Liberals, Democrats, laugh and balk at the idea of the Islamic State's promise to one day raise their flag over America's Capital. YET, if not for the brave every day Americans, NOT the government, on flight 93, over Pennsylvania, who took that jet down? Our Capital would have been reduced to rubble and ash!!!
Liberalism, Democrats, in NOT including sealing our southern border their "strategy" announced by Obama last night to fight and protect us from Radical Islam... which THEIR Secretary of Defense defined as our greatest homeland vulnerability, National Security risk, in being attacked by Radical Islam!!! Seem to be handing Radical Islam the KEY to our Capital!!
It only took NINETEEN Radical Islamic Terrorists to take down our Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, our Pentagon and if not for brave every day Americans... our Capital!!!
NOVEMBER!!! NOVEMBER!!! NOVEMBER!!! We MUST vote out the Democrats from Congress (House & Senate) to be able to create an overwhelming majority of NON-Democrats. To be able to override a Presidential veto of any effort Congress (House & Senate) tries to make in new laws to protect our country against Radical Islam!!!
It only took NINETEEN Radical Islamic Terrorists to take down our Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, our Pentagon and if not for brave every day Americans... our Capital!!!
NOVEMBER!!! NOVEMBER!!! NOVEMBER!!! We MUST vote out the Democrats from Congress (House & Senate) to be able to create an overwhelming majority of NON-Democrats. To be able to override a Presidential veto of any effort Congress (House & Senate) tries to make in new laws to protect our country against Radical Islam!!!
Unfortunately, I have to say what a waste of time watching Obama's speech was last night (September 10 2014). This president terrifies me more every time he makes a speech. Especially, considering he gave THIS speech on the eve of 9/11. A day when America has been attacked and Americans have been murdered by Radical Islam, TWICE. Killing 3,000 Americans in the 2001 Radical Islam attack and 4 Americans in the 2012 Radical Islam attack! The Obama Administration did not INCREASE security on the 9/11 attack killing Americans in Benghazi, but DECREASED security on the anniversary of the most significant attack ever on Innocent Americans by an enemy. I was hoping I would not feel that way. But, until our president can admit to us, what we already know ourselves, that he actually understands our enemy and what makes them so incredibly dangerous? I don't see how this speech could make anyone feel safe.
Is it not glaringly that 70% of Americans polled want to be protected from Islamic Terrorism HERE at HOME, in AMERICA?? That they want to hear about the NEW measures being instituted HERE IN AMERICA to make sure we have done everything POSSIBLE to protect OUR OWN domestic citizens from glaring National Security risks to Islamic Terrorism?? Like the OBVIOUS protecting our southern border with Mexico. Which Obama's OWN Secretary of Defense states is our greatest domestic National Security threat in attacks from the Islamic State, Islamic Terrorists.
When the President defies the OBVIOUS understanding of who our enemy is? Obama, "They are NOT Islamic!" This enemy IS Islamic Obama, they are dangerous religious fanatics who willingly and wantingly will die for their cause! It's their greatest place of honor to die for their cause! They will never surrender! They brutally murder or they die trying to brutally murder, in the name of their God, Allah. Their God who told them that once they converted the whole world to Islam, and murdered those who refused to convert? He would return to them and they would live a 1,000 years of peace. THAT'S NOT A RELIGIOUS WAR??
Obama, just SHOW the American People that you actually KNOW who our enemy IS! What makes them so fanatically dangerous! You don't have to slam Islam! We'd be happy if you just said, "These are religious fanatics who hijacked a religion. They are extremely dangerous, there is no brutality they won't participate in, there goal is to destroy us as a nation and people, they are relentless and will never stop trying. So WE have to stop them."
They are NOT Islamic, Obama? Do you hear Putin saying he's invading Ukraine to form a Caliphate?? Do you hear Putin saying, "I'm waging Jihad on Ukraine?? You don't have to slam Islam Obama. You can just say, "These are religious fanatics who hijacked a religion they are willing to die for."
The Islamic State is only ONE division of the Military of our enemy, which IS Radical Islam! Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeda, etc. are just different divisions of the Military of our ONE single enemy! Radical Islam! The Muslim Brotherhood, Obama's buddies, is the political division of our ONE single enemy! Radical Islam! Are you getting this Obama? Because, I think your nation's citizens are!
Is it not glaringly that 70% of Americans polled want to be protected from Islamic Terrorism HERE at HOME, in AMERICA?? That they want to hear about the NEW measures being instituted HERE IN AMERICA to make sure we have done everything POSSIBLE to protect OUR OWN domestic citizens from glaring National Security risks to Islamic Terrorism?? Like the OBVIOUS protecting our southern border with Mexico. Which Obama's OWN Secretary of Defense states is our greatest domestic National Security threat in attacks from the Islamic State, Islamic Terrorists.
When the President defies the OBVIOUS understanding of who our enemy is? Obama, "They are NOT Islamic!" This enemy IS Islamic Obama, they are dangerous religious fanatics who willingly and wantingly will die for their cause! It's their greatest place of honor to die for their cause! They will never surrender! They brutally murder or they die trying to brutally murder, in the name of their God, Allah. Their God who told them that once they converted the whole world to Islam, and murdered those who refused to convert? He would return to them and they would live a 1,000 years of peace. THAT'S NOT A RELIGIOUS WAR??
Obama, just SHOW the American People that you actually KNOW who our enemy IS! What makes them so fanatically dangerous! You don't have to slam Islam! We'd be happy if you just said, "These are religious fanatics who hijacked a religion. They are extremely dangerous, there is no brutality they won't participate in, there goal is to destroy us as a nation and people, they are relentless and will never stop trying. So WE have to stop them."
They are NOT Islamic, Obama? Do you hear Putin saying he's invading Ukraine to form a Caliphate?? Do you hear Putin saying, "I'm waging Jihad on Ukraine?? You don't have to slam Islam Obama. You can just say, "These are religious fanatics who hijacked a religion they are willing to die for."
The Islamic State is only ONE division of the Military of our enemy, which IS Radical Islam! Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeda, etc. are just different divisions of the Military of our ONE single enemy! Radical Islam! The Muslim Brotherhood, Obama's buddies, is the political division of our ONE single enemy! Radical Islam! Are you getting this Obama? Because, I think your nation's citizens are!
When a president comes out and says the Islamic State which states... along with all the other Military divisions of our enemy, Radical Islam, sworn to destroy Western Civilization... it fights, Jihad, in the name of Allah is not driven by Islam and religion?? Meaning he doesn't even understand our enemy??!! It seems like a futile effort in how the attempt to exterminate them as a threat can ever truly be effectively accomplished.
Obama's FIRST priority in his strategy to protect US, America, from Radical Islam, should be here at home!! STARTING with protecting our border. Keeping us protected by eliminating ALL POSSIBLE National Security threats from Radical Islam here in America... LIKE PROTECTING OUR SOUTHERN BORDER. THEN, you go after them over there! AFTER you know you've done EVERYTHING possible to protect your "family" here in America!!
I ask YOU people! IF you had an enemy of proven strength, power, funding, relentless, determined to kill you and your family to the point of willing to die to accomplish that? Wouldn't the FIRST thing you did be? To secure your home with your family in it and LOCK THE DOOR? Before you grabbed your gun to go out and fight them???!!
I feel less optimistic and less safe about this effort than I did before his speech. He just doesn't "get" the reality it seems 70% of the American people do get.
I knew I shouldn't have watched the speech. I feel more concerned about the threat of Islamic terrorism now than I did before the speech.
To me for the president to deny these religious Islamic terrorists are religiously driven, by Islam, by THEIR own charters, admissions and words and following religious scripture in how they kill and attack people?? Trying to tell THEM they ARE NOT what they KNOW THEY ARE??!! Is only taunting them to prove they are who they say they are. In ways to reconfirm their claims like more beheadings, amputations etc... Shariah law.
People do yourselves a favor, buy a pistol or two and a couple rifles. Because, there's a good chance it may ultimately come down to YOU protecting YOURSELF and your own families from Radical Islam here, home, in America. When out of nowhere it knocks on your door, you'll be ready. We The People are obviously on our own on this one.
I'll give you a hint. When they show up somewhere you are? They won't be wearing military uniforms rolling in on tanks transported to America on military ships after conquering the Middle East and Europe... as Obama's suggested approach to dealing with them seems to reflect his understanding of our enemy. They'll be dressed like every day Americans, just like you and me. Just like the 19 Islamic Terrorist 9/11 attackers who killed 3,000 Americans were and the two Islamic Terrorists who killed three Americans and injured 140 more at the Boston Marathon were. They'll probably still have mud on their shoes from crossing the Rio Grande into America on our "wide open" (Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel) Southern border with Mexico.
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