James Taylor at age 22. From back in a time where parenting was about allowing your child to explore balance in many, many interests & not channeled so extreme into one specific area like travel sports, etc. consuming their child's whole childhood. Yes, your child might be really good at one thing in the end, but I'm glad that really good at a lot of things, because my parents gave me & my spirit room to breathe. :)
You don't develop this kind of personal depth in who you are without having invested a lot of time looking within your thoughts, your values, your soul totally connecting with who you are within in your childhood years. Something it seems today's society parents just don't seem to allow.
To accomplish the level of depth that nurtured an incredible inner talent and personal depth like you see in the 22 year-old man above you have to be allowed time and space by your parent's and life to develop such richness in depth in things. Time to breathe, time to walk out your front door and down the road to simply explore who you are in thought.
A parent truly cannot "define" a child to the child's future place of being in total sync with who they are and all that encompasses themselves as a person by natural birth in uniqueness and offerings.
A parent can only allow this child to "nurture" their own selves into adulthood. Through parents giving the child time and space, un-distracted to explore who they themselves are inside and in places of depth, the parents overlooking with a watchful eye, but not from a place of "control freak" constant direction. "Worldly" and "Wisdom" comes through self-exploration which comes with being allowed time and space to do such inner-personal exploration.
THAT'S why you see a 22 year-old above of incredible personal depth, talent, "understanding" and wisdom to what is truly meaningful in life, possessing value, expressed in popular music of the time.
What do you see today expressed in personal depth, talent, "understanding" and wisdom to what is truly meaningful in life, possessing value, expressed in popular music of today's time? "I like big butts...," "It's getting hot in here so take your clothes off..."
It's amazing how much we have belittled ourselves as a supposed progressing society. Truth is we've gone backwards in societal development to a place of what we used to call "elementary" the place we start from. Now that elementary place is developed as the pinnacle of social development. :)
Where we once started as 5 year-old children having not developed physically enough to master greater skilled and physical coordination required activities is where we now operate as adults in popular society.
Cracks me up. What social-physical games did we play when we were five years old, our "elementary" starting point in social-physical development due to our physical limitations as 5 year-old children who had not developed physically enough by nature's laws of natural physical human development in physical strength, physical coordination, mental and intellectual skills to meet greater challenge? Bean-bag toss (corn-hole), Kick-ball, Dodge-ball, etc. lol. The up and coming sports of adult society today. We have so lowered our personal standards and expectations.
Me? I like horseshoes, baseball, etc. Thing that requires a little greater personal, intellectual, physical strength and skill than that of where we human's naturally exist as 5 year-old developing children.
We have regressed incredibly as a society, people, nation since the days of all the video above encompasses in statement of where we were in social development and societal "maturity." We seek nothing greater in "challenge" and personal growth in our place in life as adults than we were physically and mentally capable of as five year children who were being challenged physically and mentally to the ultimate level of their physical and mental capacity and capability at that particular stage of their physical and mental development in life, age appropriate. :)
Dr. Zachary Taylor didn't coddle his child into a place remaining totally psychologically, self-image and financially dependent upon his parents way into adulthood, holding them back. Just like a mother bird will eventually push their baby bird out of the nest to force them to have to learn to fly, for their own good. James Taylor's father handed his son a ticket to England and stuck him on the plane to England at age 18. So, he could learn to find his own way in life, explore his own strengths, pushed him forward, to become his own man.
Two years later his son had been signed by The Beatles to their record label, first artist signed to Apple Records and had the number one song in the world on the radio. :) Did James Taylor make it happen? Eventually, yes. But the true answer is "no," his father did by being a good parent and "forcing him out of the nest to learn to fly on his own" giving him a ticket to England and putting him on a plane at 18 years-old. A place far enough away where JT had no choice but to stand on his own, because his parents couldn't rush back in and rescue him again and again, by the pure natural geographical distance between them. Once JT landed in England, the rest of the story was driven by an 18 year-old boy-to-man finding his own way through the world to great places all based on his own unique and personal attributes as a human-being.
Would have never happened if James Taylor were 22 years-old in today's society. For he would have been raised in a place of self-defeating parental coddling from child to man. Where he could exist and participate, as an adult, in the same place of challenge in physical and mental maturation he existed in as a 5 year old child.
Parenting is not about coddling, weakening, undermining natural child development all the way around, undermining the whole concept of personal independence, personal responsibility, personal accountability, becoming a complete strong, mature adult. Parenting is about pushing your child forward in all areas they may be afraid to explore to make them stronger, more worldly, more wise, more understanding to what they truly do possess in strength, offerings and depth all the way around, complete personal independence and strength.