy, light, free flowing place. But, I am also deeply effected in my creative energies, by the energies surrounding me of a broader scale. If there is no prevalent positive energy in the world or society as the prevailing energy. I have no place of inspiration to draw from. Because, of the prevailing negative energy hanging over the world, society around me. Hanging like a dark cloud blocking out the sun's rays of positive energy.
Positive energy is a sense of unbridled freedom, all is okay, and nothing that impugns, negates or impoverishes the level of that sense of unbridled freedom is prevalent or threatening of those things. People who know me personally, interact with me on a personal, not typeface, level recognize I'm a very positive, true, pure, person. But, people who read my Facebook in most of my comments see me as an angry person, because they don't know me or understand me. They don't have any clue what I'm all about, inside. What drives me, what motivates me.
This toxic negative energy that has been purposely created and imposed on us by our liberal democrat leaders, mainly the man at the top? Has totally suffocated positive energy as the prevailing energy source surrounding us as a society. It's foreign to anything my inner spirit as ever known or experienced in my life in the levels of positive and negative energy forces and their prevailing nature. Which completely suffocates my ability to tap into the positive energy of a world around me to find positive inspiration to write songs.
My current "political" writings are ultimately not about politics at all, but struggling for fresh air and sunlight, to once again breathe and be allowed to find positive energy as a prevailing force in our society and over our country. By defeating those who thrive on driving and maintaining this negative energy, divisive, suffocating dark negative cloud over us as a society, culture, country. A massive dark, negative energy cloud filled with toxic rain to pour on us at times. When it best politically suits their benefit.
I think I've written three songs in the last five years. The year before that, which was actually personally probably the most emotionally challenging or "life difficult" time in my life? I wrote 27 songs. It's not the energy levels of the inner core of my life that fuels my creative inspiration. It's the Bigger Picture or overall positive/negative prevailing energy sources that fuels my ability to find the inspiring nature inside me to write. "This may be a difficult time in the microcosm of my inner world. But, out there in the big world our everyday society? The prevailing energy is the sense of personal freedom felt as the prevailing energy source. A safe place you can escape to of overall positive energy. You may be in a not so good personal life place, but you can step outside that bubble and know you will be able to breath, refuel, with the overall positive energy force outside the microcosm of the more negative energy or experience you may be living in that moment.
All of this, ultimately goes back to what you see in my posts, which most would label as "political." But, in reality, I'm trying to fight to get positive energy, the sense of overall personal freedom, back as the prevailing energy force over our society. The pessimism, purposely driven social division amongst our overall society. Has created a massive prevailing negative energy force over our whole society. Modern day liberalism is very pessimistic in nature and a total negative energy force. "Everything about America sucks," "we are living in a country of total social injustice," "You are a bad person because you worked hard and smart and are successful," "You are a good person because you don't give a shit and do nothing to better your own world and live off of the fruits of labors of everyone else. Them being robbed to support your worthless ass," "We are no longer going to allow you to drink 16 oz sodas," "You are a bad person because you put your faith, religious convictions above popular culture," etc., etc.
More and more regulations truly hurting people and robbing them of their own sense of personal freedom. Things like the E.P.A. shutting down farmer's fields because they have a dry drainage ditch, that when it rains fills up with water, therefore the E.P.A. declares it a public waterway. Farmers have their hands totally tied on their use of the land, making it difficult for them to make ends meet and keep producing food for us. The giving illegal, non-citizens rights that Americans don't even have. Like the Federal government using our tax dollars to pay for defense attorneys in Civil law situations for people who broke out laws. To try to get out of having broke our laws. Giving non-American, illegal immigrants, entitlements from our hard earned tax dollars, while our veterans and homeless die on the streets for non-medical treatment promised them, of exposure and starvation.
The pitting of all sectors of our society against each other, by our man in the White House. Using social division as an evil tool to divide us as a society, for political gain. To force our society to define itself by the differences between us, versus the commonality we all share, unity we all naturally possess as Americans.
So, my writing has shifted not out of choice, but a sense of survival necessity, from songwriting to "political" writing. To work as hard as I can to reach fellow Americans, the same as my songs, to defeat the core source of the incredibly pessimistic, dishonest, hurtful, spirit squashing negative energy hanging like a dark cloud over our society. Driven by modern liberal democrat politics. Optimism is appreciating what you do have, Pessimism is bitching about what you don't have, trying to rile everyone else up with negative energy, trying to force change, that may hurt the rights, freedoms and liberties of many, many others. But, as long as you get what you want? You don't really give a shit.
So, hopefully. If myself and other Americans who feel suffocated by the same prevailing negative energy force over our society, country? Are able to reach enough other Americans feeling just as suffocated by the same. We can rise like a swelling, massive wave of positive energy to defeat the core sources of this massive negative energy force hanging like a dark, impenetrable, immovable cloud over our country and society.
So our hearts and spirits can once again dance in the warm, positive energy environment as a society, people, culture... of the "sun's" positive energy rays. Once again basking us as a society in a prevailing positive energy force. Where despite the difficulty of a personal moment in life. You can look out the window and see a massive positive energy force and source, to light your way through it all. A place where there is plenty of fresh clean air and sunlight for all our spirits to breathe and once again live in the positive energy of all the wonderful things we share in common as a society, Americans, and once again feel a sense of unity, as a society.
Ultimately? All things connect. I am now looking for positive "hope and change." I've been doing everything personally, I can to to try and help us all find that. So we can once again as members of a society appreciate each other and focus on all we have in common. Through our unity as one big society to naturally create a massive positive energy force. To once again be the positive energy force over our society, as a whole. :) Where we all love each other, based on what we have in common. Instead of hate each other, based on our differences constantly being driven and imposed upon us by our current National political ideology currently in power over our lives.
We've been forced to learn how "divide and conquer," "Divided we fall..." feels as a society and members of a society. Now we can force POSITIVE "hope and change" and get back to a society where, "... United we win!" :)
Thank you for noticing the authenticity of my songwriting Harry. I know others do as well. But, it's nice to hear not only that someone likes a song or my songwriting style, but WHY they like the songs and my writing.
Nothing I ever write is contrived, it always come straight from within my heart, or soul, or spirit... it's always true blue. I have written TV/Radio jingles, some heard across the country, that are contrived, but that's the whole nature of a jingle. You are told the message and feel to convey and you nail it. Which I am very good at.
But, my true love is just my natural songwriting, not for a reason other than it's an idea, thought or concept that needs to be shared. Which is why it tells me to write it, coming from the inside out. If I recognize I feel it or am experiencing it? Then I know most others in mankind can identify with it, because we all share the same common human experience. Ultimately, I do not believe a song should be something you hear, but something you feel. Something that reaches a point in you beyond your eardrum. :)
As far as keeping them coming. I have to admit it's been terribly difficult to write over the last six years. Because, I am a positive energy, positive perspective person. In every one of my songs, with few exceptions the core thought or concept is the positive message of personal redemption or expressed appreciation. My core is a positive energy, light, free flowing place. But, I am also deeply effected in my creative energies, by the energies surrounding me of a broader scale. If there is no prevalent positive energy in the world or society as the prevailing energy. I have no place of inspiration to draw from. Because, of the prevailing negative energy hanging over the world, society around me. Hanging like a dark cloud blocking out the sun's rays of positive energy.
Positive energy is a sense of unbridled freedom, all is okay, and nothing that impugns, negates or impoverishes the level of that sense of unbridled freedom is prevalent or threatening of those things. People who know me personally, interact with me on a personal, not typeface, level recognize I'm a very positive, true, pure, person. But, people who read my Facebook in most of my comments see me as an angry person, because they don't know me or understand me. They don't have any clue what I'm all about, inside. What drives me, what motivates me.
This toxic negative energy that has been purposely created and imposed on us by our liberal democrat leaders, mainly the man at the top? Has totally suffocated positive energy as the prevailing energy source surrounding us as a society. It's foreign to anything my inner spirit as ever known or experienced in my life in the levels of positive and negative energy forces and their prevailing nature. Which completely suffocates my ability to tap into the positive energy of a world around me to find positive inspiration to write songs.
My current "political" writings are ultimately not about politics at all, but struggling for fresh air and sunlight, to once again breathe and be allowed to find positive energy as a prevailing force in our society and over our country. By defeating those who thrive on driving and maintaining this negative energy, divisive, suffocating dark negative cloud over us as a society, culture, country. A massive dark, negative energy cloud filled with toxic rain to pour on us at times. When it best politically suits their benefit.
I think I've written three songs in the last five years. The year before that, which was actually personally probably the most emotionally challenging or "life difficult" time in my life? I wrote 27 songs. It's not the energy levels of the inner core of my life that fuels my creative inspiration. It's the Bigger Picture or overall positive/negative prevailing energy sources that fuels my ability to find the inspiring nature inside me to write. "This may be a difficult time in the microcosm of my inner world. But, out there in the big world our everyday society? The prevailing energy is the sense of personal freedom felt as the prevailing energy source. A safe place you can escape to of overall positive energy. You may be in a not so good personal life place, but you can step outside that bubble and know you will be able to breath, refuel, with the overall positive energy force outside the microcosm of the more negative energy or experience you may be living in that moment.
All of this, ultimately goes back to what you see in my posts, which most would label as "political." But, in reality, I'm trying to fight to get positive energy, the sense of overall personal freedom, back as the prevailing energy force over our society. The pessimism, purposely driven social division amongst our overall society. Has created a massive prevailing negative energy force over our whole society. Modern day liberalism is very pessimistic in nature and a total negative energy force. "Everything about America sucks," "we are living in a country of total social injustice," "You are a bad person because you worked hard and smart and are successful," "You are a good person because you don't give a shit and do nothing to better your own world and live off of the fruits of labors of everyone else. Them being robbed to support your worthless ass," "We are no longer going to allow you to drink 16 oz sodas," "You are a bad person because you put your faith, religious convictions above popular culture," etc., etc.
More and more regulations truly hurting people and robbing them of their own sense of personal freedom. Things like the E.P.A. shutting down farmer's fields because they have a dry drainage ditch, that when it rains fills up with water, therefore the E.P.A. declares it a public waterway. Farmers have their hands totally tied on their use of the land, making it difficult for them to make ends meet and keep producing food for us. The giving illegal, non-citizens rights that Americans don't even have. Like the Federal government using our tax dollars to pay for defense attorneys in Civil law situations for people who broke out laws. To try to get out of having broke our laws. Giving non-American, illegal immigrants, entitlements from our hard earned tax dollars, while our veterans and homeless die on the streets for non-medical treatment promised them, of exposure and starvation.
The pitting of all sectors of our society against each other, by our man in the White House. Using social division as an evil tool to divide us as a society, for political gain. To force our society to define itself by the differences between us, versus the commonality we all share, unity we all naturally possess as Americans.
So, my writing has shifted not out of choice, but a sense of survival necessity, from songwriting to "political" writing. To work as hard as I can to reach fellow Americans, the same as my songs, to defeat the core source of the incredibly pessimistic, dishonest, hurtful, spirit squashing negative energy hanging like a dark cloud over our society. Driven by modern liberal democrat politics. Optimism is appreciating what you do have, Pessimism is bitching about what you don't have, trying to rile everyone else up with negative energy, trying to force change, that may hurt the rights, freedoms and liberties of many, many others. But, as long as you get what you want? You don't really give a shit.
So, hopefully. If myself and other Americans who feel suffocated by the same prevailing negative energy force over our society, country? Are able to reach enough other Americans feeling just as suffocated by the same. We can rise like a swelling, massive wave of positive energy to defeat the core sources of this massive negative energy force hanging like a dark, impenetrable, immovable cloud over our country and society.
So our hearts and spirits can once again dance in the warm, positive energy environment as a society, people, culture... of the "sun's" positive energy rays. Once again basking us as a society in a prevailing positive energy force. Where despite the difficulty of a personal moment in life. You can look out the window and see a massive positive energy force and source, to light your way through it all. A place where there is plenty of fresh clean air and sunlight for all our spirits to breathe and once again live in the positive energy of all the wonderful things we share in common as a society, Americans, and once again feel a sense of unity, as a society.
Ultimately? All things connect. I am now looking for positive "hope and change." I've been doing everything personally, I can to to try and help us all find that. So we can once again as members of a society appreciate each other and focus on all we have in common. Through our unity as one big society to naturally create a massive positive energy force. To once again be the positive energy force over our society, as a whole. :) Where we all love each other, based on what we have in common. Instead of hate each other, based on our differences constantly being driven and imposed upon us by our current National political ideology currently in power over our lives.
We've been forced to learn how "divide and conquer," "Divided we fall..." feels as a society and members of a society. Now we can force POSITIVE "hope and change" and get back to a society where, "... United we win!" :)
I said right before the 2008 & 2012 elections. These elections are not about politics at all anymore. People are voting their own personal morals and values, weak character and values against strong character and values. Narcissists, have no moral values, they vote only thinking of themselves what's in it for THEM. True Americans vote for what's best for their country as a whole, even if it might effect them personally negative in some areas.
This election in two months is America's last stand. By, 2016 the destruction under the current self-serving corrupt, morally bankrupt Democratic party, as has been shown all around this country on all government levels, National, State, Municipal, will have done too much destruction to the founding structure of principles, freedoms, liberties and Rights of this nation. To ever be able to rebuild it in it's 250 year of total success form. It's original form as the only country in the world that guarantees all natural born rights of life as a free species, mankind.
If the corrupt democrats keep the Senate? Everybody may as well cash out all of their investments, empty their bank accounts... before the Democrats do it for them. Buy, a nice place out in the country or woods somewhere. Make sure they own several guns to protect themselves from this violent, self-entitled, self-justified modern day American Society. And enjoy what time they have left before it all crumbles before them.
The Islamic Terrorists are already here in this country just waiting for the order. They will focus on high population density areas and political and military infrastructure. Which makes Hampton Roads Virginia a very high target of probability. I counted almost 40 military installations of some nature or another, in a 30 mile radius surrounding Norfolk, VA. Which is the world's largest military installation.
Last Thursday our Secretary Of Defense publicly stated that the Islamic State is the most dangerous enemy we have ever faced. That we need to accept they are a threat overseas and right here in our homeland, because of our "wide open southern border." We know they are already here. I believe the beheading of an American journalist only happened at the time it did, because they already have people in place in America. Should America retaliate. Rome IS going to burn, there's no doubt about it. It's just a matter of whether you choose to live in Rome, cities or way out away from population dense and politically and militarily significant areas of our country.
True Leadership always operates on a strategy of problem prevention pertaining to National Security. Never let it happen in the first place through thorough diligence and taking out at the bud, any possible threat that may possibly effect the American people. You don't sit back and let it grow into something you just may not be able to tackle.
This current Leadership? It operates NOT on a strategy of "Prevention." But, a strategy to "Response." Typically, a way delayed response. The problem with that? You've already lost, before you even addressed the issue. And the American people paid the price with their lives and their safety.
I heard a former marine last night articulately explaining WHY we can't win the war in Afghanistan, where he served. The exact same Obama "Response" strategy, versus "Prevention" strategy, imposed upon our military soldiers fighting in wars in Obama's ALLOWED Rules Of Engagement. Our military soldiers fighting in wars are NOT ALLOWED to shoot at the enemy, UNLESS the enemy shoots at them first. He said, they can shoot at us at any time, BUT, we have to wait to shoot at them, until they shoot at us and hope we don't get hit or killed. THAT'S WHY we've lost more American soldiers in Afghanistan under Obama in 5 1/2 years, than we lost in 8 years under Bush. That's not fighting a war. That's giving the enemy a Turkey Shoot.
When stuff starts blowing up all around America and people are being murdered in pockets all over this country? We will be living in utter social chaos and panic. Before you can respond to one thing, there's another and another. As Chuck Hagel, Obama's Secretary Of Defense said last Thursday. This Islamic State is not a bunch of dirt poor, uneducated Muslims with nothing more to live for than their faith. These are very well educated, sophisticated people from other European countries as well as America. They have enough money to buy any Chemical, Nuclear, Structural, Civil, Aeronautical, etc. Engineer's brain they want. They have enough funding and support that there is nothing they could ever want, that they could never obtain. Three days later? Magically, they were dismissed and simply a small league regional threat in the Middle East... according to the Obama Administration.
Anyone REALLY THINK the Secretary of Defense, his job to protect all Americans, would go out publicly and make such a strong and concerning statement. If he truly had not researched the facts of every single thing he said in that statement? A statement that factually pointed out how Obama has been dangerously and egregiously wrong pertaining to our American homeland National Security and safety. On BOTH his "Junior Varsity" take on the Islamic State terrorists (ISIL) eight months ago when he could have snuffed the threat out, but also pertaining to his REFUSAL to protect our southern border and fighting to keep our southern border wide open, suing to stop the states who tried to step in and protect the border themselves, do Obama's job, to protect ALL American's National Security.
Then magically Obama comes back from vacation and the next thing we are told is, "Actually, they are really no threat at all to America." If you do, maybe the loss of your own head, containing your brain, to these guys, would not be that great of a loss.
In just eight months since Obama was first warned about this Islamic Terrorist group in it's fledgling stage. Which he completely ignored and dismissed calling them a "Junior Varsity" team. They have become the most powerful and most brutal Terrorists group this world has known in power, size, financial support and brutality... even according of Obama's Secretary Of Defense.
In that short time. They've taken parts of three different countries and created their own terrorists state, new country. They are the most threatening and dangerous force of evil this world has ever known in size, power, effectiveness and funding. THEY make Bin Laden and Al Qaeda appear to be "Junior Varsity." Obama is putting us ALL at risk of our own safety, as well as the rest of the world in addressing the need to completely annihilate and destroy this group. ALL out of his narcissistic need to save political face. For once again "having gotten it wrong."
There will be no way to stop it, it's just a matter of time if our leadership or leadership approach does not change rapidly. But, at least YOU personally WILL be ready for it the best you can be, for your own self-defense and defense of your family. Cashed out on personal funds, several guns and a charming place out in the country or woods way away from areas in America of high density population and political and military infrastructure..
Since Obama HAS NO STRATEGY on dealing with Islamic Terrorism? Every American better have their own individual strategy.
This election in two months is America's last stand. By, 2016 the destruction under the current self-serving corrupt, morally bankrupt Democratic party, as has been shown all around this country on all government levels, National, State, Municipal, will have done too much destruction to the founding structure of principles, freedoms, liberties and Rights of this nation. To ever be able to rebuild it in it's 250 year of total success form. It's original form as the only country in the world that guarantees all natural born rights of life as a free species, mankind.
If the corrupt democrats keep the Senate? Everybody may as well cash out all of their investments, empty their bank accounts... before the Democrats do it for them. Buy, a nice place out in the country or woods somewhere. Make sure they own several guns to protect themselves from this violent, self-entitled, self-justified modern day American Society. And enjoy what time they have left before it all crumbles before them.
The Islamic Terrorists are already here in this country just waiting for the order. They will focus on high population density areas and political and military infrastructure. Which makes Hampton Roads Virginia a very high target of probability. I counted almost 40 military installations of some nature or another, in a 30 mile radius surrounding Norfolk, VA. Which is the world's largest military installation.
Last Thursday our Secretary Of Defense publicly stated that the Islamic State is the most dangerous enemy we have ever faced. That we need to accept they are a threat overseas and right here in our homeland, because of our "wide open southern border." We know they are already here. I believe the beheading of an American journalist only happened at the time it did, because they already have people in place in America. Should America retaliate. Rome IS going to burn, there's no doubt about it. It's just a matter of whether you choose to live in Rome, cities or way out away from population dense and politically and militarily significant areas of our country.
True Leadership always operates on a strategy of problem prevention pertaining to National Security. Never let it happen in the first place through thorough diligence and taking out at the bud, any possible threat that may possibly effect the American people. You don't sit back and let it grow into something you just may not be able to tackle.
This current Leadership? It operates NOT on a strategy of "Prevention." But, a strategy to "Response." Typically, a way delayed response. The problem with that? You've already lost, before you even addressed the issue. And the American people paid the price with their lives and their safety.
I heard a former marine last night articulately explaining WHY we can't win the war in Afghanistan, where he served. The exact same Obama "Response" strategy, versus "Prevention" strategy, imposed upon our military soldiers fighting in wars in Obama's ALLOWED Rules Of Engagement. Our military soldiers fighting in wars are NOT ALLOWED to shoot at the enemy, UNLESS the enemy shoots at them first. He said, they can shoot at us at any time, BUT, we have to wait to shoot at them, until they shoot at us and hope we don't get hit or killed. THAT'S WHY we've lost more American soldiers in Afghanistan under Obama in 5 1/2 years, than we lost in 8 years under Bush. That's not fighting a war. That's giving the enemy a Turkey Shoot.
When stuff starts blowing up all around America and people are being murdered in pockets all over this country? We will be living in utter social chaos and panic. Before you can respond to one thing, there's another and another. As Chuck Hagel, Obama's Secretary Of Defense said last Thursday. This Islamic State is not a bunch of dirt poor, uneducated Muslims with nothing more to live for than their faith. These are very well educated, sophisticated people from other European countries as well as America. They have enough money to buy any Chemical, Nuclear, Structural, Civil, Aeronautical, etc. Engineer's brain they want. They have enough funding and support that there is nothing they could ever want, that they could never obtain. Three days later? Magically, they were dismissed and simply a small league regional threat in the Middle East... according to the Obama Administration.
Anyone REALLY THINK the Secretary of Defense, his job to protect all Americans, would go out publicly and make such a strong and concerning statement. If he truly had not researched the facts of every single thing he said in that statement? A statement that factually pointed out how Obama has been dangerously and egregiously wrong pertaining to our American homeland National Security and safety. On BOTH his "Junior Varsity" take on the Islamic State terrorists (ISIL) eight months ago when he could have snuffed the threat out, but also pertaining to his REFUSAL to protect our southern border and fighting to keep our southern border wide open, suing to stop the states who tried to step in and protect the border themselves, do Obama's job, to protect ALL American's National Security.
Then magically Obama comes back from vacation and the next thing we are told is, "Actually, they are really no threat at all to America." If you do, maybe the loss of your own head, containing your brain, to these guys, would not be that great of a loss.
In just eight months since Obama was first warned about this Islamic Terrorist group in it's fledgling stage. Which he completely ignored and dismissed calling them a "Junior Varsity" team. They have become the most powerful and most brutal Terrorists group this world has known in power, size, financial support and brutality... even according of Obama's Secretary Of Defense.
In that short time. They've taken parts of three different countries and created their own terrorists state, new country. They are the most threatening and dangerous force of evil this world has ever known in size, power, effectiveness and funding. THEY make Bin Laden and Al Qaeda appear to be "Junior Varsity." Obama is putting us ALL at risk of our own safety, as well as the rest of the world in addressing the need to completely annihilate and destroy this group. ALL out of his narcissistic need to save political face. For once again "having gotten it wrong."
There will be no way to stop it, it's just a matter of time if our leadership or leadership approach does not change rapidly. But, at least YOU personally WILL be ready for it the best you can be, for your own self-defense and defense of your family. Cashed out on personal funds, several guns and a charming place out in the country or woods way away from areas in America of high density population and political and military infrastructure..
Since Obama HAS NO STRATEGY on dealing with Islamic Terrorism? Every American better have their own individual strategy.
The problem with allowing the modern day Liberal/Progressive Democrat party to be in control of the Federal government as it has been for the last almost six years? Is that they ONLY see, recognize and address are Domestic Social Issues.
YET, the whole reason the United States Federal Government was created in the first place was National Security, a common monetary system and interstate infrastructure to support interstate commerce. Why was the Federal Government created to serve those LIMITED purposes? Because, it was created to serve to benefit and protect ALL Americans EQUALLY! Unification of the needs we ALL share in common, unified purpose. Domestic Social issues, issues that Americans may not share in common, were not even a factor in the creation of the United States Federal Government. We were given the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights to address Domestic Social Issues, in our lives in Civil Courts. And through charities and churches.
NOW, after almost six years of modern day Liberal/Progressive Democrat "leadership" of our Federal Government only seeing, recognizing addressing Domestic Social Issues and completely ignoring and defying National Security?
We find ourselves in a position of having spent more money, created more National Debt than every Federal Government presidential administration prior to Obama.... and these current Liberal Democrats in control of our Federal Government...COMBINED.
We find ourselves facing, the most dangerous and definitive threat both domestically and abroad we have ever faced as a nation. Based on Obama's OWN Secretary of Defense's assessment. Yet, we have the weakest military we've had in seventy years. Not long ago Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey stated, "if ever the force is so degraded and so unready and then we are asked to use it, it would be IMMORAL to use the force unless it is well trained, well led, and well equipped." As our Liberal Democrat National Leadership has continued to slash military budgets and draw down on our military's size of force.
We find ourselves with a Liberal Democrat President and Senate controlling our total Federal Government that not only REFUSES to protect our southern border, but sues states in Federal Court who try to protect our border. To try and force them to STOP protecting our border. A "wide open border" Obama's OWN Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel stated is OUR BIGGEST HOMELAND NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT!
Look at what the modern day Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party has done to the only politician in America who finally said, "Screw the Federal Government. I'm protecting the border in my state. For the sake of safety and National Security for ALL Americans!"... Texas Governor, Rick Perry.
A politician whom the modern day Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party recognizes. IF given the opportunity as President of the United States? WILL put American National Security FIRST!! He has been running a state which has created 40% of all jobs created while Obama has been in office. He runs a state that has no State Income Tax, YET has a Balanced Budget. He has PROVEN TRUE everything the modern Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party argues could never be possible in America. He is the antithesis of everything they believe in. They had to try to destroy him and indicted him on some paper thin charges. Simply to try and undermine his political credibility.
Here's some common sense news flash for you! What difference will Domestic Social Issues make? If you have been infiltrated and invaded by an Islamic Terrorists group, the Islamic State, who is going to brutally slaughter, kill you, for simply existing... blow up your political and military infrastructure and force you to live under Shariah Law IF you are willing to submit and convert to Islam? Where you have very few rights, where women have NO rights. THAT'S a TRUE "War On Women."!
Our Founding Fathers KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING! When they created a Federal government for no other purpose than to provide National Security, a Common Monetary System, and Infrastructure for Interstate Commerce. That's the purpose of the United States Federal Government. THEN, they gave us the United State's Constitution and Bill Of Rights to allow us to deal with our Domestic Social Issues!
It's worked perfectly fine, wrongs along the way were righted through the mechanisms provided AND we were the most powerful nation in the world in National Defense!!
UNTIL, Obama and his modern day Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party took control of our Federal Government!!
You HAVE to vote them out in November. We HAVE to get our domestic social spending under control, we HAVE to get a Federal Government whose number one priority is National Security... OR WE WILL PERISH. As a result of allowing this current Liberal/Progressive Democrat machine to remain in power and making the decisions that effect all of our lives and safety.
Our most dangerous enemy we've ever faced as a nation (Chuck Hagel) was "Junior Varsity" (Obama) just EIGHT MONTHS ago in our president's assessment. Eight months later? They've taken total control of parts of three separate countries and formed their own Terrorist State country. That's in EIGHT MONTHS! Imagine where and what they will become over the remaining two plus years of Obama's term left. IF we don't take control of Congress away from Obama in November and continue to live under his proven incompetence in addressing American National Security. His incompetence which has allowed this terrorist group to grow in such power, size, funding, intelligence, sophistication in just eight months.
You really think the answer is Obama's proven National Security strategy of "Response" or do you believe in a proven National Security strategy of "Prevention." If we continue to turn our heads, close our ears and support Obama's National Security strategy of "Response," even "Delayed Response" here in our Homeland? It will have already occurred to us, before he would even consider dealing with it. As six years of watching him operate has proven.
On Tuesday, November 4, 2014? We all will learn, pertaining to the future of our country and our lives in America. Whether Freedom Will Ring OR The Fat Lady Will Sing! Which of those two that will occur? Depends totally and completely upon you and your friends in a voting booth.
YET, the whole reason the United States Federal Government was created in the first place was National Security, a common monetary system and interstate infrastructure to support interstate commerce. Why was the Federal Government created to serve those LIMITED purposes? Because, it was created to serve to benefit and protect ALL Americans EQUALLY! Unification of the needs we ALL share in common, unified purpose. Domestic Social issues, issues that Americans may not share in common, were not even a factor in the creation of the United States Federal Government. We were given the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights to address Domestic Social Issues, in our lives in Civil Courts. And through charities and churches.
NOW, after almost six years of modern day Liberal/Progressive Democrat "leadership" of our Federal Government only seeing, recognizing addressing Domestic Social Issues and completely ignoring and defying National Security?
We find ourselves in a position of having spent more money, created more National Debt than every Federal Government presidential administration prior to Obama.... and these current Liberal Democrats in control of our Federal Government...COMBINED.
We find ourselves facing, the most dangerous and definitive threat both domestically and abroad we have ever faced as a nation. Based on Obama's OWN Secretary of Defense's assessment. Yet, we have the weakest military we've had in seventy years. Not long ago Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey stated, "if ever the force is so degraded and so unready and then we are asked to use it, it would be IMMORAL to use the force unless it is well trained, well led, and well equipped." As our Liberal Democrat National Leadership has continued to slash military budgets and draw down on our military's size of force.
We find ourselves with a Liberal Democrat President and Senate controlling our total Federal Government that not only REFUSES to protect our southern border, but sues states in Federal Court who try to protect our border. To try and force them to STOP protecting our border. A "wide open border" Obama's OWN Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel stated is OUR BIGGEST HOMELAND NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT!
Look at what the modern day Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party has done to the only politician in America who finally said, "Screw the Federal Government. I'm protecting the border in my state. For the sake of safety and National Security for ALL Americans!"... Texas Governor, Rick Perry.
A politician whom the modern day Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party recognizes. IF given the opportunity as President of the United States? WILL put American National Security FIRST!! He has been running a state which has created 40% of all jobs created while Obama has been in office. He runs a state that has no State Income Tax, YET has a Balanced Budget. He has PROVEN TRUE everything the modern Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party argues could never be possible in America. He is the antithesis of everything they believe in. They had to try to destroy him and indicted him on some paper thin charges. Simply to try and undermine his political credibility.
Here's some common sense news flash for you! What difference will Domestic Social Issues make? If you have been infiltrated and invaded by an Islamic Terrorists group, the Islamic State, who is going to brutally slaughter, kill you, for simply existing... blow up your political and military infrastructure and force you to live under Shariah Law IF you are willing to submit and convert to Islam? Where you have very few rights, where women have NO rights. THAT'S a TRUE "War On Women."!
Our Founding Fathers KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING! When they created a Federal government for no other purpose than to provide National Security, a Common Monetary System, and Infrastructure for Interstate Commerce. That's the purpose of the United States Federal Government. THEN, they gave us the United State's Constitution and Bill Of Rights to allow us to deal with our Domestic Social Issues!
It's worked perfectly fine, wrongs along the way were righted through the mechanisms provided AND we were the most powerful nation in the world in National Defense!!
UNTIL, Obama and his modern day Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party took control of our Federal Government!!
You HAVE to vote them out in November. We HAVE to get our domestic social spending under control, we HAVE to get a Federal Government whose number one priority is National Security... OR WE WILL PERISH. As a result of allowing this current Liberal/Progressive Democrat machine to remain in power and making the decisions that effect all of our lives and safety.
Our most dangerous enemy we've ever faced as a nation (Chuck Hagel) was "Junior Varsity" (Obama) just EIGHT MONTHS ago in our president's assessment. Eight months later? They've taken total control of parts of three separate countries and formed their own Terrorist State country. That's in EIGHT MONTHS! Imagine where and what they will become over the remaining two plus years of Obama's term left. IF we don't take control of Congress away from Obama in November and continue to live under his proven incompetence in addressing American National Security. His incompetence which has allowed this terrorist group to grow in such power, size, funding, intelligence, sophistication in just eight months.
You really think the answer is Obama's proven National Security strategy of "Response" or do you believe in a proven National Security strategy of "Prevention." If we continue to turn our heads, close our ears and support Obama's National Security strategy of "Response," even "Delayed Response" here in our Homeland? It will have already occurred to us, before he would even consider dealing with it. As six years of watching him operate has proven.
On Tuesday, November 4, 2014? We all will learn, pertaining to the future of our country and our lives in America. Whether Freedom Will Ring OR The Fat Lady Will Sing! Which of those two that will occur? Depends totally and completely upon you and your friends in a voting booth.
Islamic State,
National Debt,
National Security,
Shariah Law American Border,
Social Issues,
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