Something I've been feeling rumbling down inside for about a week now, is a sense that the bulk of the American people are going to reject continued moral depravity in our society as "acceptable." Not from a religious standpoint, but from a simple standpoint of consciable "right and wrong" principles. I feel people are tired of being forced to a standard that truly is not acceptable in their eyes for our society. I feel this is being driven, by having lived in a place of feeling so surpressed due to our dismal economic situations and the new government policies they hear about every day that further serve to squash their sense of feeling "hope" and "good" down inside their spirits and souls.
I think the government's continual, "hammer them down," "divide them," "break their spirit" rhetoric has pushed a major sector of our society to a place of no longer being willing to accept narcissistic moral depravity as an acceptable part of our society. I mean look at what the American people had to learn this week about how low our government will go to the point of a Christmas Tree Tax. The sense of Christmas is one place of a feeling of "good" and "joy" left to our people at this point and they tax that too, while we weren't looking. It's like if you turn your back for a second this current federal government will rob you blind. "We are stealing your Christmas buy putting our mark of 'government owned' on that too," in principle.
Look at the horrible situation that's been hidden and protected for years at Penn State. People knew about a coach molesting ten year old boys for years, and did NOTHING. All to protect their own interest, moral depravity narcissism. Then the response of the Penn State students when the one's responsible for allowing the continued molestation of more little boys to persist, were fired by the school. Destroying people's cars, property, etc. All making a statment, "We don't care about those little boys! We want our football!" Total moral depravity narcissism. Sure screwing up ONE season of football sucks. But, screwing up a whole lifetime for MANY little boys is way more sacrifice than one football season. Especially, when those boys being knowingly molested was hidden to protect the football seasons. How can anybody of moral decency sympathise with those Penn State students rioting out in the streets? They reflect the worst a society could hope for in a people when you consider the whole big picture of it all.
I'm seeing the same thing, right or wrong, with these sexual harrasment claims against Herman Cain. More people don't believe them than do. Why? Because, they've seen the social moral depravity narcissism used before in this kind of misuse of policy created to protect people used as a weapon of destruction, as opposed to protection. People are rejecting it. The tragedy is that something that needs to be taken serious as a societal problem, "sexual harrassment," when it can actually be proven to exist, is designed to help people. But, when society has shown to use that same tool of protection to conjour up a tool of destruction upon another. Who under our moral justice system is, "Innocent until PROVEN guilty" which is quite different than "Innocent until ASSUMED guilty." Then the people who misuse that tool of protection as a tool of destruction totally undermine the credibility and integrity of something created to protect people.
The Occupy Wall Street, etc. protests all over our country attacking the successful that actually create all wealth ANY OF US are allowed to know. Through their being successful enough to employ every American out there either directly or indirectly. To attack those who are responsible ultimately for anything of value you own, any dollar you have to feed, clothe, house, educate, have any level of quality-of-life. To me, reflects a sense of moral depravity narcissism itself. The top 1% create everything you aquire with a dollar in your pocket. Through creating the industries, the businesses the innovative products, etc. sold which creates money to hire us. To which gives us jobs to spend money that serves to hire and finance other businesses, people, totally finances government and government jobs, etc. "Hey, let's protest to destroy those who are ultimately responsible for every dollar we ever get to spend. Even though without them we'd be naked sleeping in the woods, diging up worms for food!!"
As I stand back as a bystander watching it all. I see one big ball of moral depravity narcissim anarchy in a big sector of our society. Where everybody is so "all about me" they've started to develop the taste for flesh and blood and cannibalizing their own society.
I reject this, totally. This not what I'm willing to accept as what we are asked to accept as "acceptable" in our society. I don't think I'm alone in that assesment and I do believe that a mentality of "greater good" to serve to elevate our society. Back to a place in "acceptable" is NOT what is unacceptable. I believe an evolution revolution is going to start growing within the more good natured element of our society. "We let you guys do your 'little destroy all values of decency' experiment and now we're hear to tell you, NO MORE! NO MORE! We won't tolerate, 'anything goes', no matter how morally decrepit it is anymore in our society! We are going to hold you to a higher standard! Now, it's our turn to fight for DECENCY as a standard in our society!"
In all of the economic and social misery I do sense we are on the verge of something very positive and inspiring.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
"I Have A Dream"
by David Russell Carter, Sr.
I have a dream, that there will one day be a society where people can have a five minute conversation without the other party constantly checking their cell phone to see what color dress someone else is looking at in a store that they've said the don't like enough to buy anyway.
I have a dream, that one day, people will have the mentality to say, "this is where I want my life to be five years from now and this is how I'm going to get there" instead of "this is not where I want to be right now."
I have a dream, that one day people will be able to come up with an original thought as opposed to just repeating something they heard from some one else and chose to blindly believe, because it required less intellectual effort.
I have a dream, that one day people will one day care about the content of a person rather than rather than the content of their house.
I have a dream, that one day and acorn will not be recognized as "some brown round thing on the ground," but an infinitely perpetuating source of nourishment, shelter, warmth, shade and bounty of gifts for other life forms.
I have a dream of a society where things that matter today and still will matter twenty years from now, take priority over things that won't matter ten minutes from now.
I have a dream, that one day hope wont be, the ability to possess hope.
I have a dream, that one day someone will be able to build a true time machine. So, I can go back to a time and place of where I wouldn't have to dream about the things I dream of mentioned above.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Newt Gingrich Is The "Steve Jobs Of Innovative Thinking" Applied to Government!!
Pretty amazing. I woke up this morning & my brain was 50 years forward in applying thought to government, systems, processes, etc. All from simply watching the video of the debate between Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain, (to which I provide a link at the bottom of this blog) on American Entitlement Programs and how to better approach them. All from just listening to Newt Gingrich explain what everybody else has been "missing" in government & application of & within government. Gingrich is definitely innovative. He uses Steve Jobs type thought processes.
Think about it. It takes about 6-9 months to get a government passport. Yet, the places you go to use that passport, other countries. You can stick your ATM card in a machine in Italy. It reads your number, sends the information across 6 or 7 country borders, across the Atlantic Ocean to your bank makes the information transaction, sends the approval information back across the Atlantic Ocean, back across about 6 or 7 country borders & spits out the proper amount of money you requested. Done.
The process needed to be used to apply, create & approve a passport is about the same as applying for a credit card in concept. Taking your information, doing a background check, reviewing your credit history & current & historical financial information, etc. Then sending you an approval. It's the same type system that creates your passport. All of you criminal records, addresses, any associations with people that might not allow you to get a passport is already in government database. What takes so long in the process is the human laden multi-levels of bureaucracy. What makes government so ineffective & inefficient is the incredible daunting level of people in the process. That's human factor where the failure, mistakes, lost information, improperly entered information, human bias, etc. that slows down a process & makes it less efficient & effective & creates so much financial waste while producing miniscule effectiveness.
Gingrich totally makes sense, "We have the technology available, why aren't we using it?" The Visa Corporation has .03% fraud in it's systems, because it uses IBM technology that identifies fraud, blocks it & eliminates it. Yet, the government's own system approaches has a 10% fraud factor. $10 out of every $100 in medicare goes to a fraudulent criminal, that's. That's 3 pennies of fraud at Visa, versus $10 of fraud in government. Our current government approach to this 10% of every dollar lost to fraud is, "We we need more money, so we have to raise your taxes." Meaning you as the tax payer have to make personal financial sacrifice in your life because the government charges you for the cost of the fraud to them.
Gingrich's approach is, "We've started using fraud identifying & eliminating technology to manage our Medicare payments increasing our government funds by 10%, formerly lost to fraud. So we are going to give you back money to better your own life." We all benefit, the only person that loses are the thieves in the Medicare system. It reduces the time & costs of current government bureaucratic expense in the Medicare system. Eliminates all the human links in the chain of bureaucracy that bogs down the system, loses information, improperly processes information, etc.
Apply the same logic to an agency like the I. R. S. An incredible government expense. Yet, it's an agency of that processes pure numbers. All things that can be done more time efficiently & cost efficiently & eliminating the cost & citizen hassle huge human mistakes factor. The greatest cost of government bureaucracy is the labor cost factor. Salaries, benefits, retirements, lost time & cost efficiency to illness, slackers, inefficiency & accuracy at their purpose in function in the human chain of government bureaucracy.
It's easy to see how during his tenure as Speaker Of The House, Gingrich put $5 TRILLION back into the government coffers by reducing the government budget by $3 TRILLION of wasteful expenses & leaving behind a $2 TRILLION budget surplus when he left office.
It's all about changing the way government thinks to accomplish the exact same things & meet the exact same needs of the people. As Gingrich states, "The most difficult thing to get people in Washington to do is THINK."
Think about it. It takes about 6-9 months to get a government passport. Yet, the places you go to use that passport, other countries. You can stick your ATM card in a machine in Italy. It reads your number, sends the information across 6 or 7 country borders, across the Atlantic Ocean to your bank makes the information transaction, sends the approval information back across the Atlantic Ocean, back across about 6 or 7 country borders & spits out the proper amount of money you requested. Done.
The process needed to be used to apply, create & approve a passport is about the same as applying for a credit card in concept. Taking your information, doing a background check, reviewing your credit history & current & historical financial information, etc. Then sending you an approval. It's the same type system that creates your passport. All of you criminal records, addresses, any associations with people that might not allow you to get a passport is already in government database. What takes so long in the process is the human laden multi-levels of bureaucracy. What makes government so ineffective & inefficient is the incredible daunting level of people in the process. That's human factor where the failure, mistakes, lost information, improperly entered information, human bias, etc. that slows down a process & makes it less efficient & effective & creates so much financial waste while producing miniscule effectiveness.
Gingrich totally makes sense, "We have the technology available, why aren't we using it?" The Visa Corporation has .03% fraud in it's systems, because it uses IBM technology that identifies fraud, blocks it & eliminates it. Yet, the government's own system approaches has a 10% fraud factor. $10 out of every $100 in medicare goes to a fraudulent criminal, that's. That's 3 pennies of fraud at Visa, versus $10 of fraud in government. Our current government approach to this 10% of every dollar lost to fraud is, "We we need more money, so we have to raise your taxes." Meaning you as the tax payer have to make personal financial sacrifice in your life because the government charges you for the cost of the fraud to them.
Gingrich's approach is, "We've started using fraud identifying & eliminating technology to manage our Medicare payments increasing our government funds by 10%, formerly lost to fraud. So we are going to give you back money to better your own life." We all benefit, the only person that loses are the thieves in the Medicare system. It reduces the time & costs of current government bureaucratic expense in the Medicare system. Eliminates all the human links in the chain of bureaucracy that bogs down the system, loses information, improperly processes information, etc.
Apply the same logic to an agency like the I. R. S. An incredible government expense. Yet, it's an agency of that processes pure numbers. All things that can be done more time efficiently & cost efficiently & eliminating the cost & citizen hassle huge human mistakes factor. The greatest cost of government bureaucracy is the labor cost factor. Salaries, benefits, retirements, lost time & cost efficiency to illness, slackers, inefficiency & accuracy at their purpose in function in the human chain of government bureaucracy.
It's easy to see how during his tenure as Speaker Of The House, Gingrich put $5 TRILLION back into the government coffers by reducing the government budget by $3 TRILLION of wasteful expenses & leaving behind a $2 TRILLION budget surplus when he left office.
It's all about changing the way government thinks to accomplish the exact same things & meet the exact same needs of the people. As Gingrich states, "The most difficult thing to get people in Washington to do is THINK."
Once you get in the Newt Gingrich mindset of "thinking" applied to government. All the problems that we are told are so hard to find solutions for in our government and by our government simply ridiculously easy to find in the solutions to those problems.
I encourage you to doe a little intellectual exercise yourself to see what I'm talking about. I've been doing it all morning and am amazed at how simple it is. The only thing that separates your or me from being able to find the answers to solutions our government can seem to find is "THINKING!"
Let's look at situations like classified information being stolen, in our military technology, national security information, etc., etc. Things we've had government employees with high security clearances printing and selling to foreign nations. Undermining our technological advancement in the world and undermining our national security. There are thousands of government laptop computers possessing these informations that our government doesn't even know where those computers are!!!!
How do you eliminate those America damaging current failing government issues? You simply employ an information system where the information cannot be saved nor printed by an individual government computer. A system where the information can only be accessed, when it is necessary to perform a government task. You have laptops for tablets owned by the government with GPS tracking systems. Under that type of system you know there are no employees printing and selling national and technological government owned information. Because, they can't print it on paper nor save it to their computer or tablet. The only way they could sell that information is to be sitting side by side with some government person from China, etc. wanting to steal our information. The Chinese government and technologies thief having to sit down and manually reproduce the info. BUT, you just have your system set up to where if one of the government owned laptops/tablets accesses the central database servers and it's coming in on a feed from countries (which the system recognizes through the computer/laptops GPS coordinates in location) we know steal our technology the system automatically blocks access to the information.
Even something as unbelievably stupid as the Fast & Furious scandal under Obama's Department of Justice. Where they told gun dealers to sell thousands of guns to people the government knew were Mexican drug cartels who use those guns to kill American border agents and slaughter thousands of American systems.
It's unbelievable they allowed that in the first place. BUT, accepting the stupidity of our government in doing that as a way to track guns to find out where they end up. Through an advanced government approach in thinking, "When we find a bunch of dead bodies with guns laying around them, we can check the serial numbers to see where the guns came from that we allowed to be sold to murderers." That's our current government thinking. HOW ABOUT PUTTING GPS TRACKING DEVICES IN THE STOCKS OF THE GUNS!!! SO YOU CAN ROUND UP THE DRUG CARTELS IN THEIR GPS IDENTIFIED LOCATIONS BEFORE THEY KILL THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE WITH THEM!!
I encourage you to doe a little intellectual exercise yourself to see what I'm talking about. I've been doing it all morning and am amazed at how simple it is. The only thing that separates your or me from being able to find the answers to solutions our government can seem to find is "THINKING!"
Let's look at situations like classified information being stolen, in our military technology, national security information, etc., etc. Things we've had government employees with high security clearances printing and selling to foreign nations. Undermining our technological advancement in the world and undermining our national security. There are thousands of government laptop computers possessing these informations that our government doesn't even know where those computers are!!!!
How do you eliminate those America damaging current failing government issues? You simply employ an information system where the information cannot be saved nor printed by an individual government computer. A system where the information can only be accessed, when it is necessary to perform a government task. You have laptops for tablets owned by the government with GPS tracking systems. Under that type of system you know there are no employees printing and selling national and technological government owned information. Because, they can't print it on paper nor save it to their computer or tablet. The only way they could sell that information is to be sitting side by side with some government person from China, etc. wanting to steal our information. The Chinese government and technologies thief having to sit down and manually reproduce the info. BUT, you just have your system set up to where if one of the government owned laptops/tablets accesses the central database servers and it's coming in on a feed from countries (which the system recognizes through the computer/laptops GPS coordinates in location) we know steal our technology the system automatically blocks access to the information.
Even something as unbelievably stupid as the Fast & Furious scandal under Obama's Department of Justice. Where they told gun dealers to sell thousands of guns to people the government knew were Mexican drug cartels who use those guns to kill American border agents and slaughter thousands of American systems.
It's unbelievable they allowed that in the first place. BUT, accepting the stupidity of our government in doing that as a way to track guns to find out where they end up. Through an advanced government approach in thinking, "When we find a bunch of dead bodies with guns laying around them, we can check the serial numbers to see where the guns came from that we allowed to be sold to murderers." That's our current government thinking. HOW ABOUT PUTTING GPS TRACKING DEVICES IN THE STOCKS OF THE GUNS!!! SO YOU CAN ROUND UP THE DRUG CARTELS IN THEIR GPS IDENTIFIED LOCATIONS BEFORE THEY KILL THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE WITH THEM!!
Newt's the man. He's our desperately needed President at this time in our history. The person we need running this country. In the debate you see that both Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain are both on the same wavelength in what needs to be done to save and redeem America from it's verge of total collapse. But, the difference between Gingrich and Cain is that Gingrich's thought processes are more advanced in the areas they share the same wavelength. Where Herman Cain can tell your philosophically what we need to do and where we need to do it. Newt Gingrich can tell you the same things but take it to the next level. What Herman Cain cannot tell you that Newt Gingrich can is exactly how you do it all the way down to the specific nuts and bolts.
Which is why I've been saying for over a month now. We need to put Gingrich in candidate position of President and Cain in candidate position of Vice President. This gives us the best possible option we could ever hope for in a president in this time in or nation's history. While Cain spends 4 or 8 years mentoring under Gingrich to advance his right direction thinking into his own nuts and bolts specific understanding in the most effective and efficient way to run our country. Gingrich will make so much overwhelming positive reform in government effectiveness an efficiency to positively effect our quality-of-life that even those on the opposite side of ideology will find it hard to not appreciate what America will have become under Gingrich's tenure as President. Which will set things up for Gingrich to easily simply pass the torch to Cain for another four to eight years.
Hell, my son is going to be 20 years old. When he was born we gave him a name. When the government recorded his name in the government system. They made a typo in his name, totally changing his legal name. I spent FIVE years going through all the different agencies trying to get them to correct their typo in his name which is Colby, but the person who entered it into the system used a "D" instead of a "C", Dolby. I started with the Social Security Administration they told me they didn't have the authority to fix THEIR mistake, then they sent me to some other agency which sent me to another agency, which sent me to another agency, which sent me back to the Social Security system. I spent FIVE years going back & forth between all these different "can't make a simple alphabet change" agencies & was never able to accomplish the task of having my son's name corrected to his actual name in the government system.
Now, take a Gingrich approach. I would enter his name in the system, get a chance to confirm information is correct & correct it if I made a mistake. DONE! DONE RIGHT!
Which is why I've been saying for over a month now. We need to put Gingrich in candidate position of President and Cain in candidate position of Vice President. This gives us the best possible option we could ever hope for in a president in this time in or nation's history. While Cain spends 4 or 8 years mentoring under Gingrich to advance his right direction thinking into his own nuts and bolts specific understanding in the most effective and efficient way to run our country. Gingrich will make so much overwhelming positive reform in government effectiveness an efficiency to positively effect our quality-of-life that even those on the opposite side of ideology will find it hard to not appreciate what America will have become under Gingrich's tenure as President. Which will set things up for Gingrich to easily simply pass the torch to Cain for another four to eight years.
Hell, my son is going to be 20 years old. When he was born we gave him a name. When the government recorded his name in the government system. They made a typo in his name, totally changing his legal name. I spent FIVE years going through all the different agencies trying to get them to correct their typo in his name which is Colby, but the person who entered it into the system used a "D" instead of a "C", Dolby. I started with the Social Security Administration they told me they didn't have the authority to fix THEIR mistake, then they sent me to some other agency which sent me to another agency, which sent me to another agency, which sent me back to the Social Security system. I spent FIVE years going back & forth between all these different "can't make a simple alphabet change" agencies & was never able to accomplish the task of having my son's name corrected to his actual name in the government system.
Now, take a Gingrich approach. I would enter his name in the system, get a chance to confirm information is correct & correct it if I made a mistake. DONE! DONE RIGHT!
Newt Gingrich: "I just put on the table trillions of dollars that would be saved by not paying crooks. Why is it so hard to not penalize good people before you stop paying crooks. You can take existing IBM technology and use it to stop paying crooks.
Why is it so hard to say you can turn this around and pass a bill to contract out to American Express, VISA, and IBM to handle Medicare payments and in 60 days you would save a TRILLION DOLLARS."
Why is it so hard to say you can turn this around and pass a bill to contract out to American Express, VISA, and IBM to handle Medicare payments and in 60 days you would save a TRILLION DOLLARS."
Newt Gingrich is probably the smartest most innovative politician we've had in decades. He's laying all of his plans, out there in depth, substance and complete explanation along with his proven track record of having given America a 4.2% unemployment rate, 11 million new jobs, government cost savings of $5 TRILLION leaving office having created a $2.2 TRILLION budget surplus and as the only man in modern times to have balanced America's budget, which he did four years in a row.
He's putting this out there for all Americans to learn, come to understand, like and support. BEFORE, he climbs so far up the polls that the Obama and liberal media attack dogs see him as a threat to Obama and launch their destroy and annihilate strategies against him. By the time Obama and liberal media catch on that's he's the serious challenger opposition to Obama candidate and need to destroy him. his message will already be out there, understood and supported. Creating an, "I don't care about stupid stuff from 15 years ago. He's the man, he's got the ideas, the know how, the track record and ability to give this country and it's people exactly what they need right now. He's our man!"
If Cain goes on a ticket as VP with Gingrich and uses Gingrich as his Washington get things done mentor. Cain will be unstoppable to follow up Gingrich's presidency with his own.
Here’s another personal experience of mine in having to deal with the exact problems Newt Gingrich states undermines our American Federal government’s effectiveness at efficiency and serving the citizen. Followed by a Newt Gingrich style of innovative thinking pertaining to government. That I came to on my own once I got in the Newt Gingrich innovative mode of thinking.
He's putting this out there for all Americans to learn, come to understand, like and support. BEFORE, he climbs so far up the polls that the Obama and liberal media attack dogs see him as a threat to Obama and launch their destroy and annihilate strategies against him. By the time Obama and liberal media catch on that's he's the serious challenger opposition to Obama candidate and need to destroy him. his message will already be out there, understood and supported. Creating an, "I don't care about stupid stuff from 15 years ago. He's the man, he's got the ideas, the know how, the track record and ability to give this country and it's people exactly what they need right now. He's our man!"
If Cain goes on a ticket as VP with Gingrich and uses Gingrich as his Washington get things done mentor. Cain will be unstoppable to follow up Gingrich's presidency with his own.
Here’s another personal experience of mine in having to deal with the exact problems Newt Gingrich states undermines our American Federal government’s effectiveness at efficiency and serving the citizen. Followed by a Newt Gingrich style of innovative thinking pertaining to government. That I came to on my own once I got in the Newt Gingrich innovative mode of thinking.
I sent in the paper copyright form along with a copy of my CD for copyright registration. THIRTEEN YEARS LATER, I got the form back saying I had forgotten to check a box on the form. THIRTEEN YEARS!!
Now apply Gingrich's line of thinking. For a copyright registration. I could go online to the copyright website. Fill out the application information online, upload a digital copy of my CD, just like how you buy them from iTunes but in reverse, uploading instead of downloading. I punch in my credit card number to pay the fee, I click send. DONE. The copyright office instantly gets my Application information, my copy of my CD, my payment for the fee. It's immediately automatically entered into their system, I get an online receipt with a copyright number on it. DONE. 13 minutes instead of 13 years. Save money in wasted paper, save money in necessary physical storage space, save money in postage costs, save money in dozens of hourly labor costs and more effectively gets the job done. Sounds so obvious, I should feel stupid for being excited about it. BUT, you just aren't conditioned to government seeming, simple, fast, effective and inexpensive.
Here’s a substantive, informative exchange between Gingrich and Cain in areas that directly effect our lives and health from their debate I link below:
Now apply Gingrich's line of thinking. For a copyright registration. I could go online to the copyright website. Fill out the application information online, upload a digital copy of my CD, just like how you buy them from iTunes but in reverse, uploading instead of downloading. I punch in my credit card number to pay the fee, I click send. DONE. The copyright office instantly gets my Application information, my copy of my CD, my payment for the fee. It's immediately automatically entered into their system, I get an online receipt with a copyright number on it. DONE. 13 minutes instead of 13 years. Save money in wasted paper, save money in necessary physical storage space, save money in postage costs, save money in dozens of hourly labor costs and more effectively gets the job done. Sounds so obvious, I should feel stupid for being excited about it. BUT, you just aren't conditioned to government seeming, simple, fast, effective and inexpensive.
Here’s a substantive, informative exchange between Gingrich and Cain in areas that directly effect our lives and health from their debate I link below:
Medicare pays between $70-120 billion a year to crooks…like dentists who file 982 procedures a day. The Super Committee is not looking at this, because it requires thinking about Government…and getting people in Washington to THINK is a very big challenge.
I wrote a book in 2002 called Saving Lives and Saving Money, and I outlined what to do. Washington will do three stupid things instead of one smart thing.
I just put on the table trillions of dollars that would be saved by not paying crooks. Why is it so hard to not penalize good people before you stop paying crooks. You can take existing IBM technology and use it to stop paying crooks.
Why is it so hard to say you can turn this around and pass a bill to contract out to American Express, VISA, and IBM to handle Medicare payments and in 60 days you would save a TRILLION DOLLARS.
Anyone who currently prefers to go to a premium support system should do it next year. Tom Price has a great bill that says if you want to contract out for healthcare let’s give you more freedom. Medicare is more restrictive than the British system.
When you get the government in the business of defining what you should have, the government will say you don’t need this or that when you do.
Prostate Example — Medicare says not to test for prostate cancer, when lives can be saved if detected quickly. No one who is a urologist or cancer specialist is making these decisions. It is just bureaucrats. You need to move to a place where people get help buying insurance but the family, the patient, and the doctors make the primary decisions on keeping you healthy. Just imagine if there was government approval on IPhones or computers…bureaucrats would stop innovation and would say that 1960 model is just fine for you.
I am supposed to have a minute to disagree with Gingrich, but I don’t disagree with anything. So I would like to instead to add a historical perspective, since Gingrich and I can change the rules as we go. I remember talking about Medicare when I first went to Godfather’s pizza. Things inside the company were easier to control outside. Medicare started in 1965 and our government told us it would cost $6 billion to rollout, and we were told that by 1990 it would cost $12 billion. But in 1990, it actually cost $109 billion. IT WAS A 900% MISS.
How many businesses can survive missing a target like this. Long term government projections about cost have never been right. NAME ONE.
Here's another place you've probably never even thought of pertaining to government. I haven't and you guys surely know by now I'm a "Thinker." :)
The president of a huge worldwide company like Wallmart. Can sit down at his desk and through the information technology systems Wallmart uses to track it's finances. He can tell you where every single dollar of revenue that comes into Wallmart enters the Wallmart financial system, down to the specific cash register, in the specific Wallmart location in the specific town and country throughout every single cash register Wallmart owns across the whole world. He can track every single dollar that comes in as revenue to the Wallmart corporation by simply sitting at his desk, all the way down to the receipt number, credit card number, check number or cash that created that dollar of revenue. IN REAL TIME, AS IT'S HAPPENING!!!
He can do the exact same thing with every dollar of expenses down to who that dollar was paid out to. Wallmart's number of consumer purchases (revenues coming into the system) and expenses (expenses going out of the system) are thousands of multiples more than those of the United States Federal Government. Which has only 112.5 Million purchasers, taxpayers, sources of system revenue, YEARLY. Wallmart, worldwide, probably surpasses that number in a matter of a few MINUTES. My best guess is that the president of Wallmart can probably access this real time information from one cash register in Indonesia from his iPhone while on a golf course in Palm Springs.
So, why is it the United States government has no clue where it's money goes, is spent, gets lost, gets stolen, gets wasted, gets defrauded???!!!! If the Wallmart corporate president can in real time check where every single dollar goes in and out of the corporation. Can see, "Damn our purchaser in this division just paid $400 for a hammer. Immediately fire that person and defund the purchase." Why can't the United States government do that??!!
Because, the United States government operates on a mentality in it's functional systems at a place in technology before the wheel has even been invented. While Wallmart uses technology the most advanced automobile made.
It takes the government THREE YEARS to process a tax return. Wallmart could do it INSTANTLY through it's technology information systems.
Truth is, every single American should be able to go online and see where every single tax dollar is spent. To what agency it was given to, to what source that agency paid that dollar out to, to what purpose that dollar was spent to serve. With the obvious exception of national security. It allows complete government transparency which we should be allowed. It's our money, not the government's money. It puts the equation right-side up again, in the government works for us, is responsible to us, is accountable to us. Not the equation that has been perverted to the exact opposite of it's created purpose for existence under which we live now. Where we are work for the government, we are responsible to the government, we are accountable to the government.
That's Newt Gingrich thinking applied to government systems. He's truly innovative in his vision of perfection in government functionality, cost and time efficiency and in serving the customer, the citizen.
Medicare pays between $70-120 billion a year to crooks…like dentists who file 982 procedures a day. The Super Committee is not looking at this, because it requires thinking about Government…and getting people in Washington to THINK is a very big challenge.
I wrote a book in 2002 called Saving Lives and Saving Money, and I outlined what to do. Washington will do three stupid things instead of one smart thing.
I just put on the table trillions of dollars that would be saved by not paying crooks. Why is it so hard to not penalize good people before you stop paying crooks. You can take existing IBM technology and use it to stop paying crooks.
Why is it so hard to say you can turn this around and pass a bill to contract out to American Express, VISA, and IBM to handle Medicare payments and in 60 days you would save a TRILLION DOLLARS.
Anyone who currently prefers to go to a premium support system should do it next year. Tom Price has a great bill that says if you want to contract out for healthcare let’s give you more freedom. Medicare is more restrictive than the British system.
When you get the government in the business of defining what you should have, the government will say you don’t need this or that when you do.
Prostate Example — Medicare says not to test for prostate cancer, when lives can be saved if detected quickly. No one who is a urologist or cancer specialist is making these decisions. It is just bureaucrats. You need to move to a place where people get help buying insurance but the family, the patient, and the doctors make the primary decisions on keeping you healthy. Just imagine if there was government approval on IPhones or computers…bureaucrats would stop innovation and would say that 1960 model is just fine for you.
I am supposed to have a minute to disagree with Gingrich, but I don’t disagree with anything. So I would like to instead to add a historical perspective, since Gingrich and I can change the rules as we go. I remember talking about Medicare when I first went to Godfather’s pizza. Things inside the company were easier to control outside. Medicare started in 1965 and our government told us it would cost $6 billion to rollout, and we were told that by 1990 it would cost $12 billion. But in 1990, it actually cost $109 billion. IT WAS A 900% MISS.
How many businesses can survive missing a target like this. Long term government projections about cost have never been right. NAME ONE.
Here's another place you've probably never even thought of pertaining to government. I haven't and you guys surely know by now I'm a "Thinker." :)
The president of a huge worldwide company like Wallmart. Can sit down at his desk and through the information technology systems Wallmart uses to track it's finances. He can tell you where every single dollar of revenue that comes into Wallmart enters the Wallmart financial system, down to the specific cash register, in the specific Wallmart location in the specific town and country throughout every single cash register Wallmart owns across the whole world. He can track every single dollar that comes in as revenue to the Wallmart corporation by simply sitting at his desk, all the way down to the receipt number, credit card number, check number or cash that created that dollar of revenue. IN REAL TIME, AS IT'S HAPPENING!!!
He can do the exact same thing with every dollar of expenses down to who that dollar was paid out to. Wallmart's number of consumer purchases (revenues coming into the system) and expenses (expenses going out of the system) are thousands of multiples more than those of the United States Federal Government. Which has only 112.5 Million purchasers, taxpayers, sources of system revenue, YEARLY. Wallmart, worldwide, probably surpasses that number in a matter of a few MINUTES. My best guess is that the president of Wallmart can probably access this real time information from one cash register in Indonesia from his iPhone while on a golf course in Palm Springs.
So, why is it the United States government has no clue where it's money goes, is spent, gets lost, gets stolen, gets wasted, gets defrauded???!!!! If the Wallmart corporate president can in real time check where every single dollar goes in and out of the corporation. Can see, "Damn our purchaser in this division just paid $400 for a hammer. Immediately fire that person and defund the purchase." Why can't the United States government do that??!!
Because, the United States government operates on a mentality in it's functional systems at a place in technology before the wheel has even been invented. While Wallmart uses technology the most advanced automobile made.
It takes the government THREE YEARS to process a tax return. Wallmart could do it INSTANTLY through it's technology information systems.
Truth is, every single American should be able to go online and see where every single tax dollar is spent. To what agency it was given to, to what source that agency paid that dollar out to, to what purpose that dollar was spent to serve. With the obvious exception of national security. It allows complete government transparency which we should be allowed. It's our money, not the government's money. It puts the equation right-side up again, in the government works for us, is responsible to us, is accountable to us. Not the equation that has been perverted to the exact opposite of it's created purpose for existence under which we live now. Where we are work for the government, we are responsible to the government, we are accountable to the government.
That's Newt Gingrich thinking applied to government systems. He's truly innovative in his vision of perfection in government functionality, cost and time efficiency and in serving the customer, the citizen.
Why have we as a people allowed our government to continually operate in the “dark ages” versus the advanced “technological age” of our current time? Because, those in government have “brainwashed” us to believe that government exists to serve an ideology. But, truth government exists to serve it’s people universally, NOT ideologically. Why has our government chosen to stay in the “dark ages” versus operating in the advanced “technological age” of our time? Because, they get to operate behind closed doors, blinding us to what they are really doing and why they are doing it.
We have many Federal agencies that serve absolutely not true government purpose. Providing benefit to all citizens equally and unilaterally. An example is The Department of Education. What is the TRUE purpose of The Department Of Education? To serve function, effective higher level of quality of education in America, turning out students in mass that rank in education product at the top of the world rankings? NO!! Which is exactly why we are now ranked #19 in education versus other countries in the world. The Department of Education exists for one and one purpose only. To serve political ideology. To indoctrinate American children into a political ideological way of thinking and continuing that ideological indoctrination throughout their whole education. So, much emphasis is put on liberal ideological indoctrination in our American students. That the true purpose and responsibility of education is being neglected and ignored, which reflects in the products our American education produces. Students who cannot compete on an educational level worldwide. That’s how our current “dark ages” approach to government operates. That’s why our current government approaches exist as they do. Purely to serve political ideology, not to best serve it’s citizens, it’s purpose for existence in the first place.
Political ideology should be something that is found, applied and used in thinking from the bottom up. NOT, the top down as it operates under our current government political system.
Truth is there is not one HONEST democrat out there than can condemn Newt Gingrich. Because, every time a democrat holds up Bill Clinton's presidency as an example of good leadership creating 11 million of jobs, getting people off of welfare into jobs, balancing the budget four years in a row, having an unemployment rate of 4.2%, and leaving behind a $2 TRILLION budget surplus. They are actually endorsing Newt Gingrich. Because, Newt Gingrich was the mastermind who created and passed all of the legislation that created Bill Clinton's positive fiscal legacy. All Clinton did was sign the bills and legislation into law that Gingrich created. :)
Which creates quite a "pickle" for the democrats. Because, they have to condemn Clinton to condemn Gingrich. :)
We have many Federal agencies that serve absolutely not true government purpose. Providing benefit to all citizens equally and unilaterally. An example is The Department of Education. What is the TRUE purpose of The Department Of Education? To serve function, effective higher level of quality of education in America, turning out students in mass that rank in education product at the top of the world rankings? NO!! Which is exactly why we are now ranked #19 in education versus other countries in the world. The Department of Education exists for one and one purpose only. To serve political ideology. To indoctrinate American children into a political ideological way of thinking and continuing that ideological indoctrination throughout their whole education. So, much emphasis is put on liberal ideological indoctrination in our American students. That the true purpose and responsibility of education is being neglected and ignored, which reflects in the products our American education produces. Students who cannot compete on an educational level worldwide. That’s how our current “dark ages” approach to government operates. That’s why our current government approaches exist as they do. Purely to serve political ideology, not to best serve it’s citizens, it’s purpose for existence in the first place.
Political ideology should be something that is found, applied and used in thinking from the bottom up. NOT, the top down as it operates under our current government political system.
Truth is there is not one HONEST democrat out there than can condemn Newt Gingrich. Because, every time a democrat holds up Bill Clinton's presidency as an example of good leadership creating 11 million of jobs, getting people off of welfare into jobs, balancing the budget four years in a row, having an unemployment rate of 4.2%, and leaving behind a $2 TRILLION budget surplus. They are actually endorsing Newt Gingrich. Because, Newt Gingrich was the mastermind who created and passed all of the legislation that created Bill Clinton's positive fiscal legacy. All Clinton did was sign the bills and legislation into law that Gingrich created. :)
Which creates quite a "pickle" for the democrats. Because, they have to condemn Clinton to condemn Gingrich. :)
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Newt Gingrich. Our Only True Option Of Saving America and WHY?
Who's the best presidential hopeful to replace Obama and return America to it's greatness? Here's a perspective you need to consider in your ability to answer that question. It’s worth taking a minute to read this. Then click “share.” We elected Obama, purely on "likeable" and "emotion." We totally ignored necessary and applicable experience in electing our current president. We see where that's gotten us. Now it's serious business. We are one president away from complete destruction and insolvency. Here’s some clarity in how to properly answer who’s best for the job.
Here's how I look at it. You've got Wallmart (America), a general retailer of massive available products level, it's in the tank, going down the drain, financially insolvent, four more years of the same leadership and the greatest retailer of all time worldwide will be gone.
You need to hire someone as President of Wallmart to turn it around, make it profitable again, make it function and return it to it's previous effective, productive, well-oiled functional successful machine it once was in it's last great financially successful period, 1990's.
Here's your candidate base for that job. You've got Three former presidents of the 7-11 Corporation (Governor's of States), 7-11 a limited general retailer of limited product offerings; a former President of Godfather's Pizza chain. Then you have the former CEO of Wallmart who was in the number #3 position at Wallmart in the 1990s, a man who was crucial the driving force within Wallmart to the healthy state of Wallmart in the 1990s. A man who was the driving force within Wallmart at the "place" of success and productivity you are trying to save Wallmart from default and return back to in success.
Who am I going to pick? One of the three former 7-11 Corporation presidents? Sure, they have successful leadership as the Presidents of a chain of stores in much different business environments and with a miniscule business model compared to Wallmart. The Godfather Pizza Chain former President? Great guy, I really like him personally, straight up, straight shooter. But, even in his successes with Godfather's Pizza, a limited product retailer. Does his experience really translate to success at running a Wallmart?
OR the former CEO, the guy who was the driving force of the success Wallmart experienced in the state of health that is exactly where we are trying to get Wallmart back to? For me, if I can't afford further risks between how these other candidates from completely different business models, although successful at those levels, will operate in achieving the needs of this necessary new Wallmart leader. Then who would you hire?
Newt. The one who's proven to be able to do the exact job you need done, in the exact environment, business model, system that you need success achieved at saving Wallmart and turning it back into the world leader powerhouse it has historically been.
Hell, Apple fired Steve Jobs because he was a nut, asshole to people and even his own employees. Steve Jobs was brutal on his employees, made them work 12 hours a day until they produced his vision in products. He was NOT LIKEABLE! He refused to accept responsibility for his own child when his girlfriend got pregnant. He was a flat-out asshole as a person. But, being a great guy and likeable was not his job as president of Apple before he was fired.
When Apple started faltering, who did they hire back to run the company, turn it around and make it even more successful? They hired the asshole back and he drove success of the Apple Corporation beyond it's previous state and rocketed it back into one of the greatest corporations of all time. :)
A Gingrich/Cain ticket is the best America could ever hope for at this time in our history. The stars have lined up for us perfectly in this moment in time and need. In offering the exact record of success and experience desperately needed in reducing government spending, balancing our budget, reforming welfare, reforming our tax code, creating millions of new jobs and turning our economy back into a well-burning fire house of economic growth. We've got one chance to fix this. We have to go with with what we know works. Tried proven experience in the same place we need it now!
Please click “share” if you have the ability to see the reality and clarity here within.
David Carter
Here's how I look at it. You've got Wallmart (America), a general retailer of massive available products level, it's in the tank, going down the drain, financially insolvent, four more years of the same leadership and the greatest retailer of all time worldwide will be gone.
You need to hire someone as President of Wallmart to turn it around, make it profitable again, make it function and return it to it's previous effective, productive, well-oiled functional successful machine it once was in it's last great financially successful period, 1990's.
Here's your candidate base for that job. You've got Three former presidents of the 7-11 Corporation (Governor's of States), 7-11 a limited general retailer of limited product offerings; a former President of Godfather's Pizza chain. Then you have the former CEO of Wallmart who was in the number #3 position at Wallmart in the 1990s, a man who was crucial the driving force within Wallmart to the healthy state of Wallmart in the 1990s. A man who was the driving force within Wallmart at the "place" of success and productivity you are trying to save Wallmart from default and return back to in success.
Who am I going to pick? One of the three former 7-11 Corporation presidents? Sure, they have successful leadership as the Presidents of a chain of stores in much different business environments and with a miniscule business model compared to Wallmart. The Godfather Pizza Chain former President? Great guy, I really like him personally, straight up, straight shooter. But, even in his successes with Godfather's Pizza, a limited product retailer. Does his experience really translate to success at running a Wallmart?
OR the former CEO, the guy who was the driving force of the success Wallmart experienced in the state of health that is exactly where we are trying to get Wallmart back to? For me, if I can't afford further risks between how these other candidates from completely different business models, although successful at those levels, will operate in achieving the needs of this necessary new Wallmart leader. Then who would you hire?
Newt. The one who's proven to be able to do the exact job you need done, in the exact environment, business model, system that you need success achieved at saving Wallmart and turning it back into the world leader powerhouse it has historically been.
Hell, Apple fired Steve Jobs because he was a nut, asshole to people and even his own employees. Steve Jobs was brutal on his employees, made them work 12 hours a day until they produced his vision in products. He was NOT LIKEABLE! He refused to accept responsibility for his own child when his girlfriend got pregnant. He was a flat-out asshole as a person. But, being a great guy and likeable was not his job as president of Apple before he was fired.
When Apple started faltering, who did they hire back to run the company, turn it around and make it even more successful? They hired the asshole back and he drove success of the Apple Corporation beyond it's previous state and rocketed it back into one of the greatest corporations of all time. :)
A Gingrich/Cain ticket is the best America could ever hope for at this time in our history. The stars have lined up for us perfectly in this moment in time and need. In offering the exact record of success and experience desperately needed in reducing government spending, balancing our budget, reforming welfare, reforming our tax code, creating millions of new jobs and turning our economy back into a well-burning fire house of economic growth. We've got one chance to fix this. We have to go with with what we know works. Tried proven experience in the same place we need it now!
Please click “share” if you have the ability to see the reality and clarity here within.
David Carter
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