Friday, November 11, 2011

America On The Verge Of Reclaiming Societal Decency Rather Than Moral Depravity Narcissism, As A Social Standard!

Something I've been feeling rumbling down inside for about a week now, is a sense that the bulk of the American people are going to reject continued moral depravity in our society as "acceptable."  Not from a religious standpoint, but from a simple standpoint of consciable "right and wrong" principles.  I feel people are tired of being forced to a standard that truly is not acceptable in their eyes for our society.  I feel this is being driven, by having lived in a place of feeling so surpressed due to our dismal economic situations and the new government policies they hear about every day that further serve to squash their sense of feeling "hope" and "good" down inside their spirits and souls. 

I think the government's continual, "hammer them down," "divide them," "break their spirit" rhetoric has pushed a major sector of our society to a place of no longer being willing to accept narcissistic moral depravity as an acceptable part of our society.  I mean look at what the American people had to learn this week about how low our government will go to the point of a Christmas Tree Tax.  The sense of Christmas is one place of a feeling of "good" and "joy" left to our people at this point and they tax that too, while we weren't looking.  It's like if you turn your back for a second this current federal government will rob you blind.  "We are stealing your Christmas buy putting our mark of 'government owned' on that too," in principle.

Look at the horrible situation that's been hidden and protected for years at Penn State.  People knew about a coach molesting ten year old boys for years, and did NOTHING.  All to protect their own interest, moral depravity narcissism.  Then the response of the Penn State students when the one's responsible for allowing the continued molestation of more little boys to persist, were fired by the school.  Destroying people's cars, property, etc.  All making a statment, "We don't care about those little boys!  We want our football!"  Total moral depravity narcissism.  Sure screwing up ONE season of football sucks.  But, screwing up a whole lifetime for MANY little boys is way more sacrifice than one football season.  Especially, when those boys being knowingly molested was hidden to protect the football seasons.  How can anybody of moral decency sympathise with those Penn State students rioting out in the streets?  They reflect the worst a society could hope for in a people when you consider the whole big picture of it all.

I'm seeing the same thing, right or wrong, with these sexual harrasment claims against Herman Cain.  More people don't believe them than do.  Why?  Because, they've seen the social moral depravity narcissism used before in this kind of misuse of policy created to protect people used as a weapon of destruction, as opposed to protection.  People are rejecting it.  The tragedy is that something that needs to be taken serious as a societal problem, "sexual harrassment," when it can actually be proven to exist, is designed to help people.  But, when society has shown to use that same tool of protection to conjour up a tool of destruction upon another.  Who under our moral justice system is, "Innocent until PROVEN guilty" which is quite different than "Innocent until ASSUMED guilty."  Then the people who misuse that tool of protection as a tool of destruction totally undermine the credibility and integrity of something created to protect people.

The Occupy Wall Street, etc. protests all over our country attacking the successful that actually create all wealth ANY OF US are allowed to know.  Through their being successful enough to employ every American out there either directly or indirectly.  To attack those who are responsible ultimately for anything of value you own, any dollar you have to feed, clothe, house, educate, have any level of quality-of-life.  To me, reflects a sense of moral depravity narcissism itself.  The top 1% create everything you aquire with a dollar in your pocket.  Through creating the industries, the businesses the innovative products, etc. sold which creates money to hire us.  To which gives us jobs to spend money that serves to hire and finance other businesses, people, totally finances government and government jobs, etc.  "Hey, let's protest to destroy those who are ultimately responsible for every dollar we ever get to spend. Even though without them we'd be naked sleeping in the woods, diging up worms for food!!"

As I stand back as a bystander watching it all.  I see one big ball of moral depravity narcissim anarchy in a big sector of our society.  Where everybody is so "all about me" they've started to develop the taste for flesh and blood and cannibalizing their own society.
I reject this, totally.  This not what I'm willing to accept as what we are asked to accept as "acceptable" in our society.  I don't think I'm alone in that assesment and I do believe that a mentality of "greater good" to serve to elevate our society.  Back to a place in "acceptable" is NOT what is unacceptable.  I believe an evolution revolution is going to start growing within the more good natured element of our society.  "We let you guys do your 'little destroy all values of decency' experiment and now we're hear to tell you, NO MORE! NO MORE!  We won't tolerate, 'anything goes', no matter how morally decrepit it is anymore in our society!  We are going to hold you to a higher standard!  Now, it's our turn to fight for DECENCY as a standard in our society!"

In all of the economic and social misery I do sense we are on the verge of something very positive and inspiring.

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