Do Government Politics and Money Preclude Drunk Driving Safety For All In A Society?
Do politics and money preclude drunk driving safety for all in a society? If the government really wanted to save lives, instead of make money on DUIs. It would require a Breathalyzer tube to start a car from the auto manufacturers. Just like they require that cars to possess seat-belts. Something that were not originally part of cars in manufacturing. Just like they require a catalytic converter to protec the environment. Drinking is not what kills people, driving while drinking does. My girlfriend's daughter was texting with a good friend, 19, who was out drinking and trying to get her to come out. About 1:15 a.m. the texts stopped she couldn't figure out "why?"
The "why?' was because the kid was dead, killed in a car his other drunk 19 year-old friend was driving. The driver had already had a DUI. Courts don't protect the guilty or innocent in society from drunk driving related deaths. The courts simply create money for governments and lawyers. If the government wanted to protect the innocent and guilty from being killed and maimed in alcohol related accidents, they would require cars to come with ignitions that will not start if someone has had too much to drink to drive. A gun is required by government to possess a "safety" to protect people, a car should too.
While I was trying to find this news story. I found two people were killed within 15 minutes of each other the exact same way in two different accidents in Virginia Beach. The concept of saving lives in limiting alcohol related accidents, currently, is in dealing with drunk driving after the fact. Which means after someone could have or did kill someone while drinking and driving. It's also a concept that generates a lot of money for governments and lawyers which is the same "system" lining the pockets of their own, cronyism.
If the government truly wanted to protect society from alcohol related accidents they would create a policy with automakers that totally eliminated once and for all the possibility of people dying or being maimed by alcohol related driving accidents.
The Transportation Safety Administration could pass one single policy and end all drunk driving in America. But, that would cost governments too much money in lost fine revenues and would cost personal injury lawyers too much money in lost lawsuit rewards. We have cars now that automatically put on brakes through sensors that recognize something too close, etc. But, the biggest no-brainer that could eliminate totally senseless deaths is never even considered. Why? Money? Politics?
Some may say, "You want government to protect you from yourself?" My answer would be, "If you are too drunk to drive a car and decide to drive due to impaired judgment, are you really 'yourself"?
Even if you outlawed alcohol that would not end it, people will make their own alcohol, just like during prohibition, and people would still die in alcohol related accidents. There is only one way to eliminate alcohol related accidents, make the car incapable of starting it's engine if the driver is too drunk to drive. Such a simple definitive solution and one governments seem to ignore, thus making themselves culpable in the alcohol related deaths themselves. Because, it's government's responsibility to protect society on a mass problematic basis.
To ask someone to have good judgment, who the government's own statistical records show does not exists which is how they define the legal alcohol limit, to show good judgement. Is totally maniacal and very telling in what truly motivates government policy. Money and politics, NOT public safety.
Think of how many American's lives, careers, etc. would not have been destroyed by getting convicted of DUI's and think of how many people would not have been killed and crippled by alcohol driving accidents if the government would accept it's OWN responsibility and pass a law requiring all manufacturers to include ignitions that won't allow a car's engine to start if the driver has consumed too much alcohol to safely drive a car.
What's the only positive aspect of the government not taking the only obvious policy approach to this issue? More money for government and politics of the legal industry. While serving nothing but total destruction in the everyday American's lives.,0,1623471.story
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