Thursday, September 11, 2014


Liberals, Democrats, laugh and balk at the idea of the Islamic State's promise to one day raise their flag over America's Capital. YET, if not for the brave every day Americans, NOT the government, on flight 93, over Pennsylvania, who took that jet down? Our Capital would have been reduced to rubble and ash!!!
Liberalism, Democrats, in NOT including sealing our southern border their "strategy" announced by Obama last night to fight and protect us from Radical Islam... which THEIR Secretary of Defense defined as our greatest homeland vulnerability, National Security risk, in being attacked by Radical Islam!!! Seem to be handing Radical Islam the KEY to our Capital!!

It only took NINETEEN Radical Islamic Terrorists to take down our Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, our Pentagon and if not for brave every day Americans... our Capital!!!

NOVEMBER!!! NOVEMBER!!! NOVEMBER!!! We MUST vote out the Democrats from Congress (House & Senate) to be able to create an overwhelming majority of NON-Democrats. To be able to override a Presidential veto of any effort Congress (House & Senate) tries to make in new laws to protect our country against Radical Islam!!!

Unfortunately, I have to say what a waste of time watching Obama's speech was last night (September 10 2014). This president terrifies me more every time he makes a speech.  Especially, considering he gave THIS speech on the eve of 9/11.  A day when America has been attacked and Americans have been murdered by Radical Islam, TWICE.  Killing 3,000 Americans in the 2001 Radical Islam attack and 4 Americans in the 2012 Radical Islam attack!  The Obama Administration did not INCREASE security on the 9/11 attack killing Americans in Benghazi, but DECREASED security on the anniversary of the most significant attack ever on Innocent Americans by an enemy. I was hoping I would not feel that way. But, until our president can admit to us, what we already know ourselves,  that he actually understands our enemy and what makes them so incredibly dangerous? I don't see how this speech could make anyone feel safe.

Is it not glaringly that 70% of Americans polled want to be protected from Islamic Terrorism HERE at HOME, in AMERICA??  That they want to hear about the NEW measures being instituted HERE IN AMERICA to make sure we have done everything POSSIBLE to protect OUR OWN domestic citizens from glaring National Security risks to Islamic Terrorism??  Like the OBVIOUS protecting our southern border with Mexico.  Which Obama's OWN Secretary of Defense states is our greatest domestic National Security threat in attacks from the Islamic State, Islamic Terrorists.

When the President defies the OBVIOUS understanding of who our enemy is? Obama, "They are NOT Islamic!" This enemy IS Islamic Obama, they are dangerous religious fanatics who willingly and wantingly will die for their cause! It's their greatest place of honor to die for their cause! They will never surrender! They brutally murder or they die trying to brutally murder, in the name of their God, Allah.  Their God who told them that once they converted the whole world to Islam, and murdered those who refused to convert?  He would return to them and they would live a 1,000 years of peace.  THAT'S NOT A RELIGIOUS WAR??  

Obama, just SHOW the American People that you actually KNOW who our enemy IS!  What makes them so fanatically dangerous!  You don't have to slam Islam!  We'd be happy if you just said, "These are religious fanatics who hijacked a religion.  They are extremely dangerous, there is no brutality they won't participate in, there goal is to destroy us as a nation and people, they are relentless and will never stop trying.  So WE have to stop them."

They are NOT Islamic, Obama?  Do you hear Putin saying he's invading Ukraine to form a Caliphate??  Do you hear Putin saying, "I'm waging Jihad on Ukraine??  You don't have to slam Islam Obama.  You can just say, "These are religious fanatics who hijacked a religion they are willing to die for."

The Islamic State is only ONE division of the Military of our enemy, which IS Radical Islam!  Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Qaeda, etc. are just different divisions of the Military of our ONE single enemy!  Radical Islam!  The Muslim Brotherhood, Obama's buddies, is the political division of our ONE single enemy!  Radical Islam!  Are you getting this Obama?  Because, I think your nation's citizens are!

When a president comes out and says the Islamic State which states... along with all the other Military divisions of our enemy, Radical Islam, sworn to destroy Western Civilization... it fights, Jihad, in the name of Allah is not driven by Islam and religion?? Meaning he doesn't even understand our enemy??!! It seems like a futile effort in how the attempt to exterminate them as a threat can ever truly be effectively accomplished.  

Obama's FIRST priority in his strategy to protect US, America, from Radical Islam, should be here at home!!  STARTING with protecting our border.  Keeping us protected by eliminating ALL POSSIBLE National Security threats from Radical Islam here in America... LIKE PROTECTING OUR SOUTHERN BORDER.  THEN,  you go after them over there!  AFTER you know you've done EVERYTHING possible to protect your "family" here in America!!

I ask YOU people!  IF you had an enemy of proven strength, power, funding, relentless, determined to kill you and your family to the point of willing to die to accomplish that?  Wouldn't the FIRST thing you did be?  To secure your home with your family in it and LOCK THE DOOR?  Before you grabbed your gun to go out and fight them???!!

I feel less optimistic and less safe about this effort than I did before his speech. He just doesn't "get" the reality it seems 70% of the American people do get.

I knew I shouldn't have watched the speech. I feel more concerned about the threat of Islamic terrorism now than I did before the speech.  

To me for the president to deny these religious Islamic terrorists are religiously driven, by Islam, by THEIR own charters, admissions and words and following religious scripture in how they kill and attack people?? Trying to tell THEM they ARE NOT what they KNOW THEY ARE??!!  Is only taunting them to prove they are who they say they are. In ways to reconfirm their claims like more beheadings, amputations etc... Shariah law.

People do yourselves a favor, buy a pistol or two and a couple rifles.  Because, there's a good chance it may ultimately come down to YOU protecting YOURSELF and your own families from Radical Islam here, home, in America.  When out of nowhere it knocks on your door, you'll be ready.  We The People are obviously on our own on this one.

I'll give you a hint.  When they show up somewhere you are?  They won't be wearing military uniforms rolling in on tanks transported to America on military ships after conquering the Middle East and Europe... as Obama's suggested approach to dealing with them seems to reflect his understanding of our enemy.  They'll be dressed like every day Americans, just like you and me.  Just like the 19 Islamic Terrorist 9/11 attackers who killed 3,000 Americans were and the two Islamic Terrorists who killed three Americans and injured 140 more at the Boston Marathon were.  They'll probably still have mud on their shoes from crossing the Rio Grande into America on our "wide open" (Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel) Southern border with Mexico.

Monday, September 8, 2014


I truly love intellectual challenge and stimulation that comes with situations that would generally seem not possible to achieve.  I think I've been that way my whole life, even as a young child.  The second someone tells me, "That's simply not possible." It becomes my new intellectual challenge, that which feeds my constant need for intellectual stimulation.  Once I dive into that "finding the right answer, to an impossible situation" process.  I can go days without eating or sleeping.  The brain is a powerful thing, if you truly know how to use it to your advantage.

All things on this Earth and in life itself.  Is based on a deep core logic of correlation relevance relationships, which begin at the core of whatever it is in existence and then spins out to it's ultimate visible "appearance" through chain reaction logic correlation relevant relationships.  It doesn't matter what you are dealing with, animate, inanimate, human, non-human it's always the core element of whatever it is that ultimately spins out in chain reactions of logical correlation relevance relationships.  Once you develop this type of understanding in intellectual logic, you find that what most people find as an impossible situation?  Is not impossible at all.

You just have to know how to break it down to where you see how all dots that create it connect in correlation relevance.  To work your way back to the place of correlation relevance relationship that ultimately makes it seem impossible.  Once you are able to learn to do this, you can identify the one element of the logical correlation relevance, equation of the situation.  You have identified where you make an adjustment in the place within the chain reaction correlation relevance relationship to allow the ultimate outcome to be as is necessary to make it no longer an impossible situation.

I have accomplished things, that even I have found myself later looking at in finished state amazed and thinking, "I can't believe I built or accomplished that. How in the hell did I do that?"  On the surface level it even baffles me.  BUT, if you learn to use your brain as the gift it is and all the tools buried within it to understand the logic that ultimately defines all things of existence, all behaviors of life and life forms, what makes things tick, not through guessing, but learning the direct correlation relevance of each link of the chain of a chain reaction of logical interaction that ultimately produce what we visibly see, experience in objects and people?  It's a pretty easy world to figure out and you will always find the way to end up with the result desired, necessary.... defeat "the impossible." :)

I wish more people, particularly Americans, still had the capacity to use their brains the same way.  As I believe was once the intellectual logic based intellectual approach that drove one of the youngest nations in the world.  To become the most powerful and advanced society of the world in offering greater sophistication in social, technical, human created effectiveness in creation to make all people's lives a better place on Earth.  That which created the recognized unique nature of Americans leading to the coining of the phrase, "American Ingenuity."

I think the last high level person we saw this in and the impact of this same ability to apply deep rooted intellectual concept core element understanding of logical relationship correlation of relevance.  Was Steve Jobs.  Yet, Steve Jobs was attacked by the social side of American mentality for being so demanding of his employees in their intellectual output, working long hours relentlessly to solve the necessary understanding of logical correlation relationship of relevance.  To ultimately understand all the necessary steps and elements.  To take an impossible concept to a reality human experience we all could benefit from, enhancing the quality of all people on Earth's available quality of human experience.

Jobs understood the depth of the intellectual process required to reach the core place of origination the single "molecule" at the core of existence necessary to build upon to create the ultimate product to ultimately benefit us all on Earth.  That started as nothing but an impossible idea, concept, to fulfill into reality.

These days most human life improvement in quality of experience.  Is based on an intellectual approach of building upon a previous existing concept.  Recognizing it's existing deficiencies and tweaking them to make it more efficient.  "Building a better mouse trap."

BUT, when you develop, practice and apply the intellectual understanding of correlation relevance relationships?  You are not one who "builds a better mouse trap."  You are the one who creates the whole concept out of thin air, "You build the original mouse trap."  You create something that never existed before you chose to develop an non-existing concept, to meet a human experience need to change the world in how they approach that problem, circumstance or situation.

Unfortunately, it just seems that people have become completely intellectually lazy.  Or have simply lost the ability to find that God given capacity to use a powerful brain given us upon birth.  To understand all things, how they work, why they work, how they improve our lives and the lives of all of mankind on Earth. It's like people in general no longer want to figure things out on their own, but have someone else tell them what to think.  Which greatly regresses us as a nation and society.

It is possible that this is the result of a political ideology driven public education system.  That no longer teaches children HOW to think.  How to harness their own intellectual capacity to recognize their own intellectual tools to find the right answers to all situations, circumstances and problems they may face.  BUT, instead teaches our children WHAT to think, totally bypassing their own intellectual capacity in understanding how to harness it and apply it.  Basically, conditioning generations of American children to naturally expect to be told WHAT to think.  Which is a totally Societal regression in intellectual application created to serve a self-serving political ideology in it's ability to have greater opportunity to obtain and maintain greater and possibly unchangeable power over America and all American lives, laws, policies, regulations.  Through purposely socially engineering the "dumbing down" of America in generations of American students, future voters, who came the through public education system that Liberal ideology controls.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


I haven't commented on the Bob and Maureen McDonnell prosecution, or should I say persecution, yet.  Because, frankly I've been overwhelmed and terrified by the full implication of the whole situation.  Pertaining to the Federal government power over all government forms, Federal, State, County, City, Town... in America.

More amazingly?  Exactly what Obama and Holder prosecuted and persecuted McDonnell of in only the "appearance", with not a shred of actual government position influence on government laws, regulations or policies??  Is what goes on DAILY in EVERY government office in Washington, not simply in "appearance," but in completed crime of abuse of government position of power.  What do you think LOBBYIST DO??!!

Every single Senator, Representative, Executive Branch Agency, Holder and Obama themselves.  Go WAY beyond the "APPEARANCE" in a situation where someone is TRYING to get them to use their government position to influence laws, policies and regulations... to serve self interests.  They don't just appear to be using their government position of power to pass laws, policies and regulations that others are giving them gifts, trips, etc. to motivate them to do.  They actually PASS INTO LAW those policies, regulations and laws!!!

How else do people elected into office in Washington get paid an annual salary of $174,000 and come out several years later as multi-millionaires???!!  IF the exact same standard of "appearance" of corruption were applied to every single person in ANY government office on ANY level of government... as was applied to Governor McDonnell by the Obama Administration??  EVERY SINGLE government official on ALL levels would be in prison on a Federal Felony conviction.  Think about that!!  It's REALITY!!

Yet, why is that not what actually has happened across America??  Because, this particular statute which Governor McDonnell was prosecuted under, which only requires the "appearance" of corruption from one side of a two sided equation for corruption to occur?  Is NOT a tool of justice!  But, a tool of "selective" government persecution!!  How could it NOT be?  When every single American in a government position could be convicted of the same Federal Felony?  Simply from someone ELSE trying to forge a relationship of political favor, even if the politician does not oblige that relationship and take any action that reflects political favor to the one seeking it?  When those in Washington who write these laws actually DO... WAY exceeding simple "appearance" of corruption... give political favor in laws, policy, regulations they create, pass, support to people who give them gifts, trips, money??

What I came to realize in this whole Governor McDonnell situation?  Is that the Federal government has complete and total power over all state, county, city, town governments in America.  Anyone who steps out of line on any of those government levels, who does something whoever the current White House Administration in power is and doesn't like?  Can be tried and convicted of a felony and imprisoned, NOT for an actual crime, but simply what could be the "appearance" of a crime as the statute under which Bob McDonnell was prosecuted is written.  The statute itself defies the concept of "reasonable doubt" to define innocence or guilt, which our whole American Justice System is built upon.

Legal Expert on this particular Federal statute:
"The federal law underlying the charges against Bob McDonnell is so broad that if I were a betting person, I'd bet against ANY defendant who's charged with this," Gershowitz said.

The statute itself, IS reasonable doubt, because an actual crime does not have to be committed, to be convicted of a felony by the Federal Government.  The full implication of such a statute is terrifying, particularly in the hands of a White House Administration and Department of Justice, so deeply rooted in proven corruption as those of Obama and Holder.

A lot of people don't realize the Federal Statute that Bob McDonnell and his wife were prosecuted, persecuted by Obama and Holder, under.  Doesn't require that an actual crime occur.  Only that the circumstances are presented as such, that a crime COULD have occurred as a result of the circumstances.  Meaning, you can be convicted of a felony and sent to prison, for a crime that NEVER occurred, but COULD have been the outcome of such circumstances.  Think about that!!

If someone gives you gifts out of hope that they can influence you in your place of power?  That's their deal and probably stupidity.  But, that in itself, does not make you guilty of violating a law, IF you never give them what they are trying to get from you.  In you using your position of power to influence government decisions, policy, regulations, under your authority to give that person anything in return.

It's the equivalent of someone saying to you "I'll give you a ride home if you steal that apple."  You got the ride home anyway, even though you refused to steal the apple.  Under the Federal Statute Bob McDonnell was prosecuted under??  That would be a felony.  The person gave you something of value, a ride home.  Asked you to steal the apple, but you chose not to based on your own values.  However, you can be prosecuted and imprisoned on a Federal Felony charge, just based on the APPEARANCE of the situation that COULD HAVE occurred, yet never occurred.   That's terrifying!! In it's ultimate Castro, Stalinist government control over every element of a country.  It only requires one side of a two sided equation to be in place.  To be prosecuted and imprisoned on a Federal Felony conviction.  Terrifying!!

Think about the total ramifications of such a Federal law, that serves NO AMERICAN LEGAL JUSTICE PURPOSE, which actually and factually completely DEFIES the requirement of REASONABLE DOUBT in the American Justice System to define guilt or innocence of a crime.  A law that totally ERASES REASONABLE DOUBT, for American court proceedings as a requirement to convict innocent people!!

You could be the mayor of a small town, where everybody knows everybody.  You have a friend that wants the city government to buy a piece of his land.  But, outside of your careers, he's just a personal friend.  You and your wife go out to dinner with him and his wife, just like you would if you were not a Mayor of the small town and he offers to pay for dinner, at the end of dinner.  You are friends so you allow him that cordial jest of friendship.  The third factor is that Obama wants to dump 400 Illegal Immigrants in your town and you reject, fight and deny his ability to do that.

Obama and Eric Holder could persecute you for defying their wishes there.  Holder could charge you under the exact same statute, prosecute, persecute, and get you convicted of a Federal Felony.  When you yourself, never did anything wrong other than go to dinner with a friend whom had an interest in the town buying his land.  You never took any action under your government authority to push for the town to buy this person who bought you dinner's land.  You never even mentioned it to anyone within your Mayor and town government political structure.  YET, you can be prosecuted, persecuted, under a Federal Law that convicts you of a Federal Felony and imprisons you???!!!  Because, a friend bought you dinner???

What was McDonnell's sin in the eyes of President Obama and Eric Holder, who are mired in and in control of an utter cesspool of government corruption?  Bob McDonnell completely and totally rejected Obamacare for the State of Virginia.

So, Obama sends his executioner after McDonnell for defying Obama's wishes for the State of Virginia to accept and participate in Obamacare on the State government level.  They cut a deal with McDonnell's friend who "took him out to dinner and paid for the dinner" to where he won't be charged with a Federal Crime.  If he agrees to testify against his friend Bob McDonnell, to say they had a "corrupt" business arrangement.

YET, there is absolutely NO PLACE the Federal Government can point to where McDonnell exerted any governmental influence through his position of power in government.  To give the friend who may have been trying to get him to push laws, policies, regulations whatever to serve his friend's personal interest.  But, simply based on the "appearance" of one side of a two side required participation to constitute corruption.  That the other side never participated in, in actually creating an actual act of corruption, or conspiracy to corruption.

Basically, the way the law McDonnell was prosecuted, persecuted, under.  Only requires that somebody be TRYING to get you to do something corrupt in you personally exercising abuse of authority and power of your government position.  Whether or not you actually participate in that act, hold up your end of the "supposed" bargain, IS IRRELEVANT!!!  Even though you actually committed no crime, by ANYONE'S definition of crime as well as every other definition of crime in our American Justice System.

Yet, you can be convicted of the crime, a Federal Felony and imprisoned, because someone else WANTED you to commit the crime.  Frankly, I find that terrifying in the Federal Government's ability to totally control every aspect of every form of government in our country.  Through the threat of being persecuted, prosecuted, convicted of a felony, because someone else wanted you to commit a crime you refused to commit, participate in.  Should you piss off the current Federal Government White House Administration.

The political persecution of Governor McDonnell for refusing to have Virginia participate in Obamacare is even more OBVIOUS.  When you consider this is the same White House Administration's Department of Justice.  That REFUSED to prosecute a Black Panther for violating Federal Voting laws, in standing in front of a voting station in Philadelphia slapping a baton bat in his hand making threatening statements to voters on their way in to vote.  Scaring many of them away from voting.  Complete, total, utter, OBVIOUS, voter intimidation, a Federal Crime.  That every single one of us can witness ourselves, by simply pulling up a youTube video and watching it.

THERE IS OBVIOUS CORRUPTION in what has occurred in the Governor McDonnell Federal prosecution, PERSECUTION!!  BUT, it's not on Governor McDonnell's side.  It's on the Obama Administration's and Eric Holder's side of the equation.  Which at this point should be of NO SURPRISE to anyone!!  It's truly scary to watch the complete, total, blatant, obvious political persecution of all those who do not agree to do what Obama wants them to do in the political realm of America.

When you have a Federal Law that provides a tool of political persecution to occur??  NOT, for simply committing a crime, but someone ELSE TRYING TO GET YOU TO COMMIT A CRIME??  You are not living in a free will, democratic nation.  You are living in a corrupt communist nation.  When your leader uses such a tool, in a statute that can't possibly pass Constitutional muster, to persecute someone to be found guilty of a Federal Felony and be sent to prison?   You are living in a corrupt communist nation.

This particular Federal Law needs to be eliminated immediately for the sake of us ALL, regardless of your own personal political ideology, because NOW it favors one side... however in the future it could be equally used and abused to persecute the other side, either side, depending on which side is in power!!  A Federal statute that basically states, "Well, this guy asked this other guy to break the law, but the other guy never broke the law, he was just asked to.  BUT, because he was asked to break the law?  He's guilty of that which he actually did not do, but was asked to do!"  Is dangerous to ALL corners of political ideology. Can you think of any greater tool for political execution of political foes??  We've just been allowed to see the abuse and use of this particular Federal government tool of political persecution that wrongly and unjustly destroys lives and political opposition, in action.

Particularly when in the hands of a Democrat Administration that has proven it's own deeply rooted level of government corruption throughout it's complete tenure.

THAT'S scary!!!  Obama, Holder and the modern day Democrat party have proven their thuggish, organized crime mentality exercised again and again, "Don't get mad!! Get even!!"

We've seen it with Obama's I.R.S. persecuting American citizens, political foes, in a way to keep them from being able to fund raise.  To try and defeat the Democrat party. Then claiming the Federal government, which is required BY FEDERAL LAW to keep copies of ALL government employee communications.... as magically LOST all of those documents REQUIRED BY FEDERAL LAW TO BE PROTECTED.

We saw them do it with Dinesh D'Souza of the movie 2016: Obama's America, the  #2 Political Documentary of all time.  Showing us who Obama truly is, and has proven himself to be in the two years since that movie came out.  Obama totally following everything we were told he was, revealing the truth himself.

We see the corrupt Democrat Party doing it now with the most popular presidential opposition against them in the upcoming 2016 Presidential election, Rick Perry.

We've seen the exact same thing in the Bob McDonnell prosecution, persecution of recent.  Bob McDonnell was considered a fast rising star in Democrat opposition politics based on his incredible success in financially managing the state of Virginia.

We've seen it 13 times stated by the United States Supreme Court that Obama operates OUTSIDE OF THE LAW, his legal authority, violates the law, in their decisions.

The Obama Administration has done the same thing in the medical field.  Now doctors who receive anything, even as simple as a brochure, from a pharmaceutical rep.  They must record and report it for the Federal government, or face Federal charges themselves.  A policy to try and end influence on doctors to write certain drug prescriptions.

"The Affordable Care Act authorized Sunshine Act rules to make the public aware of any financial transactions taking place among certain members of the health care industry. The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) is overseeing this "Open Payments" reporting system.

Any gifts, payments or other transfers of value made to physicians (including ODs) and teaching hospitals by the manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and medical supplies now require public reporting."

BUT, what's the reality created by that policy??  Doctors refuse to see pharmaceutical and medical device reps for fear of being prosecuted or persecuted by the Federal government.  They don't even allow them to be put in a position of having somehow, innocently, violated the Obamacare Sunshine Act.

Which means doctors are not being educated, kept up to date on the new advanced medical devices and pharmaceuticals available which could make a life or death difference in their patient's lives.  Doctors don't have time to go out and search and research every knew pharmaceutical advancement and medical device advancement, as they come along.

Which means to us as health patients we are not going to have access nor advantage of new advancements in the medical field that might really make a positive difference in our quality of life.  Because, our doctors will not be aware of them.  Meaning, progress becomes stagnation.  Because, the medical professionals will only be aware of medical advancement progress if they run across it on their own.  As opposed to the traditional historical process of the medical device and pharmaceutical reps educating the medical professionals on the new medical advancements available, as they become available.

It also dovetails into Obamacare.  Where Obamacare ultimately "chooses" what medications and medical devices medical patients will be allowed to have access to.   By the medical professionals having been forced into ignorance of developing new medical technology and medications, under the Obamacare "Sunshine Act." Even if they are not the best or most effective medications for the unique nature's of different patient's illnesses or medical needs.  As I have always stated.  Every single Liberal policy, not matter where it is applied, ALWAYS ultimately serves to undermine it's own intended purpose.  This Sunshine Act under Obamacare is not exception.

If this Obamacare, Sunshine Act law had been passed two hundred years ago??  Our doctors would still be drilling holes through our skulls to relieve headaches.  Because, they would not be allowed to know about new medical advancements which had occurred since their days in medical school decades earlier.  We would be living in a total archaic medical system in general.  With the exception of those doctors whom could actually find the time to do the immense amount of research, requiring an immense amount of their time... necessary to keep up with all constantly new medical advancements occurring on a daily basis.

I doubt, or at least hope, we, America, will NEVER see the likes again of such a thuggish, openly dishonest, blatantly corrupt White House Administration again.  For our own sake!!

If Obama's place in American history is recorded and reflected upon by actual facts on record of all that has occurred under his leadership and of his own actions?  There is no doubt, he will go down as the most corrupt and dishonest President this nation has ever known.
