I said right before the 2008 & 2012 elections. These elections are not about politics at all anymore. People are voting their own personal morals and values, weak character and values against strong character and values. Narcissists, have no moral values, they vote only thinking of themselves what's in it for THEM. True Americans vote for what's best for their country as a whole, even if it might effect them personally negative in some areas.
This election in two months is America's last stand. By, 2016 the destruction under the current self-serving corrupt, morally bankrupt Democratic party, as has been shown all around this country on all government levels, National, State, Municipal, will have done too much destruction to the founding structure of principles, freedoms, liberties and Rights of this nation. To ever be able to rebuild it in it's 250 year of total success form. It's original form as the only country in the world that guarantees all natural born rights of life as a free species, mankind.
If the corrupt democrats keep the Senate? Everybody may as well cash out all of their investments, empty their bank accounts... before the Democrats do it for them. Buy, a nice place out in the country or woods somewhere. Make sure they own several guns to protect themselves from this violent, self-entitled, self-justified modern day American Society. And enjoy what time they have left before it all crumbles before them.
The Islamic Terrorists are already here in this country just waiting for the order. They will focus on high population density areas and political and military infrastructure. Which makes Hampton Roads Virginia a very high target of probability. I counted almost 40 military installations of some nature or another, in a 30 mile radius surrounding Norfolk, VA. Which is the world's largest military installation.
Last Thursday our Secretary Of Defense publicly stated that the Islamic State is the most dangerous enemy we have ever faced. That we need to accept they are a threat overseas and right here in our homeland, because of our "wide open southern border." We know they are already here. I believe the beheading of an American journalist only happened at the time it did, because they already have people in place in America. Should America retaliate. Rome IS going to burn, there's no doubt about it. It's just a matter of whether you choose to live in Rome, cities or way out away from population dense and politically and militarily significant areas of our country.
True Leadership always operates on a strategy of problem prevention pertaining to National Security. Never let it happen in the first place through thorough diligence and taking out at the bud, any possible threat that may possibly effect the American people. You don't sit back and let it grow into something you just may not be able to tackle.
This current Leadership? It operates NOT on a strategy of "Prevention." But, a strategy to "Response." Typically, a way delayed response. The problem with that? You've already lost, before you even addressed the issue. And the American people paid the price with their lives and their safety.
I heard a former marine last night articulately explaining WHY we can't win the war in Afghanistan, where he served. The exact same Obama "Response" strategy, versus "Prevention" strategy, imposed upon our military soldiers fighting in wars in Obama's ALLOWED Rules Of Engagement. Our military soldiers fighting in wars are NOT ALLOWED to shoot at the enemy, UNLESS the enemy shoots at them first. He said, they can shoot at us at any time, BUT, we have to wait to shoot at them, until they shoot at us and hope we don't get hit or killed. THAT'S WHY we've lost more American soldiers in Afghanistan under Obama in 5 1/2 years, than we lost in 8 years under Bush. That's not fighting a war. That's giving the enemy a Turkey Shoot.
When stuff starts blowing up all around America and people are being murdered in pockets all over this country? We will be living in utter social chaos and panic. Before you can respond to one thing, there's another and another. As Chuck Hagel, Obama's Secretary Of Defense said last Thursday. This Islamic State is not a bunch of dirt poor, uneducated Muslims with nothing more to live for than their faith. These are very well educated, sophisticated people from other European countries as well as America. They have enough money to buy any Chemical, Nuclear, Structural, Civil, Aeronautical, etc. Engineer's brain they want. They have enough funding and support that there is nothing they could ever want, that they could never obtain. Three days later? Magically, they were dismissed and simply a small league regional threat in the Middle East... according to the Obama Administration.
Anyone REALLY THINK the Secretary of Defense, his job to protect all Americans, would go out publicly and make such a strong and concerning statement. If he truly had not researched the facts of every single thing he said in that statement? A statement that factually pointed out how Obama has been dangerously and egregiously wrong pertaining to our American homeland National Security and safety. On BOTH his "Junior Varsity" take on the Islamic State terrorists (ISIL) eight months ago when he could have snuffed the threat out, but also pertaining to his REFUSAL to protect our southern border and fighting to keep our southern border wide open, suing to stop the states who tried to step in and protect the border themselves, do Obama's job, to protect ALL American's National Security.
Then magically Obama comes back from vacation and the next thing we are told is, "Actually, they are really no threat at all to America." If you do, maybe the loss of your own head, containing your brain, to these guys, would not be that great of a loss.
In just eight months since Obama was first warned about this Islamic Terrorist group in it's fledgling stage. Which he completely ignored and dismissed calling them a "Junior Varsity" team. They have become the most powerful and most brutal Terrorists group this world has known in power, size, financial support and brutality... even according of Obama's Secretary Of Defense.
In that short time. They've taken parts of three different countries and created their own terrorists state, new country. They are the most threatening and dangerous force of evil this world has ever known in size, power, effectiveness and funding. THEY make Bin Laden and Al Qaeda appear to be "Junior Varsity." Obama is putting us ALL at risk of our own safety, as well as the rest of the world in addressing the need to completely annihilate and destroy this group. ALL out of his narcissistic need to save political face. For once again "having gotten it wrong."
There will be no way to stop it, it's just a matter of time if our leadership or leadership approach does not change rapidly. But, at least YOU personally WILL be ready for it the best you can be, for your own self-defense and defense of your family. Cashed out on personal funds, several guns and a charming place out in the country or woods way away from areas in America of high density population and political and military infrastructure..
Since Obama HAS NO STRATEGY on dealing with Islamic Terrorism? Every American better have their own individual strategy.
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