Wednesday, August 27, 2014


An explanatory comment I posted in a different thread to what my friends see from me on Facebook and why they see it..  Something, people might find value in...

Thank you for noticing the authenticity of my songwriting Harry.  I know others do as well.  But, it's nice to hear not only that someone likes a song or my songwriting style, but WHY they like the songs and my writing.

Nothing I ever write is contrived, it always come straight from within my heart, or soul, or spirit... it's always true blue.  I have written TV/Radio jingles, some heard across the country, that are contrived, but that's the whole nature of a jingle.  You are told the message and feel to convey and you nail it.  Which I am very good at.

But, my true love is just my natural songwriting, not for a reason other than it's an idea, thought or concept that needs to be shared.  Which is why it tells me to write it, coming from the inside out.  If I recognize I feel it or am experiencing it?  Then I know most others in mankind can identify with it, because we all share the same common human experience.  Ultimately, I do not believe a song should be something you hear, but something you feel.  Something that reaches a point in you beyond your eardrum. :)

As far as keeping them coming.  I have to admit it's been terribly difficult to write over the last six years.  Because, I am a positive energy, positive perspective person.  In every one of my songs, with few exceptions the core thought or concept is the positive message of personal redemption or expressed appreciation.  My core is a positive energy, light, free flowing place.  But, I am also deeply effected in my creative energies, by the energies surrounding me of a broader scale.  If there is no prevalent positive energy in the world or society as the prevailing energy.  I have no place of inspiration to draw from.  Because, of the prevailing negative energy hanging over the world, society around me.  Hanging like a dark cloud blocking out the sun's rays of positive energy.

Positive energy is a sense of unbridled freedom, all is okay, and nothing that impugns, negates or impoverishes the level of that sense of unbridled freedom is prevalent or threatening of those things.  People who know me personally, interact with me on a personal, not typeface, level recognize I'm a very positive, true, pure, person.  But, people who read my Facebook in most of my comments see me as an angry person, because they don't know me or understand me.  They don't have any clue what I'm all about, inside. What drives me, what motivates me.

This toxic negative energy that has been purposely created and imposed on us by our liberal democrat leaders, mainly the man at the top?  Has totally suffocated positive energy as the prevailing energy source surrounding us as a society.  It's foreign to anything my inner spirit as ever known or experienced in my life in the levels of positive and negative energy forces and their prevailing nature.  Which completely suffocates my ability to tap into the positive energy of a world around me to find positive inspiration to write songs.

My current "political" writings are ultimately not about politics at all, but struggling for fresh air and sunlight, to once again breathe and be allowed to find positive energy as a prevailing force in our society and over our country.  By defeating those who thrive on driving and maintaining this negative energy, divisive, suffocating dark negative cloud over us as a society, culture, country.  A massive dark, negative energy cloud filled with toxic rain to pour on us at times.  When it best politically suits their benefit.

I think I've written three songs in the last five years.  The year before that, which was actually personally probably the most emotionally challenging or "life difficult" time in my life?  I wrote 27 songs.  It's not the energy levels of the inner core of my life that fuels my creative inspiration.  It's the Bigger Picture or overall positive/negative prevailing energy sources that fuels my ability to find the inspiring nature inside me to write.  "This may be a difficult time in the microcosm of my inner world. But, out there in the big world our everyday society? The prevailing energy is the sense of personal freedom felt as the prevailing energy source.  A safe place you can escape to of overall positive energy.  You may be in a not so good personal life place, but you can step outside that bubble and know you will be able to breath, refuel, with the overall positive energy force outside the microcosm of the more negative energy or experience you may be living in that moment.

All of this, ultimately goes back to what you see in my posts, which most would label as "political."  But, in reality, I'm trying to fight to get positive energy, the sense of overall personal freedom, back as the prevailing energy force over our society.  The pessimism, purposely driven social division amongst our overall society.  Has created a massive prevailing negative energy force over our whole society.  Modern day liberalism is very pessimistic in nature and a total negative energy force.  "Everything about America sucks," "we are living in a country of total social injustice," "You are a bad person because you worked hard and smart and are successful," "You are a good person because you don't give a shit and do nothing to better your own world and live off of the fruits of labors of everyone else.  Them being robbed to support your worthless ass," "We are no longer going to allow you to drink 16 oz sodas,"  "You are a bad person because you put your faith, religious convictions above popular culture," etc., etc.

More and more regulations truly hurting people and robbing them of their own sense of personal freedom.  Things like the E.P.A. shutting down farmer's fields because they have a dry drainage ditch, that when it rains fills up with water, therefore the E.P.A. declares it a public waterway.  Farmers have their hands totally tied on their use of the land, making it difficult for them to make ends meet and keep producing food for us.  The giving illegal, non-citizens rights that Americans don't even have.  Like the Federal government using our tax dollars to pay for defense attorneys in Civil law situations for people who broke out laws.  To try to get out of having broke our laws. Giving non-American, illegal immigrants, entitlements from our hard earned tax dollars, while our veterans and homeless die on the streets for non-medical treatment promised them, of exposure and starvation.

The pitting of all sectors of our society against each other, by our man in the White House.  Using social division as an evil tool to divide us as a society, for political gain.  To force our society to define itself by the differences between us, versus the commonality we all share, unity we all naturally possess as Americans.

So, my writing has shifted not out of choice, but a sense of survival necessity, from songwriting to "political" writing.  To work as hard as I can to reach fellow Americans, the same as my songs, to defeat the core source of the incredibly pessimistic, dishonest, hurtful, spirit squashing negative energy hanging like a dark cloud over our society.  Driven by modern liberal democrat politics.  Optimism is appreciating what you do have, Pessimism is bitching about what you don't have, trying to rile everyone else up with negative energy, trying to force change, that may hurt the rights, freedoms and liberties of many, many others. But, as long as you get what you want?  You don't really give a shit.

So, hopefully.  If myself and other Americans who feel suffocated by the same prevailing negative energy force over our society, country?  Are able to reach enough other Americans feeling just as suffocated by the same.  We can rise like a swelling, massive wave of positive energy to defeat the core sources of this massive negative energy force hanging like a dark, impenetrable, immovable cloud over our country and society.

So our hearts and spirits can once again dance in the warm, positive energy environment as a society, people, culture... of the "sun's" positive energy rays.  Once again basking us as a society in a prevailing positive energy force.  Where despite the difficulty of a personal moment in life.  You can look out the window and see a massive positive energy force and source, to light your way through it all.  A place where there is plenty of fresh clean air and sunlight for all our spirits to breathe and once again live in the positive energy of all the wonderful things we share in common as a society, Americans, and once again feel a sense of unity, as a society.

Ultimately?  All things connect.  I am now looking for positive "hope and change."  I've been doing everything personally, I can to to try and help us all find that.  So we can once again as members of a society appreciate each other and focus on all we have in common.  Through our unity as one big society to naturally create a massive positive energy force.  To once again be the positive energy force over our society, as a whole. :)  Where we all love each other, based on what we have in common.  Instead of hate each other, based on our differences constantly being driven and imposed upon us by our current National political ideology currently in power over our lives.

We've been forced to learn how "divide and conquer," "Divided we fall..." feels as a society and members of a society.  Now we can force POSITIVE "hope and change" and get back to a society where, "... United we win!" :)

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