I truly love intellectual challenge and stimulation that comes with situations that would generally seem not possible to achieve. I think I've been that way my whole life, even as a young child. The second someone tells me, "That's simply not possible." It becomes my new intellectual challenge, that which feeds my constant need for intellectual stimulation. Once I dive into that "finding the right answer, to an impossible situation" process. I can go days without eating or sleeping. The brain is a powerful thing, if you truly know how to use it to your advantage.
All things on this Earth and in life itself. Is based on a deep core logic of correlation relevance relationships, which begin at the core of whatever it is in existence and then spins out to it's ultimate visible "appearance" through chain reaction logic correlation relevant relationships. It doesn't matter what you are dealing with, animate, inanimate, human, non-human it's always the core element of whatever it is that ultimately spins out in chain reactions of logical correlation relevance relationships. Once you develop this type of understanding in intellectual logic, you find that what most people find as an impossible situation? Is not impossible at all.
You just have to know how to break it down to where you see how all dots that create it connect in correlation relevance. To work your way back to the place of correlation relevance relationship that ultimately makes it seem impossible. Once you are able to learn to do this, you can identify the one element of the logical correlation relevance, equation of the situation. You have identified where you make an adjustment in the place within the chain reaction correlation relevance relationship to allow the ultimate outcome to be as is necessary to make it no longer an impossible situation.
I have accomplished things, that even I have found myself later looking at in finished state amazed and thinking, "I can't believe I built or accomplished that. How in the hell did I do that?" On the surface level it even baffles me. BUT, if you learn to use your brain as the gift it is and all the tools buried within it to understand the logic that ultimately defines all things of existence, all behaviors of life and life forms, what makes things tick, not through guessing, but learning the direct correlation relevance of each link of the chain of a chain reaction of logical interaction that ultimately produce what we visibly see, experience in objects and people? It's a pretty easy world to figure out and you will always find the way to end up with the result desired, necessary.... defeat "the impossible." :)
I wish more people, particularly Americans, still had the capacity to use their brains the same way. As I believe was once the intellectual logic based intellectual approach that drove one of the youngest nations in the world. To become the most powerful and advanced society of the world in offering greater sophistication in social, technical, human created effectiveness in creation to make all people's lives a better place on Earth. That which created the recognized unique nature of Americans leading to the coining of the phrase, "American Ingenuity."
I think the last high level person we saw this in and the impact of this same ability to apply deep rooted intellectual concept core element understanding of logical relationship correlation of relevance. Was Steve Jobs. Yet, Steve Jobs was attacked by the social side of American mentality for being so demanding of his employees in their intellectual output, working long hours relentlessly to solve the necessary understanding of logical correlation relationship of relevance. To ultimately understand all the necessary steps and elements. To take an impossible concept to a reality human experience we all could benefit from, enhancing the quality of all people on Earth's available quality of human experience.
Jobs understood the depth of the intellectual process required to reach the core place of origination the single "molecule" at the core of existence necessary to build upon to create the ultimate product to ultimately benefit us all on Earth. That started as nothing but an impossible idea, concept, to fulfill into reality.
These days most human life improvement in quality of experience. Is based on an intellectual approach of building upon a previous existing concept. Recognizing it's existing deficiencies and tweaking them to make it more efficient. "Building a better mouse trap."
BUT, when you develop, practice and apply the intellectual understanding of correlation relevance relationships? You are not one who "builds a better mouse trap." You are the one who creates the whole concept out of thin air, "You build the original mouse trap." You create something that never existed before you chose to develop an non-existing concept, to meet a human experience need to change the world in how they approach that problem, circumstance or situation.
Unfortunately, it just seems that people have become completely intellectually lazy. Or have simply lost the ability to find that God given capacity to use a powerful brain given us upon birth. To understand all things, how they work, why they work, how they improve our lives and the lives of all of mankind on Earth. It's like people in general no longer want to figure things out on their own, but have someone else tell them what to think. Which greatly regresses us as a nation and society.
It is possible that this is the result of a political ideology driven public education system. That no longer teaches children HOW to think. How to harness their own intellectual capacity to recognize their own intellectual tools to find the right answers to all situations, circumstances and problems they may face. BUT, instead teaches our children WHAT to think, totally bypassing their own intellectual capacity in understanding how to harness it and apply it. Basically, conditioning generations of American children to naturally expect to be told WHAT to think. Which is a totally Societal regression in intellectual application created to serve a self-serving political ideology in it's ability to have greater opportunity to obtain and maintain greater and possibly unchangeable power over America and all American lives, laws, policies, regulations. Through purposely socially engineering the "dumbing down" of America in generations of American students, future voters, who came the through public education system that Liberal ideology controls.
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