Friday, February 3, 2012

The ONLY Way To Beat Obama in 2012! A Word To The Wise of the "We Must Defeat Obama" People!

Anyone who TRULY understands politics (that which motivates versus disenfranchises voter support) will be able to see the terrifying consequences in sweeping decisive Republican defeats throughout the whole political system on every governmental level. IF they nominate Mitt Romney as their Presidential candidate to run against Obama. Here's "why?"

Consider this Obama 30 second media blitz ad featuring Barrack Obama, "What is it that the American people DESPISE the most about Washington politics? You know the answer the same as me, the COMPLETE AND TOTAL HYPOCRISY OF BOTH PARTIES IN WASHINGTON! You know, 'It's okay if you do it, but it's not okay if I do it.'

The Republicans put up Mitt Romney to run against me in this Presidential Election. They attack me for Government mandated Health Care. YET, Mitt Romney invented Government Mandated Health Care as Governor of Massachusetts. The ONLY man in America to impose Government Mandated Health Care on the American people, BEFORE me. You know, 'It's okay if he does it, but it's not okay for me to do it. COMPLETE, TRANSPARENT, BLATANT, UNDENIABLE HYPOCRISY.

The Republicans put up Mitt Romney to run against me in this Presidential Election and attack me for Religious intolerance towards the Catholic Church, because I believe all Americans should be allowed all benefits provided in the Affordable Health Care Act, Obamacare. YET, When Mitt Romney was governor of Massachusetts, he made a decision to end the program of Kosher food for Jewish People in Medicare subsidized nursing homes. You know, 'It's okay if he does it, but it's not okay for me to do it. COMPLETE, TRANSPARENT, BLATANT, UNDENIABLE HYPOCRISY.

The Republicans put up Mitt Romney to run against me in this Presidential Election and attack me for supposedly not being able to create jobs. YET, When Mitt Romney was Governor of Massachusetts his state was ranked NUMBER FORTY-SEVEN, that's three from the bottom of all 50 states, in job creation. You know, 'It's okay if he does it, but it's not okay for me to do it. COMPLETE, TRANSPARENT, BLATANT, UNDENIABLE HYPOCRISY.

I ask you, the American People, do we need MORE HYPOCRISY in our American political systems. OR do we need LESS HYPOCRISY in our American Political system. The Republicans are showing you by having Mitt Romney as their candidate against me. That THEY ARE THE FACE OF AND PARTY OF HYPOCRISY in American politics. You can vote for me and every other Democrat or you can vote for HYPOCRISY, Republican party."

Obama can take that one 30 second ad and run it in the media how ever many times $1 BILLION will buy and totally and completely brand the Republican party as a synonym for HYPOCRISY! Creating sweeping defeats throughout every election in the American political system.

The majority of American voters vote based on 30 second sound bytes. This thirty second "Republican = Complete, Blatant, Total Hypocrisy" sound byte will defeat every ounce of hope Republicans could have in winning ANY political race. That's what I'd do if I were Obama, how about you?

A word to the wise in the "We must defeat Obama" people in America. The most electable challenger is the man who the most people will get behind and show up at the polls to defeat Obama. Which means you have to back whoever the "moral values" voters support. Because, they are the sector of the electorate who will choose to not vote at all rather than to vote against their moral values, their conscience. That's just who they are and they don't care if you think they are stupid or not. Their self-respect, personal integrity and adhering to their personal values of "right and wrong" is more important to them, than living through four more years of Obama. They won't cast a vote simply to beat Obama. So, if you want to defeat Obama you have to put up a candidate THEY will support. They won't vote for Romney. This is exactly why during the whole primary season you have seen this constant shift to differing conservative primary candidates as opposed to getting behind Romney.

The people who's main objective is to defeat Obama will back any candidate to do that. BUT, the moral majority "values voters" will not do that. They won't vote for a candidate that they see themselves selling-out their own values to vote for. As I did to vote for McCain in '08. I myself will never do that again. The last Republican they backed for President was George Bush and that's the last Presidency the Republicans won. They trusted him, his values, his morals his strong sense of conviction. HOWEVER, 2 MILLION of them chose to turn their backs on him in the 2,000 election, because of the George Bush DUI story that broke the night before the election. Even though they knew an Al Gore Presidency would have been a nightmare. They felt Bush had been dishonest with them by not sharing the DUI thing with them, PERSONALLY, before the election. That he had hid that information from them. Had he himself shared the DUI issue at any point prior, it would have been irrelevant. That situation almost cost George Bush the election.

Remember the 2,000 election? It was so close that the Supreme Court had to decide it. Had those 2 MILLION "moral values" voters not decided to stay home on election day he would have had a decisive victory. You cannot defeat Obama unless you put up a candidate THEY will support and go to the polls to vote for. That's NOT Romney. They don't trust Romney, they don't see him as a man of conviction to conservative principles and his record supports their thoughts there. They see him as total hypocrisy when compared to Obama. To them Government Mandated Health Care is "wrong" on any level of government, PERIOD. They know it's wrong and dishonest for a man who's done the same things to attack another man for the same things. Government Mandated Health Care, Religious Insensitivity, Job Creation where Romney's state as Governor was ranked #47 in job creation, three from the bottom. These are three points of MAJOR hypocrisy in a Romney candidacy against Obama. They won't support total hypocrisy, it goes against their moral values, personal principles, "right and wrong." The things that define them, their lives and choices in life. But, more importantly to you "We must defeat Obama" people, how they vote.

They are the overwhelming majority who voted in the Bible Belt primary of South Carolina for Newt Gingrich, slaughtering Mitt Romney. They are the 52% who voted AGAINST Romney in Florida. The appreciate and respect how they saw Newt Gingrich starting the primary pushing hard for a positive primary process. Expressing praise and appreciation for his own opponents in the primary process. They resent Romney for changing that "positive" primary approach by initiating an all out WAR of bloodbath in Iowa with the negative attack ads. They KNOW what happened in 1999 with Newt Gingrich and that he did NOT resign in disgrace over ethics violations. They know the ethics violations were two years earlier and THEY re-elected him afterwards, because they knew the ethics violations were a total political ruse. All of this dishonest behavior on Romney's end furthers their feelings that he cannot be trusted. Because, he's a dishonest man. They are the people who still have Gingrich polling as #1 in the National Polls.

If you put Romney up as your candidate, they will not support him in the voting booth in the massive proportion you need to win. So, if you want to defeat Obama. You MUST put up a candidate that THEY will support then all those who will vote for anybody to defeat Obama has to support their candidate. Because, you can't defeat Obama without them and they are not people who will vote for just anybody, simply to defeat Obama, when you will.

Obama is polling at around 46% approval, versus 47% disapproval. Obama's 46% are the Americans already receiving some form of government entitlement. They are not going to budge away from Obama.  If we lose this election to Obama, he will spend four more years putting more American voters into Government Entitlement programs to guarantee their future votes for his party and his ideology.  As I type this, the Obama Administration is ALREADY fining states for not signing up enough people, a quota, for government entitlement Programs.  To serve the exact purpose I just spoke of.

That means to beat Obama, in addition to making sure the 47% percent who disapprove of Obama go to the voting booth to vote against him, you have to pick up the 4% "undecided" to win. So, you MUST have a candidate that the moral majority, "values voters" WILL support and go to the polls to vote for to defeat Obama. Just because 47% disapprove of Obama, doesn't meant that 47% will vote for whoever Republicans put up against him.

This is your only chance of ever defeating Obama, because you will never be able to talk the "moral values" voters into selling-out their personal values, personal integrity, self-respect and principles of "right and wrong." Simply to defeat Obama.
All of this is why Newt Gingrich is the ONLY hope of a Republican win against Obama.  Santorum is a wonderful man, but his anti-gay views will cost him support, even with "moral values" voters.  Who may not agree with the "gay" lifestyle, but still think it's wrong to condemn them as people.  There is a difference between "the religious right" and the "values voters."  The "religious right" is a sub-sector of the "values voters." Ron Paul is a wonderful man, but his foreign policy beliefs will make him unelectable, because people do recognize the true threat of Iran.

As does Newt Gingrich, I understand the dynamics of the electorate. The people who you need to be able to get behind your candidate to defeat Obama. The reason Newt Gingrich is still leading in the National Polls. The reason Romney can never get a majority of the republican vote in the primary votes. Because, the majority of the people you need to vote for your candidate to defeat Obama DO NOT WANT ROMNEY. That's why the primaries have blatantly shown this fact. The whole concept of the NON-Romney candidate being the choice in the primaries. The 52% who voted against Romney in Florida, the 67% who voted against Romney in Iowa, the 59% who voted against Romney in New Hampshire, the 71% who voted against Romney in South Carolina. Romney simply cannot get a majority of support, because he can't get the "moral values" voters to vote for him. You can't win without them. They won't support him if they see a conflict in their personal values in supporting him. He's got a ton of baggage in that area with that block of voters the republicans need to defeat Obama. They won't hold their noses and vote for Romney on any significant numbers level to give Romney a win.

To them Gingrich has no baggage. The majority of those "moral values' voters personal principles, personal values, self-respect, personal integrity is based in the Christian faith. "Jesus died for our sins." Meaning they understand we WILL sin. They understand the whole premise of the Christian faith is based on accepting personal responsibility for you sins, which you WILL have. Then seeking forgiveness and being granted redemption. Once again cleansed. That's why Gingrich's marital infidelities of 15 years ago don't matter to them. As reflected in the Bible Belt primary of South Carolina. That's why they support him. If you are unwilling to forgive a man who has taken personal responsibility for his "sinful" actions, has asked for forgiveness and been given redemption, recommitted to his faith, reflected in how he's lived his life after that process. Then to them you are not a good person, not a good "Christian" if you continue to condemn him for those past digressions They also resent anyone who attacks a man, on those same issues, who has already gone through the redemption process.

The things the Romney camp attacks Gingrich on like sitting down on a bench with Nancy Pelosi to reflect a need to protect the environment. Is actually a POSITIVE thing in Newt's favor in a General Election. Because, if just might get some Liberals who are dissatisfied with Obama to vote for Gingrich. A guy with a successful track record in Washington, job creation, balanced budgets, putting people on welfare back into jobs and/or school AND believes that we should at least act responsibility with the environment. That's something some disenchanted Liberals CAN support. They definitely will not support a candidate like Romney who attacks their party man on multiple levels for doing the exact same things that Romney did as Governor. Romney will drive them back to Obama in iron-clad support. Even though they are not happy with Obama, just out of the shear hypocrisy of Romneys', "it's okay if I did it, but it's not okay if you did it" hypocrisy leveled at Obama.

To further the idea that Gingrich is the only possible candidate the might be able to pick up Obama disenchanted Liberal voters.  Something that I have direct knowledge of in having had discussions with hard-core Liberal friends.  Is that they don't care about Newt's 15 year-old marital infidelities.  As least they cannot state with any level of believable credibility that they do care.  Because, their two most revered Presidents of our life time, Bill Clinton, John F. Kennedy and most revered Liberal Senator, Ted Kennedy are all proven to have been incredible philanderers and guilty of their own marital infidelities.  Which is the exact argument Gingrich would make to diffuse that issue if brought up by Liberals in a General Election.  I've actually had hard-core Liberals tell me, "David, I would never admit this to any of my Liberal friends.  But, as much as I don't care for Newt on a personal level.  Gingrich is the ONLY candidate I would vote for over Obama.  Because, I do recognize that he is a man that gets things done in Washington.  Something he proved as Speaker of the House."  Even Liberals don't care for the overwhelming Washington hypocrisy in the system, nor the do nothing Congresses there.

Although, the "values" voters, don't like Gingrich's negative campaigning strategy against Romney. They give Gingrich a break on it. Because, they know he tried to get all the Republican candidates to run positive campaigns in this primary process. Which they totally appreciated and respected, saw as "right." They saw ROMNEY start the bloodbath war of negative campaigning in Iowa and ever since. They know that Newt had no choice but to respond, play by Romney's "wrong," rules, choice of negative attack ads.

You can't defeat Obama without these people and you will never, ever talk them into selling-out their personal values simply to defeat Obama. They don't believe in "win at any cost." They believe in adhering to their personal moral values and principles at any cost.

That's the reality of the voter dynamic in this election that you have to work with to defeat Obama. Romney is the ONE candidate who cannot get the biggest block of Republican voters behind him in committed support to defeat Obama.

The people who are approaching the 2012 Election from a mind-set of "I will vote for any candidate the Republicans put up. To defeat Obama." Don't understand the "moral values" majority of the Republican party who are approaching the 2012 Election from a standpoint of, "I will vote for any Republican candidate who supports my values, of whom I don't feel I have to sell-out my personal values, principles, self-respect, personal integrity to vote for, to beat Obama." But, it doesn't matter if you don't understand them. What matters is recognizing that you cannot defeat Obama without them.

If you want to defeat Obama. The people who approach the 2012 Election from "I will vote for any Republican candidate to defeat Obama" need to get behind the Republican candidate who the "I won't sell-out my personal values to defeat Obama" people WILL support and WILL vote for in the 2012 General Election. :)

That's how you defeat Obama in the 2012 Election. :) REALITY CHECK!

To be able to win at politics you have to have the ability to get inside the heads of those who's support you need to win. Be able to get inside their psyche to understand, "that which motivates and disenfranchises voter support." That IS politics. That's what I've just done for you in these posts. It's not me trying to cheer-lead the guy I support. That's me explaining the reality of what it's going to take to defeat Obama.

I've laid it out there with complete and total clarity. Whether or not you want to accept it to defeat Obama, is up to you.

All of this is EXACTLY how Obama won the 2008 Election with absolutely no track record of political accomplishment. It's also how he will defeat Romney. Obama knows the thing people hate most about Washington politics is the complete and total hypocrisy that exists there in BOTH parties. THAT'S EXACTLY WHERE OBAMA'S GOING TO SHOOT HIS ARROW AT ROMNEY AND ROMNEY IS THE ONLY CANDIDATE THAT GIVES OBAMA THAT ABILITY.

So, you don't put the candidate up against Obama who gives Obama the gun to shoot the Republican party with. Not only in the Presidential election but in ALL Republican elections... "Vote Republican = Vote Hypocrisy! So, vote Democrat!" THAT WINS! Because, the American people HATE the hypocrisy of Washington politics and they won't vote for MORE obvious hypocrisy into office.

David Axelrod, Obama's Chief Campaign Strategist, has already revealed this strategy. When he tweeted how the explanation given of Romneycare in the last Republican debate was a concise description of the Affordable Health Care Act, Obamacare. TELLING US, they are going to attack Romney as the candidate of Hypocrisy. You can either play into their Obama winning strategy, or you can remove the candidate that provides that Obama winning strategy opportunity.

It is, what it is.

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