Our Modern Day American Revolution And The Wiser Man's Approach
There is no doubt, that America is experiencing a very powerful revolutionary groundswell amongst it's citizens. Between those who respect and appreciate "America" for what it is based on it's Constitutional definition... and those who have no appreciation nor respect there, but only their desire and want for what "America" can be redefined to be. By those who resent the equal distribution of all Constitutional Rights, Freedoms and Liberties granted all Americans by birth... through the American Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Never forget, that this nation first began in existence... through it's citizen's "Declaration Of INDEPENDENCE." A concept totally contrary to the desires and wishes of what a certain sector of today's American society, led by our President. Which is working so hard to force upon the American citizens... a "Declaration of DEPENDENCE" as a citizenry and nation.
Both sides of the equation are too far-sided entrenched, purposely by our anti-American government (by Constitutional definition) president and his anti-American henchmen driving the division. However, how do we approach an inevitable forthcoming American revolution?
Do we use guns, weaponry to defend our nation against those who show no appreciation, consideration, nor respect for "America," as defined by our founding documents? Do they not have bigger, more advance weaponry, which WE bought for them... to protect us with... to turn against us? Is violence, death, maiming the true wise approach to chasing out the enemy that has come into our country, invaded our borders, infiltrated our citizenry and have begun to impose their anti-American (by Constitutional definition) tenets upon our societal thinking and control over our sense of free speech, thought... as well as policy, legislation, government abuse of power served upon our true "American citizens."
Personally, I do not believe a bloody battle is the answer. I truly believe that "Americans" need to force an Intellectual Revolution. That in itself, would take "America" back from our aggressive "enemy within" and allow us to place "America" back in her original structural architecture by original design.
I truly don't think what has aided and abetted our enemy within, led by our President. Is anything more than pure intellectual laziness and ignorance amongst the American people. When true intelligence, intellectual honesty effort is applied to the words of our founding fathers in their definition of "America." There would be very few citizens who would not see the truth and reality of what has been going on over the last five years in this country. How we have been led down the road in thinking that "America" is putting one group of people, above another group of people, government forced INEQUALITY amongst We The People in our inherent rights, freedoms and liberties amongst ALL citizens.
It's clear to see, that what the Liberal and Progressive agenda has been imposing upon the American people in social "mind control," Political Correctness and actual government political actions, where no national, Constitutional, authority lies for a President to dictate which American laws he will or will not respect, honor, enforce... nor in his ability to unilaterally change them on his own whim. Which is a complete dismissal of the limit of powers granted to him, by the Constitution he swore to uphold, defend, protect.
Start educating America people. Speak up, remind all Americans, what "America" is by it's own founding definition. Quit sitting in silence, watching it all go down, as you remain in silence, as your country and the freedoms, liberties, rights that come with your citizenship, to use as tools in your pursuit of happiness, are slowing stripped from you... by a "foreign" enemy within. This approach certainly serves every person in this country better than the violent alternative.
This is STILL a nation where the people have all power over the government. IF they are educated enough to understand what the "American" government is, what it's powers and limit of powers are, by definition of it's creating, defining documents.
The whole concept of America from it's origination is completely directed at "Individual" rights, freedoms, liberties.... which the government was created to protect and defend... this is clearly stated in our founding documents. It IS NOT founded on the concept of "Group" nor "Government" rights, freedoms and liberties... where the government is granted the power to decide which groups of people it will allow Constitutional Liberties, Freedoms and Rights.. while make laws that trample all over those things in other groups of citizen's lives.
"America" by it's own created definition IS NOT "communal" given rights, liberties, freedoms to be used in the pursuit of a commune of people's pursuit of happiness. Commune... the basis of Communism... equally government enforced limitations of individual rights, freedoms, liberties. Leaving no opportunity for individuals in their individual pursuits of happiness. It IS NOT a mentality of granting one sector of society more, at the expense of the rest of society.
"America" by it's own created definition IS the individual's granted rights, liberties and freedoms equally defended and protected by the government. Whom has been given no legal authority to constrain nor impugn those rights, liberties and freedoms to allow each and every individual American to use those tools to serve in their own pursuit of happiness. However, they may define "happiness."
"America" by definition of creation is based on EQUALITY of ALL citizens in their being equally allowed, without infringement from, but protection and the defending of those things by the Constitutionally defined powers and limitations of powers of, the Federal government.
Go out and start an "Intellectual Revolution." Elevating the Intellectual nature of our society as a whole. WILL defeat our enemies within. Because, once true intellect is applied in the understanding of exactly what "American" by definition means. Then the enemy within and all of it's political and social power over our lives dissolves. What's driving this current American revolution is not about what we as members of a society do possess in personal knowledge, but what we as members of a society don't possess in personal knowledge.
David Carter