Wednesday, November 9, 2011


"I Have A Dream"
by David Russell Carter, Sr.

I have a dream, that there will one day be a society where people can have a five minute conversation without the other party constantly checking their cell phone to see what color dress someone else is looking at in a store that they've said the don't like enough to buy anyway.

I have a dream, that one day, people will have the mentality to say, "this is where I want my life to be five years from now and this is how I'm going to get there" instead of "this is not where I want to be right now."

I have a dream, that one day people will be able to come up with an original thought as opposed to just repeating something they heard from some one else and chose to blindly believe, because it required less intellectual effort.

I have a dream, that one day people will one day care about the content of a person rather than rather than the content of their house.

I have a dream, that one day and acorn will not be recognized as "some brown round thing on the ground," but an infinitely perpetuating source of nourishment, shelter, warmth, shade and bounty of gifts for other life forms.

I have a dream of a society where things that matter today and still will matter twenty years from now, take priority over things that won't matter ten minutes from now.

I have a dream, that one day hope wont be, the ability to possess hope.

I have a dream, that one day someone will be able to build a true time machine. So, I can go back to a time and place of where I wouldn't have to dream about the things I dream of mentioned above.

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